I giggle everytime I say "Jacaris" when I'm supposed to pissed because nobody knows wtf I'm talking about, but if they listened to The Black Couple Who Tips, they would know!
B - 4 years ago
Hi Rod and Karen,
This was a tricky poll lol. Karen has so many lit -isms but I feel serious imposter syndrome using any of them or use them with air quotes because only Karen can do Karen. That being said, maybe it's my bad hearing but I'm sure I hear Karen say J'racaris which is how I think most people sound out the 'd r' sound. I still sort of think Rod's trolling when he makes the correction but now I'm not so sure lol
Feeling gaslit....
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I giggle everytime I say "Jacaris" when I'm supposed to pissed because nobody knows wtf I'm talking about, but if they listened to The Black Couple Who Tips, they would know!
Hi Rod and Karen,
This was a tricky poll lol. Karen has so many lit -isms but I feel serious imposter syndrome using any of them or use them with air quotes because only Karen can do Karen. That being said, maybe it's my bad hearing but I'm sure I hear Karen say J'racaris which is how I think most people sound out the 'd r' sound. I still sort of think Rod's trolling when he makes the correction but now I'm not so sure lol
Feeling gaslit....