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Are you going to take your mask off now that the CDC says it's safe for vaccinated people?

Total Votes: 53

  • Stephen - 3 years ago

    Not no, but HELL no. At least not indoors. Im double vaxed but I just don't trust the integrity of others. This might be a bad comparison, but it's very much like having a one-night stand: you can't assume everybody is safe. And you can't trust everybody to tell you. You have to ASK people if they've been vaxed or not. Now, outside is a different story. I'm slowly easing into being outside around others.

  • olufemi - 3 years ago

    In this ongoing panorama? Is you serious? Hell no...even though me and a majority of my immediate family have been vaccinated , I need to keep my 11 year old and my newborn baby girl safe.

  • Judy - 3 years ago

    My answers is No, and I’m vaccinated.

  • mizzbarnes - 3 years ago

    I will take off my mask as long as I am outside, but on the inside, my mask stays on!

  • mdog - 3 years ago

    Only gonna be taking mask off outside and with other friends who are vaccinated. Other than that no thank you.

  • mdog - 3 years ago

    Only gonna be taking mask off outside and with other friends who are vaccinated. Other than that no thank you.

  • Leslie S - 3 years ago

    In public around people I don't know? Absolutely not. *cue Oh no, no, no, not today!* I don't trust anyone but my closest friends/people who've been vaxxed now.

  • EvieE - 3 years ago

    I will still wear my mask in public even though I’m fully vaccinated for two reasons, one I have a child under 12 and I don’t think it’s fair to ask her to wear a mask while I go mask free and two I don’t trust these mother fuckers. People have been fighting wearing masks since the beginning of the pandemic do you think they’re gonna be honest about being vaccinated? I may not get really sick if I catch it but I can still catch it and I’m not trying to lose my smell and taste in the summer time. It’s watermelon and crab season.

  • Keith - 3 years ago

    I voted "yes and I'm vaccinated" but I just want to add a caveat - I only go maskless when i feel like it's appropriate. For example I just went to a friend's birthday party and everyone there was vaccinated, and I'm also hosting a wine tasting event at my house next month where I only invited people who are vaccinated so we don't have to wear masks. It's still a mental hurdle to go maskless in some places when I know I don't *need* to but if a business says I have to then I'll do it, and if I see I'm gonna be the only one ill also do it. Also, keeping it 100, after the last year I honestly just don't want anyone to think I'm a republican ????

  • Angela - 3 years ago

    I should clarify. My mask is off around vaccinated family and friends. My youngest kid is not fully "baked" yet so I am definitely not going out amongst the unwashed masses without a mask. After she is fully vaxxed, we will be visiting our favorite clam shacks for outdoor dining (at a not crowded time-that was our pre-Rona routine anyway). We will be hitting some museums (masked) and beaches, etc. I believe the vaccines do their job but I don't even like the 4% chance of getting this mess. I have asthma and I have a nagging and irrational worry that I would be the one to beat the odds and get it anyway.

    Also, I know two people who had mild Covid back in October and January and they are still dealing with fatigue and brain fog. My brain is doing all it can right now as it is so I definitely don't want that. It's easy enough to keep my filter mask on In crowds and poorly ventilated spaces as another layer of protection.

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