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If approved, would you let your 12 to 15-year-old have the Covid vaccine?


  • Catherine - 4 years ago

    After researching these vaccines for a year, there is not a chance in Hell I’ll ever give my children these vaccines, whether they come with a EUA or full approval .
    They are dangerous. There is zero benefit to children from these vaccines. People argue they must have children take them to protect others. It is NOT a child’s responsibility to risk permanent injury or death from a vaccine to protect others . It’s our job to protect our children.
    Schools in America open for months with no Covid. Children don’t spread it and very rarely have symptoms from it .

    I have yet to see any news outlets tell people about the very young children that have DIED and been severely injured in the Covid vaccine trials . Children that would have been fine if they got Covid.

    The high numbers of deaths and injuries in young people 12-50 from myocarditis , heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots should be all you need to know.

    These vaccines should NEVER have been permitted to be rolled out. They belong on a shelf.

  • Aimee - 4 years ago

    A lot of people take it at face value.

    "It's something not safe coz it's only been around a year!"

    That doesn't detract from the fact that it has already been proven to be sufficiently safe by people far more qualified to make judgments on it.

    Skeptics are right, the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, but it reduces the window drastically which is the whole point.

    Only by having enough people taking up the vaccine can we effectively slow and potentially stop this virus dead in it's tracks.

    I really wish this didn't boil down to the choices of those who go with their gut but this is the world we live in.

    My only hope is that enough people take the vaccine so that someone close to one of us doesn't die, or better yet, eradicating the Covid 19 threat entirely.

    We finally have the technology to save lives after thousands of years medical research and progress.
    Let's trust in those that have dedicated their lives to educating themselves in this field and not trusting Sandra on Facebook.

  • Tom - 4 years ago

    Over my dead body!

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