Should the original Montrose Seafront Splash paddling pool stay?


  • Joyce Cox - 4 years ago

    Although I am a pensioner I can understand the dismay of parents who have learnt that the splash area is to be demolished. Why undermine an already very popular attraction when leaving well alone is another option? We should be doing all we can as a community to hang onto this. We were round the beach today on a beautiful day with loads of families just enjoying being there. We need to enhance our facilities not degrade them. We are already paying a price with the downgrading of the gardens - this town was famous for them - although I take my hat off to the volunteers it's really not fair to expect it of them long term - let's not lose sight of what's important and the well being of our children should be top of that list

  • Annabella masson - 4 years ago

    I travel from Aberdeen to the splash park every year . My 2 children love the park . It’s easy access for my dotter hoow has Cerebral palsy . And it gives her the opportunity to sit in the water and play fir hours as she loves this . Am very sad to hear they want to Demolish it and it will be a great loss

  • Helen Evans - 4 years ago

    Don't take the pool away ,if anything upgrade it ,the bairns love playing and splashing about in it

  • Janet Woo - 4 years ago

    Be interesting to know what council plan to do with the space left by removing original pool.

  • Amanda chalmers - 4 years ago

    I dont understand why they want to take this feature away everyone loves it. Parents can sit and watch the kids play. I hope who ever has decided to destroy this paddling pool . Will stop and think about what the people of montrose want !which is to keep our park and pool , and put the money towards other things ie making a disability equipment. Dont spend the money destroying things , spend it on better things.

  • Barbara - 4 years ago

    Keep the old pool, it's great for all age children,instead off putting in new toilets, open the pavilion and turn it back in to what it was before, toilets and shower cubicles etc.
    Montrose used to be a great wee beach when I was a kid coming up on holiday, Mr muscles, bonnie baby competition's ,amusement park etc, bring it back to its former glory. I do understand that we got to move with the times, but the council can do so much more with the money instead of digging up so many roads and unnecessary expenditure.

  • Catherine - 4 years ago

    The play area looks great the way it is why change it? I take it the Council have more money than sense that they can just throw money to the wind.
    Perhaps the council should be putting more thought into outdoor gym park areas, bike hire areas, roller blade where the air field concrete is a mess. Outdoor car Cinema etc
    Whatever happened to kids imagination these days they are all stuck in front of computers.

  • James Morrison - 4 years ago

    I have spent many happy hours there with my grandkids over the years and I can not understand the thinking ( or lack of it) of the council to remove a very popular attraction.

  • Suzanne neave - 4 years ago

    It would b a shame to loose the pool as all kids love it and it will b missed by all ages .The councle should listen to the public opinion

  • Liza - 4 years ago

    I used to take my children to the park, they loved the padding pool. I now take my grandchildren. The new one is fab, but it’s more for pre-school children, there isn’t enough room for all ages and there’s not enough space for that amount of parents to keep an eye on their children.
    The curlie padddling pool got taken away and now they want to take away this one, maybe they should ask the families what they think.

  • Lorraine MacLeod - 4 years ago

    Our Children and now our Grandchildren's love the old Paddling Pool.Swimming in the Water.Playing on the surrounding Walls.Please keep it.

  • Lynn McComiskie - 4 years ago

    Keep Original paddling pool along side new just makes sense. For over 20 years families have visited and enjoyed the paddling pool with it’s unusual shapes and curves and spent many hours having fun all year round. I’m sure the smaller water feature will be very popular too. As the original pool was working fine last year surely wouldn’t take much to keep it going. Bulldozing would be a very sad loss to the people of Angus as well as the look of the seafront splash area in Montrose.

  • Linda Ritchie - 4 years ago

    It's such a shame to bulldoze this very popular place for younger children.
    On a sunny day l have seen it seething with families and happy kids which helps ice-cream sales as well.
    The council already removed the paddling pool at the Curlie which was popular.
    Great news that they will have toilets at last and l hope they will be easily accessible to everyone and kept clean.

  • Karen horsburgh - 4 years ago

    Are the council for real ???? have the council ever been there when the kids are playing in the pool laughing with their friends & family because they are enjoying themselves running about in the pool ????????‍♀️ Think the council needs to have a rethink !!!!!!

  • Ann Strachan - 4 years ago

    Keep the pools, been very popular for my grandkids over the years and should stay, so angry

  • Ann Strachan - 4 years ago

    Keep the pools, been very popular for my grandkids over the years and should stay, so angry

  • Lorna Glen - 4 years ago

    Why take away a well used and popular part of the playpark, was under the impression that the new part was to compliment the existing paddling pool not replace it. The fact that one a nice day the paddling pool is always one of the busiest places, seems short sighted by the Council to destroy it.

  • Larry Mair - 4 years ago

    Why are kids who can use the padding area being forced to forgo it on behalf of kids who, sadly, cant. The new area allows those who can't use the paddling area to have water fun, and that is fantastic and long overdue. However, those who can use both shouldn't be be losing a great feature in the name of "inclusivity".

    Another example of councils far removed from their bosses ( the public)

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