Poll: Do you think Oak Ridge Schools should require face masks?


  • Olen Thomas Haisten III - 4 years ago

    Let the parents decide what to do with their kids. Masks do not work and are abusive.

  • Mark Caldwell - 4 years ago

    The Oak Ridge school system may consider requiring vaccinations for all those eligible before returning to school. Those who are not fully vaccinated should wear masks.

  • Philip Nipper - 4 years ago

    It seems to me until the threat of the virus infecting kids has been diminished through increased vaccination levels, it only makes sense for those kids to mask up again. The virus is still here and will continue to mutate and infect those who are not protected. I am no doctor or scientist but I can read and understand data and the data suggests short of being vaccinated, wearing a mask to cover the mouth and nose reduces infection rates.

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