Grade the 'Mom' series finale


  • Angela - 1 year ago

    They should have done a proper christmas departure and WHERE are the kids?

  • Donna - 2 years ago

    I'm late on this post. I've binged watched Mom probably 10 times over the past two years. I rarely watch prime time TV and I'm sorry I missed it when it was on during it's 8 seasons. As a person in recovery, this show is so comforting and real. I love how they show recovery can be fun. I love the tough, hurtful and painful topic that happen in life, death, relapse, etc. The episode where Jodi dies broke my heart as I know people in the rooms who have died from this disease. Bonnie's second relapse brought me to tears as I could relate. Thank you Chuck Lorre for this wonderful show. I feel like I have a meeting every time I watch it. Well done!!

  • Javkie - 3 years ago

    I am currently watching reruns of the show. I was very disappointed to see the show end. I feel this show could continue with new characters being introduced and following up on the storylines surrounding Bonnie, Adam, Jill, Andy, Wendy, Marjorie and Tammy. Please consider bringing this show back. It was unfinished. It was real

  • Adriana - 3 years ago

    I have never commented on a sitcom before but as I read the reviews I realized I just had to. This show touched my every emotion. As a comedy the chemistry and timing of this group was incredible, but as stories go they always had a message. I loved the issues they tackled but their resolve even more. There is definitely going to be something missing in the weeks to come now that this show has been cancelled. What a loss...

  • Anita - 3 years ago

    I am so upset this great show is cancelled. Are they crazy. So funny, characters were amazing and they are incredible actors...Can another network pick it up.!!!!!

    I never realized this was their last show.. I was so upset at Adam's situation-I think all fans want to see this journey continue and hope for the best for his character. We have all grow to love these characters and want the best for them.
    Anna leaving was sad as she is funny but the show continued and in my opinion was even better.

    Bring it back

    A fan

  • Joachim Seelos - 3 years ago

    MOM has taught me deep and eternal lessons on the addictions of my father and to let go of his pain becoming my own. These characters will forever be my closest and saving friends when I need to just relate. To the makers of this television show, thank you.

  • Daniel Brett Berninger - 3 years ago

    What the series was, I gave the finale an excellent rating because everything that needed to be tied off was tied off and yet in the spirit I thought the show was about was Wendy's last line deceiving the journey continues put it on going. The introduction of two new characters with a little offbeat for a final episode, but the purpose is clearly understood by anybody who follows what the show is actually about. And in a sense, even without Anna's character present, Atlanta to the idea but the theme of the series had gone full circle

  • Denise - 4 years ago

    I wish it didnt end in season 8. It was a great show & I watch the reruns late at night after FRIENDS. It still makes me laugh, especially how weird Christy was. She did do some weird things.Aka Crusty who actually drew a box when she had to think outside the box lol.

  • Denise - 4 years ago

    I wish it didnt end in season 8. It was a great show & I watch the reruns late at night after FRIENDS. It still makes me laugh, especially how weird Christy was. She did do some weird things.Aka Crusty who actually drew a box when she had to think outside the box lol.

  • Sal - 4 years ago

    Really wish it wasn't ending, liked the Christy character but think the show was just as good after she "went off to school". Would definitely vote to bring it back!

  • Patricia Whitsel - 4 years ago

    I really hate to see this end. I feel the characters were all strong enough to carry on their own without Christy..Especially since the show is "Mom" .Really going to miss this.

  • Michelle kaberline - 4 years ago

    I found the entire season 8 to have been a perfect example of garbage writing. Sending Christy to Georgetown was bizarre. Suddenly the most obnoxious character, Bonnie, became changed despite the fact she was so narcissistic I could barely stand her. I got real tired of Wendy always being being the whipping post. Jill, freaking hilarious but the whole ending with a magical solution was just dumb. Anybody in recovery knows that the final season was just dumb!! The whole “hope and happiness” spin was lazy. The only interesting thing in the finale was the introduction of the mother and daughter. Bonnie’s gratitude speech made me want to puke.

  • Jim Monaghan - 4 years ago

    Since I tape all their shows and way later and since I don't follow media much these days I was shocked that I was watching the Series Finale just now. I really enjoyed the run and loved all the episodes. The Finale brought me to tears!! It was a great way to end it. Thanks for the memories!!

  • Katie A - 4 years ago

    I just wanted to say that this is definitely a show that will be terribly missed by this household. It was always a Thursday night staple here. The actresses were fantastic with their roles. I felt like I could relate to just about everyone at one time or another. It was the most realistic TV show that I've watched in ages. I like so many others hope that it is picked up by another station and continues on with their storyline. It was a show it was a show that so many people can relate to. I loved that it showed how great the AA program can be.

  • Katie A - 4 years ago

    I just wanted to say that this is definitely a show that will be terribly missed by this household. It was always a Thursday night staple here. The actresses were fantastic with their roles. I felt like I could relate to just about everyone at one time or another. It was the most realistic TV show that I've watched in ages. I like so many others hope that it is picked up by another station and continues on with their storyline. It was a show it was a show that so many people can relate to. I loved that it showed how great the AA program can be.

  • Lena Liles - 4 years ago

    Mom series isn’t just a sitcom. It’s become my family. This is the first show ever seemed so alive and as if they were like your neighbor. To say I will miss Mom is an understatement. BUT now I will say I will NEVER watch any movie or sitcom that Anna Faris is in. Her leaving the show so abruptly and leaving everyone hanging and now the show is gone was the most selfish thing a person could do to all the others. Also, Kristen Johnson has just started in the show and I wanted to see happy things happen to her but due to Anna’s selfishness that is over not to mention all the other stories that could have been. Another thing I didn’t understand is why they wrote Baxter out of the show. He was hilarious and his marriage with Candace could have been so funny with so many possibilities. Just know that all the girls are loved and missed forever!!!

  • Claran - 4 years ago

    "MOM" was certainly the very best sitcom ever! The chemistry between the cast/personalities they played, was nothing short of brilliant! In most episodes I would literally LOL, many times, throughout the episodes. No other TV sitcom has even come close to the writing and chemistry that was portrayed on this show, by each character,

    I didn't like Anna Faris leaving, just like we don't like people leaving in "real life", there lies the magic of this all was relatable to life's imperfections, and its ups & downs, and brought out the humor in reality...and the unconditional love that was portrayed, between family and/or friends. HUMOR is one of the best salves/balm/antidotes, to life's drama.

    I never missed an episode...and thru the pandemic, have watched the reruns over and over, just to laugh! You had an outstanding sitcom, with brilliant writing/storylines, actors, and characters! Please consider bringing the show back.

  • Steven Finch - 4 years ago

    Thursday nights will not be the same. Dumbest mistake CBS could make by canceling the show. These actresses were wonderful and they gave hope to people who have problems. I wish Netflix would pick up the series and keep it going too many left unanswered questions

  • Tim - 4 years ago

    I'm really hoping that isn't the end but an intermission. So many open ended questions remain. Only ending that truly sucked was Sopranos. To this day it was and ending that left the door open for more till James Gandolfini passed. I said my peace

  • Gloria - 4 years ago

    I loved this show!! Always recorded so I wouldnt miss it. Loved all the actors. Some episodes made me cry from sadness and some made me cry from laughter..I have a daughter and granddaughter that I somewhat related to this show, making it a little personal to me. I loved all the episodes from beginning to the final. I think it was a great ending with the amount of time they had to tie it up. As in real life, we dont have enough time to tie up loose ends...

  • Lisa - 4 years ago

    This was my favorite show of all times. I thought it was just as funny without Anna Faris. I also thought the ending was perfect. With the new characters, you are reminded of Bonnie and Christy's beginning. With Adam's diagnosis, you see how far Bonnie has come by not turning to alcohol and drugs to cope so you know they are going to be alright. I just think everything was tied together nicely. I'm just sorry to see it go. It could easily have stood alone without Christy.

  • Tonia Rodgers - 4 years ago

    I loved the t.v. show "Mom" it was funny and it It had great story line...I was so disappointed after season 7 Why Christy left no send off at the 1st episode of Season 8 just gone it was incredibly wrong and selfish of Christy not to given them a better notice she was leaving this 7 year show.. I do Believe Christy and Bonnie were the main characters of the show and not given enough time to even recast Christy to keep it going. I loved all the actors they brought meaning to keeping Sobriety in their lives..They could have did more storylines to.. so disappointing they way the ended it... I hope some other network sees all these comments and know it we Love the t.v. show Mom and bring it back real was good to see Allison Janey to mature more and have love and compassion for others not just thinking about herself she develop more depth in her character to. I wished Anna Faris could have least stayed on through Season 8 Finale then went else where..but no CBS had to cancel it a good comedy show that everybody loved and will miss to...but unfortunately what happens when a main character leaves.. Good Luck to all you guys we will all miss you...God Bless...

  • Maria - 4 years ago

    Loved watching Mom show. Am going to miss it a lot. Hope they will bring it back with the same characters. There perfect. Am really sad to see it ending. My favorite show ever.

  • Nikki J Critser - 4 years ago

    I absolutely loved this show! But the ending was a sad send off. I would have loved to see it stay on much longer though. The storyline were always good and funny or sad or honest.
    And it deserves another year or at least an hour ending. I would have loved to see Andy and Jill's baby. Brought back the rest of the cast as they could.
    I just expected more

  • Marion steeves - 4 years ago

    I loved the ending .....I can sure relate with this show i myself have been in recovery since having cervical cancer in 2013 i was at stage 4 and took aggressive treatment for 9 months hints recovery ...The medication was strong and there was several kinds i never thought i would be going to meetings saying "Hi my name is Marion and i am a addict"....I stumbled many times many many times but with the help of my children ( and yes Christy i have a Bonnie in real life for a mother) i got threw it .I met a wonderful man we just celebrated 11 years ...I taped most of the Mom shows and watch them all the time ...Thank u Thank u Thank u for being on CBS every week and sharing your stories it really helped me alot ...i am currently 4 years clean ????

  • Susan Bible - 4 years ago


    I don’t understand why show's fans love, and are actually rating well, are being cancelled.

    All we can hope is that another network will pickup these three shows and we can watch other networks at their TIME-SLOTS!!!!!

  • Diana - 4 years ago

    I have been sober for 43 years and I loved this show. This show put such a light on a subject that for most people seems so dark. It helped to show people that there is life after addiction and that sobriety is definitely obtainable and sustainable. AA and the caring people in it loved me when I could not love myself. Best show on television. With so much Crap on tv we finally had something that was not only entertaining but actually helped so many. Please someone pick this show up.

  • Donna - 4 years ago

    I loved this series. Hated to see it end. But what it taught me about addicts, drinking and over-drinking (!) is that you should never write someone off because of their addiction. Yes, tough love is needed at times, like when Bonnie cut her brother Ray out of her life while he was using. But life can be SO much better when you embrace sobriety and love. I do wish we had seen Wendy find someone special, but as long as she has the girls, she'll be fine. I'll miss all those characters terribly.

  • Shari - 4 years ago

    At first I was pissed at the way they ended it. But after thinking about it I think it was more that it was over rather than the finale itself. All of the main characters had found happiness and sobriety. I loved Bonnies last scene when she realized how far she had come. Will miss this show terribly.

  • Beverly Roberts - 4 years ago

    I loved this show and was heartbroken to learn it was ending. I watched the reruns all the past year to help me get through that last year of Trump's presidency which was toxic to my well being...30 minutes of Mom was like mediciine during that time.

    I thought the finale was wonderful in showing how very far Bonnie had come from the beginning and how all of the characters supported one another. But I've been wondering all season why they weren't showing Christy/Anna Farris. I'm off to Google that now. Sending my love through the ethernet to Alison Janney and all of the regulars on Mom. You will be sorely missed.

  • Judy - 4 years ago

    So disappointed in the finale! With the way the show ended makes you think that next week it’ll be on again. First, Christy’s ex-husband, Baxter disappeared, then the kids, then Anna Faris walked out, rudely I might add and the show was about Christy and her life with kids and her Mom moving in. Not about Bonnie’s life as the main character. I don’t know what everyone is cheering about. I think the finale sucked!

  • Johnny t - 4 years ago

    This show died when Anna farris would be like Alan alda leaving MASH or carol oconner leaving all in the family...the character was central to the success of the show.

  • Michele - 4 years ago

    One of the best shows ever( with and without Farris) and that was a weak finale. The show was deserving of another season at least, instead of a disappointing 1/2 episode. Janey and the rest of the cast deserved a much better send off.

  • Denece L Cole - 4 years ago

    I loved this show I hope some other network will pick it up and continue it they can replace Christy they did it on other shows like last man standing or they can bring Roscoe back as a troubled teen like in the past episodes where he was starting to get I to drugs and alcohol but I really want this show to come back I want to see adam get cured of cancer that wendy finds a true love and we see jill as a mom and margery as a grandma and also finds a new love and I would love to see the 2 new characters evolve into the show I saw them on their previous shows and loved them. PLEASE BRING BACK THIS SHOW. SOMEONE NEEDS TO PICK IT UP ASAP

  • Carrie - 4 years ago

    This is reality , I have so many family members who are addicts and this show was always so spot on . When you look at real life you can always find the humor . Great job Chuck Lorre

  • Tracie Riley - 4 years ago

    I was hoping someone would have started a petition to keep Mom on i absolutely love this show and was so sad that it ended I would have loved to see Andy and Jill become parents and how far Tammy and Bonnie business goes I just miss it can someone please get a petition started to bring it back

  • Pamela K Slone - 4 years ago

    I love the show! They make me laugh and cry! Please bring it back its just as good without Christie!

  • Vicki - 4 years ago

    Someone needs to pick up the show. The messaging and storyline is needed. They aren't done yet.

  • Pamela A Surber - 4 years ago

    I thought this was the perfect ending yes it left some open ends and emotions but an alcoholics left is never closed (I learned this fr the show) Chuck Lorre SUPER JOB! I will always love "Mom". Wendy's last line perfection!

  • Ernest - 4 years ago

    Loved the show and like any show it had its ups and down. With Chrissy leaving I had feared this would be the last season. The finale was just ok, it didn’t seem like a series finale and I was hoping there was at least one more episode. Would loved to have seen it jump a year in the future and see Jill’s baby and Bonnie dealing with her husband’s death from cancer. With Bonnie at a low point and Chrissy talking her down from taking a drink.

  • Gena - 4 years ago

    the only show in which I made sue i was home to watch every week. I sure hope they find a way to bring it back. Absolutely hilarious! Great characters, talent, all around best entertainment ever!

  • Gena - 4 years ago

    the only show in which I made sue i was home to watch every week. I sure hope they find a way to bring it back. Absolutely hilarious! Great characters, talent, all around best entertainment ever!

  • Camille - 4 years ago

    BRING IT BACK!!!!!!Love this show with or without Crissy

  • janet carney - 4 years ago

    Hugely Disappointed. WHY OH WHY Use A Actress That Was Really The Finance To Chrissy's Baby Daddy. The Spoiled Rich Girl. My Husband Is A Fan Of Show & Also Said They Rushed The Ending And Added A Nothing Burger By Bringing in The Dopey Mother & Daughter. Jill & Andy Glad Too See. And Tammy Biz Good And Love Life
    They Could Have Added Something To Wendy's Story And It Would Have Been Better.

  • Rita Knox - 4 years ago

    I really hope someone will pick this show up and continue where tonight's episode left off including the 2 new characters. I didn't like the first couple off episodes without Christy but I think it was because the writers were blindsided by the last minute announcement that the actor wasn't coming back. It would have been awesome to have given Wendy a major storyline. The finale was good but it could have been so much better

  • Rita Knox - 4 years ago

    I really hope someone will pick this show up and continue where tonight's episode left off including the 2 new characters. I didn't like the first couple off episodes without Christy but I think it was because the writers were blindsided by the last minute announcement that the actor wasn't coming back. It would have been awesome to have given Wendy a major storyline. The finale was good but it could have been so much better

  • Anne - 4 years ago

    One of the best shows ever! I shall hope to see a change of mind by producers, and bring it back.

  • Dixie - 4 years ago

    I agree with above comments. I have watched it since the first episode. One of our favorite shows with such a wonderful cast and important content depicted in such humorous writing.
    This final season didn't seem to gain momentum until a few episodes in after Christie left. However, then it got better and wished they could have continued into at least another season. There's was various storylines left that were in the finale.

  • glenda elaine nickell - 4 years ago

    As the wife of a recovering alcoholic this show has been a huge part of our lives.
    It has taught me more about the disease than any of the books I've read, or drug counseling ever could. The raw emotions expressed by an unbelievably talented cast has made me fall in love with all of the realistic characters. I will miss Mom terribly.

  • Sherry - 4 years ago

    Love this show! So sad to see it go. This show always made me laugh.

  • Cindy Desroches - 4 years ago

    I am so sad to see this show canceled. Funny CBS keeps the boring meaningless comedies and cancels one of the best. I thought the last season was one of the best. Please bring "Mom" back.

  • Lori Hatfield - 4 years ago

    The finale was great!
    I am heartbroken that Mom is over. In my opinion, this last season has been one of its strongest! The ending had so much promise for so many more good, strong story lines.
    I too hope it gets picked up by another network. There are so many, too many empty, stupid, childish programs on tv. This one had some real meaning, lessons and knowledge to be shared. Plus the added bonus of humor and love. Bad mistake cancelling it ????

  • Marian - 4 years ago

    So disappointed that this show is ending. It is one of the few shows on the air now that is worth watching.
    Maybe they will rethink and bring it back. It was so funny.

  • Corrina - 4 years ago

    Still don't understand why it was cancelled. It was one of the few comedy's that made me laugh out loud. Going to miss it

  • Vickie - 4 years ago

    Too many questions. Not enough answers. Love the show in my area I can still watch 5 days a week and I still will. I watch so much my husband knows what's going on from just 1 scene. And he has watched maybe 1 show.

  • Lucy - 4 years ago

    I hope and pray another network picks up MOM and continues the show. This was the BEST show since Mary Tyler Moore! But I guess CBS had enough money, it didn't need the sponsors. Surely wisdom didn't play a role in the cancelation of the show. Please networks....someone grab this cash cow and make us all happy!

  • Deborah Dowen - 4 years ago

    Very disappointed in the finale. I thought it could have been so much better. I'm happy about Jill's ending. I'm not so happy about giving Adam cancer though. Just disappointed.

  • Antonia - 4 years ago

    Yes, I am sad that it is over. It's been said and done!!
    A beautiful ending. Not perfect, because life isn't. It gave us an appreciation for all the great work put into the series a n d it's mult-layered messages.
    Thank you! Thank you! A thousand times "Thank you!"

    P.S. Yes, a spinoff might be nice.

  • Rose - 4 years ago

    This is the best and most meaningful and entertaining show ever written and broadcast. Continuing without one main character this season only upped the quality and did not detract one bit. Incredible and in-depth characters were developed and continued throughout all seasons. I will miss this one.

  • BW - 4 years ago

    Please don't take the show off the air and bring it back. It's so much fun to watch it every week.

  • Doreatha Tucker - 4 years ago

    I was very disappointed at the series ending. Although, I was happy for Jill, the actress that played Christy should really feel bad, as she really caused the ending of this show. The thought that she was so selfish and left mid season contract was horrible. Mom, was a very good show, a solid show that you can watch with your whole family. The way it ended was incomplete and I feel as though it was that way in case it comes back.. CAN WE START A PETITION FOR MOM TO RETURN?? WHO WOULD WE TALK TO?? I BET SOME FOLKS WOULD BE ON BOARD... I MISS MOM ALREADY!!!????????????

  • Doreatha Tucker - 4 years ago

    I was very disappointed at the series ending. Although, I was happy for Jill, the actress that played Christy should really feel bad, as she really caused the ending of this show. The thought that she was so selfish and left mid season contract was horrible. Mom, was a very good show, a solid show that you can watch with your whole family. The way it ended was incomplete and I feel as though it was that way in case it comes back.. CAN WE START A PETITION FOR MOM TO RETURN?? WHO WOULD WE TALK TO?? I BET SOME FOLKS WOULD BE ON BOARD... I MISS MOM ALREADY!!!????????????

  • Judy Andresen - 4 years ago

    I am so sad to have this show gone! Do you not understand how many lives you have helped through these years! Users, alcoholics al-anon members. Through laughter, tears, fears...all of this was addressed by this fabulous show. Please writers, get another one going, you have the cast, I need to laugh and learn how to deal with an alcoholic family member. Please, bring it back, too many situations left unanswered!! Please Come Back...

  • Linda Cox - 4 years ago

    I Cannot understand why Mom was canceled. It is so close to real life that ppl deal with on their own , from what I'm hearing MOM was a sponsor to so many real life ppl, MOM is a very funny, caring, please Bring the Show back, there is so little humorous movies on tv as it is.
    Thank You,
    A fan.

  • Cynthia Eileen White - 4 years ago

    I was very heartbroken when i heard the show Mom was cancelled abd that it was going to be their series finale. Yes I was good with Christy gone from the show. The show was about growth in recovery and the friendship formed tgrough recovery. Yes Christy could never let anything go and it was a wise decision to have Christy go off to a Law School away from Napa California. The show could have had 2 to 4 more years but NO CBS CANCELLED IT. Allison Janney was doing fine as the main lead with the help of all tbe other characters help too. Chuck Lorie should shop this show over to Nextflix and give the show at least 2 more seasons or better.

  • Laurie - 4 years ago

    Really sorry to see this end. There’s not much on Network TV especially not in the comedy arena. Maybe a spin-off? Wishing them all the best of luck.

  • Mary richardson - 4 years ago

    BRING BACK MOM. Im so pissed off you cancal a program I have watched from the very begining. I have laughed and cried with all of the cast. But CBS and Chuck Lorre has done it again. They have a great program and cancel them. Take off Big Brother and all that other shit and BRING BACK MOM. We want to know want happens to Adam and Jill. I WILL NEVER WATCH ANY CHUCK LORRE DOES AND THERE IS NO REASON TO WATCH CBS EITHER. I think ALl fans of MOM. Should STOP WATCHING ANYthing on CBS or anything that CHUCK Lorre does. JUsT BRING MOM BACK
    As a ex Drug user being sober for 3 years. I see and been where they are at. They helped me stay clean. THANK YOU TO THE CAST OF MOM
    YOU will be missed I hope they bring you all back even without Christy, Roscoe and Violet

  • Peggy - 4 years ago

    I could never hate this show because I love Allison Janney and the other actors on the show. Having said that, I thought this past season, including the finale, wasn’t nearly as good as the previous episodes. The interaction between Bonnie and Christy was at the heart of the show. The downfall began is season 7 when Roscoe began living with his Dad yet Christy never mentioned him, in spite of the fact that she fought losing custody in past episodes. Not a phone call or reference to her or Bonnie ever having contact with him.
    Then, Christy gets a scholarship to Georgetown after she’s already completed a year of law school and is apparently interning. Again, no letters from Christy or references to visits with her, just a couple of pretend phone calls. Bonnie also makes no reference to her half brother whose cocaine addiction she was concerned about. I just don’t think that rings true to who they are.
    The one episode from the final season that I did really like was the one about Valentine’s Day. I also liked the addition of Tammy and the business partnership between her and Bonnie.
    I kind of question Jill’s wanting to get married since her house and alimony have been footed by her ex husband. As shallow as she is, it would seem she would prefer a live together situation baby or not.
    But that issue won’t have to be addressed since the show has ended.

  • Shar - 4 years ago

    Is it true that Mom was canceled because there was not enough diversity and didn't address enough hard core social issues?

  • Nancy - 4 years ago

    I don' t understand why they would introduce a new character on the last show. Have Jill pregnant and we will never know what she has. Plus leaving us hanging about the possibility of Adam having cancer. Not a good finale at all. The show deserved so much more.

  • Orvetta Kidd - 4 years ago

    The series shouldn't have been cancelled Allison's character should have had more seasons with her daughter being gone and successful. Also to have more stories with all of them. Maybe Adam would have bought the restaurant Christy worked at and kept the staff. I don't understand why a successful sitcom would be cancelled reminds me of Reba show.

  • Suzanne - 4 years ago

    I am very sorry to see it end. With such a serious subject brought so much truth for so many. The characters were authentic to their troubles and brought hope for anyone who see themselves. Being a relative of alcoholics I was able to relate. The show ended on a high note for everyone, which is exactly what you wanted for the family I fell in love with. My most favorite and memorable line is when Christie said, "We don't throw away friends". And I'm my opinion that was the center of the show. That's what made me love every character.

  • Kristi - 4 years ago

    Allison Janney is the REAL actor here….. Her chemistry with each & every other character is phenomenal! Thank God she hung around until the finale…. Nothing is ever certain in the sitcom TV world, as I have a feeling that Anna Farris’s departure was most likely over money….
    Good luck to everyone on that show, as I’m sure we’ll see all of them in other things soon…. After all, we can always hope for a MOM reunion!

  • Sue marie - 4 years ago

    WHY????????? The word why says so much why are you ending the this Terrific show why can't you reconsider why can't another Network pick it up there are just so many why that are not being answered why don't you writers just take the time to reconsider it and bring the show back 2 the fans

  • Sue marie - 4 years ago

    WHY????????? The word why says so much why are you ending the this Terrific show why can't you reconsider why can't another Network pick it up there are just so many why that are not being answered why don't you writers just take the time to reconsider it and bring the show back 2 the fans

  • Joanne - 4 years ago

    Leave it to CBS to be so selfish as to cancel a terrific show that actually helped some in recovery. Who decided this anyway??? I love this show, loved the finale and truly resent whomever decided to end it. SHAME ON YOU CBS

  • Joanne - 4 years ago

    Leave it to CBS to be so selfish as to cancel a terrific show that actually helped some in recovery. Who decided this anyway??? I love this show, loved the finale and truly resent whomever decided to end it. SHAME ON YOU CBS

  • Cherie - 4 years ago

    There are so many shows out there that suck.Reality TV is just ridiculously stupid.And there's so many FBI shows,SWAT shows, firefighter shows,hospital shows (you get the idea), and we finally had one show that we could look forward to every week about the lives,the love,and the friendship of women who depend on each other,need each other,and have helped each other to succeed and then you cancel it??!! With so many more stories to be told??!!That was as horrible as canceling Mike and Molly!

  • Robert - 4 years ago

    The elephant in the room is still that the series changed focus from the Christy character and the actress who played her to the Bonnie character and the actress who played her. That's the real unspoken reason why Anna left the series and her character and the characters surrounding her family except for Bonnie were written out of the scripts and the final episode.

  • Patricia Bohm - 4 years ago

    This finale was satisfying, but only as a season finale, leaving us waiting for the next Fall's episodes to start. Some other network should pick it up and continue these characters' stories for another couple of years!

  • Michele Leah Mallonee - 4 years ago

    I really can't believe one of my favorite show has ended, I would like to know why a show that actually helped people get cancelled. Please bring it back ????????

  • Elaine Maddison - 4 years ago

    Brung the show back!
    You opened up enough plots last night to keep it going
    One of the Favourite shows to many

  • Angela Bachmann - 4 years ago

    If this show HAD to end, they should have made it an hour long. I never viewed it as a comedy since my husband is 8 years sober. We've lived through these same times. I saw a lot of love and compassion. WHY DID A SHOW THAT HELPED SO MANY STRUGGLING PEOPLE END?

  • Michelle - 4 years ago

    I will miss this show greatly especially Alison Janney.
    Overall I felt that the last few episodes were rushed, obviously due to the surprise cancellation. But I liked the finale. It showed that life goes on even after the final credits role, not everything gets to be tied up with a pretty bow. Having lived the cancer experience with loved ones I don't need to see it played out through Adam and Bonnie to know the struggles they will experience over the next few years. The fighting mom and daughter tell us that there are still more Christy and Bonnie's who are just beginning their roads to recovery.

  • Diane - 4 years ago

    After Chrissy left I was getting bored with the show. But the finale was great and now I want to see what happens with Jill and Adam & Tammy. I hope someone picks up this show.

  • Heidi - 4 years ago

    I love this show. Bring it back, even with new characters. Hell during the lockdown it was a stability.

  • Paul - 4 years ago

    Bonnie's recovery seemed to come from nowhere. After Christy left, Bonnie spent most of the final season as the selfish, angry, spiteful bitch that she was when she started, without the seven years of recovery. All of a sudden she's healthy and happy? Say whut???
    Christy had softened and moderated Bonnie, given her useful feedback and helped her on the road to recovery, and without her, Bonnie reverted to her old ways. I'm glad this is over, and I'm deleting this season from my DVR. I want to remember the good times, not this pathetic excuse for a wrap.

  • Cristie - 4 years ago

    Bring it back!

  • Barbara Janis - 4 years ago

    I loved this show so much!!. I was hoping somehow it would continue. I actually teared up. Its soo sad to see it and.

  • Francine - 4 years ago

    Finale should have been 1 hour long. But most importantly, this show should not end. It brings so much to so many people. Hopefully another Network is looking at picking it up.

  • Mlk - 4 years ago

    It was an ok finale, but just felf like another regular episode. I would have liked at the very end a 5 yr future look at each character or couple, maybe a photo of each deplicting where they are in their lives. The 8th season was ok.

  • Dale - 4 years ago

    For those that say the show was better without Christy, I have to disagree. The chemistry Bonnie and Christy was irreplaceable, producers tried with Tammy and others, but didn't work. Christy should have been in the finale. First 7 seasons were great, Watched season 8 hoping it would be good, but at best it was ok, for the most part it was Boring and the finale espiode was most boring, only good thing about the finale was the two women fighting . Without Christy the others couldn't carry the show.

  • Dorothy Guth - 4 years ago

    So sad to see this end!! Best show i have ever seen!!!!????

  • James walker - 4 years ago

    I really wish this show wasnt canceled. Hopefully maybe Netflix or some streaming svc will make new episodes

  • RP - 4 years ago

    Wendy having the last line was pretty neat.

  • Sue - 4 years ago

    Sad to see there will be no more Bonnie Plunkett. This was a very good show. I didn't even miss Christy at all. Kristen Johnston brought a lot to the table. So it seems it could have gone on for a couple of more years. I think there must be more to the cancellation and Anna Faris leaving than we're being told. I read it was expensive due to salaries. More than Big Bang??? Doubtful. I hope another network picks it up. Fingers crossed.

  • Paula Holladay - 4 years ago

    Hated to see it end!! There's no other show like it, I truly could relate to the show I am 8 years sober in September . This show will be very much missed in my house!! To all the cast members what a wonderful journey you took us through may you all be blessed.

  • Maria - 4 years ago

    I was disappointed in Mom”s final episode. I was more disappointed when hearing the series was ending. The best thing to happen with the show was Christy leaving. Her character just couldn’t let the past go and she never truly grew up. Anyway, everything was great until they gave Adam cancer with no way to tell the rest of the story. Many people are going to miss this show. I hope the reason for its ending isn’t because Faris left. If it is, the producers have made a huge mistake.

  • Nancy - 4 years ago

    I was disappointed ???? last episode on mom. I was hoping to see Christy.

  • Brenda - 4 years ago

    The final episode was horrible. I will really miss this show. It only got better without Chrissy.

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