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Grade the 'Last Man Standing' series finale (Poll Closed)


  • Lorise Carter - 4 years ago

    I love this show, watch all seasons. I was able to deal with changes from the first kristian ,Ryan, Boyd but Mandy couldn’t handle that no offense to the new but not for Kyle. Then pregnancy and no kid on the show really lostt me, Boyd not even mentioned in the last as strict as Ryan was. Then the finale seemed so abrupt. Who cares about the truck we hardly saw it anyway. This show was about family, work, business, friends and ends with a truck being stolen in a suburban neighborhood. Just wrong it left me lost ????

  • Jim Szyszkiewicz - 4 years ago

    I have watched from day one and would not have missed it the world it was nice having a show the entire family could watch without fear. I am sad it’s over. Tim Allen and cast job well done. ❤️

  • Jim Szyszkiewicz - 4 years ago

    I have watched from day one and would not have missed it the world it was nice having a show the entire family could watch without fear. I am sad it’s over. Tim Allen and cast job well done. ????????????????❤️

  • Bones D - 4 years ago

    I only really started watching this show sometime in 2020. Having missed much of the earlier season I wasn't interested in picking it up towards the end. I saw a few episodes over the years but never committed to it until a few months before the pandemic struck. Now I'm so sorry I've missed it all these years and loved this show. The finale was very poignant, lots of good humor and a great wrap up. Now that we're Hulu subscribers I just started watching from the pilot episode and it's pretty interesting to see it from the beginning having seen nearly all of the final 2 seasons. Tim Allen is a national treasure and will go down as one of our great comedians and actors -- I rank him right up there with Tom Hanks in terms of versatility. Nancy Travis - love her. Amanda Fuller, Molly McCook, Christopher Sanders, Jonathan Adams, Jordan Masterson, Hector Elizondo, Jay Leno (what a great add to the show), and Krista Marie Yu -- wow. You really brought these characters to life. Awesome job. Bravo! May God bless these folks as they branch out to new shows and movies.

  • DL Gates - 4 years ago

    Of all the crap shows on TV these days why would you people cancel a quality show like Last Man Standing??? Crap politics at its best!!!!!!!!!!!


    I loved the show, but the metaphor for the stolen election left a bad taste in my mouth. At one point and time the show actually made me look at different perspectives, but the finale was like a false agenda that was pushed. Poor quality and cheap shots based on misinformation.

  • Lorne Spring - 4 years ago

    Just couldn't get past the change in actors.Couldnt relate to the new Mandy no disrespect for the new actress she just wasn't as funny or believable in that role.Also could have done without the exchange student.

  • Karla K Hope - 4 years ago

    One of mine and my husband's favorite TV series!! Loved everything about it. Enjoyed the original Mandy much more but things change. Was not real.excited about the finale seemed off. My husband woke up the next morning realizing the symbolism of the stolen truck ( the stolen election) . But Tim did say he was ok with it? And they brought a little religion in as well. Even a scene for the preppers. Lol Will miss them all. I am sure because Tim Allen would not bend to the political madness,it was time to end it. Good thing there are reruns nothing else worth watching on TV these days!

  • Don Beckwith - 4 years ago

    Now there's nothing to watch on TV. Think I'll go buy an old truck and restore it. Thanks for the memories. Lighting can strike twice.

  • Melinda - 4 years ago

    Why was Boyed missing all season.

  • Linda - 4 years ago

    I loved this Comedy series all 10 seasons.
    I watched it twice last night ( I always DVR it) and glad I did to really get the truck metaphor and ending.
    I was a little disappointed this last season, though, that we didnt get to see, Kristin's little girl and Mandy's only at the beginning. And where was Kristin"s son, Boyd? Not even mentioned most of season. It would have been nice to include the kids.( Covid problems and restrictions I assume?) ????
    I wish all the cast best wishes as they move forward. Would love to see them in another comedy or spin off, esp Tom Allen in the future. They were all so talented, original cast and new ones.
    Hate to see the show leave, not many wholesome comedies on TV anymore.
    Will continue to enjoy it in Syndication.

  • Eric - 4 years ago

    I love this show, just had to say that first. Anytime I was feeling low or wanted a show to watch before bed I would turn on Last Man Standing, the show made me happy and laugh abit. I will admit I became very addicted to the show. Seeing as the show is over I can always go back and re-watch the series. After I watched the finale, I relized that I'm going to have to watch it again to really have the goodbye to Mike's truck scene sink in. And to have eve's character in the finale even if it was only on zoom, that just made the finale perfect or complete. I will miss the show and the characters story lines, but I knew it had to end one day. Best show I have enjoyed to watch since Home Improvement hands down. Instead of rambling on here some more, I'll just leave as the show left. Remembering the great times watching the show.

  • Sue Roberts - 4 years ago

    Loved this show and never missed an episode, but was disappointed in the ending. I was hoping they would bring back other cast members at the end, to say good-bye. Also disappointed that Boyd was missing and we never saw Mandy and Kristins daughters. I will meet ss this show!

  • Linda - 4 years ago

    I loved this Comedy series all 10 seasons.
    I watched it twice last night ( I always DVR it) and glad I did to really get the truck metaphor and ending.
    I was a little disappointed this last season, though, that we didnt get to see, Kristin's little girl and Mandy's only at the beginning. And where was Kristin"s son, Boyd? Not even mentioned most of season. It would have been nice to include the kids.( Covid problems and restrictions I assume?) ????
    I wish all the cast best wishes as they move forward. Would love to see them in another comedy or spin off, esp Tom Allen in the future. They were all so talented, original cast and new ones.
    Hate to see the show leave, not many wholesome comedies on TV anymore.
    Will continue to enjoy it in Syndication.

  • john lane - 4 years ago

    Often people cannot get past changes and reasons this person or that person is'nt there, and why did they do this etc. it's a tv show, and they do what they do cause they have too due to restrictions, contracts and availibility, also covid restrictions came into play season 8 and 9 especially. also kids grow, inlaws grow to respect their inlaws and become family, like divorces and people change in families, so did cast members here due to one thing or another(mostly contracts and other jobs sought after the disney firings(ABC cancellation). But when it comes to a great storyline and family sitcom, all the way through these 9 seasons. This shot hit the nail on the head! so to speak! they got it right each season, and if people can just get past trival changes and kids growing, we'd all agree that this cast(every seasons cast) and crew, writers and producers/directors and minus the covid restrictions, the audiences, all got it right! one of the best shows of all time with a very easy to figure out ending that made tears flow, if you "got it" and the whole story told, Maybe it's not about all the haters and critiques, and it's just a simple family that learned to love and grow and care for each other, as we all should do. and it might just be that simple.... BAXTER OUT!

  • Diane Gann - 4 years ago

    Watched every episode for all ten years. Will miss it. Seems the networks are taking all the good family comedies off the hour. The good clean shows that show diverse families. Will miss it.

  • Michael Ruggiero - 4 years ago

    Sorry, While we loved the series we found the finale boring and missing the mark. The cast seemed awkward, not in their usual comfort zone. The appearance with Caitlin was lame, although I understand why it happened that way. Where was Boyd? The metaphor was ok but it seemed to put too much emphasis on missing the past rather than optimism for the great future ahead. Finally I always felt some flashback to the original Mandy, Kristin, and Boyd would have been appropriate. After all, they laid the groundwork that helped the show catch fire and become the success it did. I felt bad for McCook for trying to replace a masterpiece that couldn't be done. Pretending she was the same Mandy was a mistake. Jurgensmeyer never achieved the cuteness of Morrison whose comic timing and presentation was priceless. And I always regretted the replacing of Alexandra Krosney as Kristen. I never understood 'creative differences' because I thought she was very funny and fit the part perfectly. She seemed like the 3rd daughter, not another level-headed adult that Amanda Fuller ended up being.
    I'll miss the show, I watch reruns over and over, but that's my assessment.

  • Susan Mixon - 4 years ago

    I never watch Fox. I think you are a dangerous network. However I loved Last Man Standing. Even with Tims political leanings. The show is refreshing. I loved each of the characters. I did miss the first Mandy. I will miss this show. I got my 7 year old granddaughter interested in the show. Thank you for all your humor. I will watch the reruns.

  • Bev - 4 years ago

    I have watched every episode of Home Improvement and every episode of Last Man Standing!
    You know why I did? Because I love to laugh!
    Both shows had great writing and both shows had a great cast.
    I guess I really related to Tim Allen because I am a Michigan girl, born and bred midwesterner. Also, growing up in a family of three daughters, wonderful parents, I could totally see my family in the storylines!
    I am going to miss you, but thanks to reruns, I can continue to laugh!
    Looking forward to seeing what is next for Tim Allen.
    I am sure it will be funny!

  • Sugrbean - 4 years ago

    I must’ve missed the Home Improvement reference. Could someone please explain?? ty

  • Chad - 4 years ago

    It's sad to see these great shows coming to an end. Last Man Standing was a great watch and felt like you were growing with the family. Felt like it was nice to have a show that got me. Loved the different beliefs and personalities of the characters. Its alot like my group of friends. I'm glad ill never really have to say goodbye to them. Thank you all for the show. I hope it's picked up again. Its a shame some of the best shows get canceled before they are ready.

  • Gregory - 4 years ago

    "Gone fishin"

  • DIANNA WENTZ - 4 years ago

    How about a reunion show in a year or so... someone brings him his truck back?? Santa Claus??

  • Sherry - 4 years ago

    Loved the final show made me laugh, made me cry❣️Thanks for 9 wonderful seasons and we bid farewell to “The Baxter’s” #BaxterOut

  • Nancy - 4 years ago

    So sad to see Last Man Standing ending after a wonder 10 year run. Excellent ending to the show!

  • Steph - 4 years ago

    Really enjoyed the series finale. Got a chuckle out of the reference to switching the network....thanks again to Fox for picking this show up, and giving everyone the ending that was deserved for such a great show! Also enjoyed the salute to Tim's previous show, Home Improvement. I will definitely continue to watch reruns of both of these shows! Congratulations to Tim Allen for pulling off yet another excellent series!

  • Kathy Blake - 4 years ago

    Loved it! Such great analogy with the truck. Shed some tears and laughed out loud at the ‘network’ references. Going to miss this!!

  • Ana - 4 years ago

    Best show in years! Sad is gone!

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