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Grade the 'Mom' series finale


  • Theresa - 3 years ago

    I am so so sad that this show is ending. It always gave me hope. I too watch every episode, even the reruns. Please bring it back. Please.

  • A.G. - 3 years ago

    This show was NEVER ANY GOOD, without the
    hilarious character, of "Christy"!!
    I mean, WHY did you fire her??
    BOO/HISS, on you, Anna Farris was the one, who made the show, a REAL show!!!!!
    CBS, you've made a very BAD and costly mistake!!!
    You wasted an entire great, funny show, with a wonderful
    Storyline with SO many of us following it!!!
    I guess I'll have to watch ALL of the repeat "Moms" on
    The Nickelodeon Channel
    You ALL SUCK!!!!!
    You've disappointed, disgusted us and you REALLY made us MAD!!!!!!!
    ~Not a fan of yours, anymore!!!!!

  • Michelle - 3 years ago

    Give Jill and Andy their own show!

  • Angie Tucker - 3 years ago

    I have loved watching this show and have always had my DVR set to record it so I didn't miss even 1 episode. This has been what television has been missing but I know that all good things eventually come to an end. After watching the final show I was not liking it at all I couldn't believe they left so much open as I was expecting closure. After thinking about it some more I finally got it. Bonnie as the crazy out of control Mom and Grandmother that she was when the show began had finally learned to love the most important person in her life and that was herself. This left things hanging for the viewers to really think about themselves. I will miss the show but am so happy for the ending and how it was wrote.

  • Susan - 3 years ago

    I was very disappointed in the finale. I was expecting more. It felt like they left room for a continuation. I sure hope someone picks it up and brings it back...waiting till then.

  • Susan G Parker - 3 years ago

    Excellent cast and excellent writing. Certainly more "reality'' in this show than in most shows billed as ''reality' TV.
    Could personally relate to many of the obstacles the characters faced and how they came to terms with them. Kudos to cast and crew for a very entertaining, relatable and educational journey through the ups and downs of achieving their sobriety one day at time..

  • Mama - 3 years ago

    Allison Janney was excellent in Mom. All of the cast was! Im so surprised that it was cancelled. What a shame. 99% of the newer sitcoms on now are just awful, and what gets cancelled? A great show! Insanity.

  • Allesa Ciambriello - 3 years ago

    This was an awesome show. Love the acting. Very talented crew. Wish I knew "Bonnies" secret to staying skinny! "Christy" should have been in the finale, its a team effort. Can you imagine a finale of Happy Days without "Fonzie"?, nah! That said Emmys all around! I look forward to more shows that highlight your creative geniuses! Thanks for the memories!

    Ms. C
    * (a 20 year veteran middle school math teacher who was also pregnant at 16 and is still trying to be a lawyer! )

  • Kahni - 3 years ago

    The finale sucked....left Adam with cancer and Jill pregnant. WTH? Then enter new characters...mother and daughter fist fighting???? Way to go Lorre

  • Tom - 3 years ago

    It's a shame that the series is ending. It was such a great show and it had plenty of stories left to tell.

  • Judee - 3 years ago

    Why is this extraordinary series ending? To have a series that brings phenomenal Joy and meaningful life support should continue. The rich, interesting characters played by the talented actors and actresses in this series will be missed. What a loss. This is the finest show on television and now it’s gone. What a shame.

  • Sandy Hollingsworth - 3 years ago

    I was disappointed in the finale. Not sure exactly what, but expected more. Sorry to see it end, though.

  • Diane Reese - 3 years ago

    If Chuck Lorre leaves these endearing characters to flap in the wind, he's a hack. I guess he made enough money to stop relating to the masses. Hello!!!!!???? We want more!!!! Spin off....please!!!

  • Diane Reese - 3 years ago

    If Chuck Lorre leaves these endearing characters to flap in the wind, he's a hack. I guess he made enough money to stop relating to the masses. Hello!!!!!???? We want more!!!! Spin off....please!!!

  • Lin Brown - 3 years ago

    This was my absolute favorite show! I watched all the shows, all the reruns (several times over) and would not miss any of them. While I do not, nor have I ever had an addiction problem, this show hit on so many issues…it was informative, funny, sad and so well thought out. There is nothing like it! What great actors, actresses! Allison Janney is another Myrel Streep….so versatile! I love her in everything I’ve seen her in! I am so saddened that this is at an end! I surely will miss it!????

  • Bev Gladin - 3 years ago

    How I have loved this show. I will truly miss it. I second all that the other comments have said. It is rare to find a show about real people in real life that doesn’t pull any punches but is also full of hope and tools to deal with whatever life brings. I hope it helped people dealing with whatever problem they have.
    Sad to see it go but sure enjoyed it. I believe it will make me think on it many times:)

  • Patti - 3 years ago

    I will miss this group of strong women who were there for each other through everything. Their friendship is something I would love to have. I feel like I have lost my best friends.

  • Debra - 3 years ago

    Sad that this show is ending. At the start of the season I thought losing the Christy character would cause the show to become dull, but after a few episodes I really started to enjoy the other ladies as their characters and relationships expanded. It has always been a favorite of mine because of the storylines being both funny and touching at the same time. I'm going to miss it.

  • Eileen Sinclair - 3 years ago

    It was a lesson of hope in a long term matter how tough or easy.

  • Wes - 3 years ago

    So sorry to see it end! This show helped me through lock down this past year & was always something to look forward to. Very funny, very flawed, very loving human beings just trying to get through life in the best way possible. No body counts. No overwrought melodrama. No unbelievable plot twists. "Mom" presented us with a cast of characters ripe with neurosis, but doing their darnedest to put their lives in proper perspective, and to make the most out of the time that we are allotted.
    Great show with wonderful, truthful writing and wonderful actors! There is now a hole, a very deep hole in my Thursday evenings. It only goes to prove that as I have gotten older the most faithful friends remain my memories, be they real and tangible or viewed every Thursday evening for the past eight years. Thank you!!

  • Alica - 3 years ago

    I hate to see this series end. "Mom" has been a favorite of mine.

  • Marge - 3 years ago

    Hate to see it end - one of the best shows ever!

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