Being unable to work from home during the pandemic, I’ve definitely been taking vacation time. I’ve stayed home a few times to just sleep in and bullshit around the house, but my husband and I have driven out to the beach a few times since being fully vaccinated; we stayed at AirBnBs in the secluded ends since I never liked being around crowds anyway. I’m not even a beach person, but I’m also not comfortable flying yet to places I really want to go so it was nice to just get away.
Judy - 4 years ago
I haven’t used any of my vacation time during the pandemic. When more of the world is vaccinated and I feel it’s safe to travel my PTO will stand for “prepare the others!” because my ass is gone!
mizzbarnes - 4 years ago
I want to know the pleasures of sleeping late, chilling, loafing around and watching cartoons....just like when I was a kid.
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Being unable to work from home during the pandemic, I’ve definitely been taking vacation time. I’ve stayed home a few times to just sleep in and bullshit around the house, but my husband and I have driven out to the beach a few times since being fully vaccinated; we stayed at AirBnBs in the secluded ends since I never liked being around crowds anyway. I’m not even a beach person, but I’m also not comfortable flying yet to places I really want to go so it was nice to just get away.
I haven’t used any of my vacation time during the pandemic. When more of the world is vaccinated and I feel it’s safe to travel my PTO will stand for “prepare the others!” because my ass is gone!
I want to know the pleasures of sleeping late, chilling, loafing around and watching cartoons....just like when I was a kid.