My employer (who I'm not identifying) is requiring vaccination, but in a really weird way where almost 100% of us were already vaccinated for several weeks and now they're just saying it's required. Uptake was so high on the vaccine in no small part because we had good reason to believe they were going to force us back to work in a congregate setting before the pandemic was over. So now they are "requiring" the vaccine that almost every one of us already had. It's as though they think they did something good, when really we're all already vaccinated because we don't trust them to not risk our lives again. And all so that Lumbergh's stock can go up a quarter of a point.
There's little in this world that is more pathetic than companies who get a result through being thoroughly disreputable, and then try to pass that off as an achievement.
Ms Benson - 4 years ago
We mandated vaccines for all office based team members and strongly recommended it for our home based folks. I'm happy to say that our policy convinced a few of our younger home based employees to go ahead and get the vaccine back in May/June. It was good to see the policy result in actual positive action being taken.
tom tharp - 4 years ago
Religious and medical exemptions are in place. Also requiring proof of vaccination for vendors and contractors who have a need to be on site.
Sandra B Rohrbacher - 4 years ago
We are requiring all personnel to be vaccinated, but allowing religious and medical exemption requests-just like we do for influenza requirements. We are still requiring wearing masks 100% of the time in patient care areas and in non-patient care areas in all common areas (break rooms, hallways, etc.) except at cubicles and offices.
Don Soucy - 4 years ago
We are requiring proof of vaccine for customer facing roles. Sales/PSG where it is expected to meet onsite. Upload card to our employee portal. Exceptions granted for medical or religious reasons.
My employer (who I'm not identifying) is requiring vaccination, but in a really weird way where almost 100% of us were already vaccinated for several weeks and now they're just saying it's required. Uptake was so high on the vaccine in no small part because we had good reason to believe they were going to force us back to work in a congregate setting before the pandemic was over. So now they are "requiring" the vaccine that almost every one of us already had. It's as though they think they did something good, when really we're all already vaccinated because we don't trust them to not risk our lives again. And all so that Lumbergh's stock can go up a quarter of a point.
There's little in this world that is more pathetic than companies who get a result through being thoroughly disreputable, and then try to pass that off as an achievement.
We mandated vaccines for all office based team members and strongly recommended it for our home based folks. I'm happy to say that our policy convinced a few of our younger home based employees to go ahead and get the vaccine back in May/June. It was good to see the policy result in actual positive action being taken.
Religious and medical exemptions are in place. Also requiring proof of vaccination for vendors and contractors who have a need to be on site.
We are requiring all personnel to be vaccinated, but allowing religious and medical exemption requests-just like we do for influenza requirements. We are still requiring wearing masks 100% of the time in patient care areas and in non-patient care areas in all common areas (break rooms, hallways, etc.) except at cubicles and offices.
We are requiring proof of vaccine for customer facing roles. Sales/PSG where it is expected to meet onsite. Upload card to our employee portal. Exceptions granted for medical or religious reasons.