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Have you talked with an anti-vaxxed friend or relative about getting vaccinated?

Total Votes: 80

  • Mwangangi - 4 years ago

    Bribed my (22 years younger) baby sister with fly out vacation consequences. It worked.

  • Adhana Davis - 4 years ago

    Most people I'm around are vaccinated. But of my friends who are still unvaccinated at this point cry "but what if [insert some long term side effect here]." However, I did have a friend who got her first shot a couple of weeks ago and she said it was after several talks she'd had with me. She recalled one time where she gave that "what if" answer and I replied "Ok fine we can't know the future but we do know people are dying of covid right now." So, there are a small group of people who can be convinced. But I really do agree that "I'm waiting until [insert milestone here]" is more often just a "polite" way of saying "I'm not getting the vaccine."

  • EvieE - 4 years ago

    There was a worker who comes to my house regularly and I asked her if she was vaxxed and she said she is waiting for more information. That night I called her agency and said send someone else because she’s not allowed back into my home. I don’t argue with these people. It’s a waste of time.

  • LaKeta Chism-Williams - 4 years ago

    Fuck it. I give up. I can only protect me & mine.

    Same mfs who will tell you that fuckin story about god sending you a life jacket, a lifeboat, & a helicopter (or whatever he sends), will tell you they leavin it up to "God". It's not looking good for humans right now.

  • Anonymous - 4 years ago

    I have given up, every single one of my friends (5 women) refuse. One of my friends said their dad will pay for them to go on a trip if she gets it and she said she may think about it. MAKE THIS MAKE SENSE. I just pray COVID doesn’t knock on her door because she be raw dogging the air (I listen to 3 guys on lol).

  • Erica Collins - 4 years ago

    I have a couple friends who are adamant about not getting it. Their main reason is uncertainty although there is information available regarding their concerns. The main reason I haven’t tried to convince them is the fear of argument. I did what I thought was best for me and my family.

  • RO - 4 years ago

    My aunt and uncle won't get the shot. She tells me facts from CNN about people that are vaccinated can still get sick or pass it on to others. But she omits the other facts from CNN like "go get vaccinated". ???? She then told me that she would be fine because she is "Covered in Blood"(Karen knows this reference) of Jesus. I responded "the blood got vaccine in it". Then she said "He died on the Cross". I said "the cross is shaped like a needle to me" ????... and she quickly rushed me of the phone like fed up auntie does. It hurts because she's my favorite Aunt and we look alike but what more can we do?

  • GreenEyedBandit - 4 years ago

    Talked to a friend about getting the jab and she said she'd get around to it in the most noncommittal way possible. Tried to visit her this week only to find out she has tested positive and admitted she never got the 'ccine. Mmm sorry to hear that. *crosses name off to-do list* And this is a woman that works in the medical field!

  • Briana - 4 years ago

    Yes - unfortunately I have a friend who falls into the category of people who 'feel that the vaccine isn't safe'. She's a vegan, and 'feels' that her immune system is strong enough to keep her from getting sick even if she contracts COVID. I'm so disgusted. I am doing my best to not lose all respect for this person that I have known and cared for since way when we met in college in the 90s, but it is a struggle.

  • Angela - 4 years ago

    No, because I don't have any friends or family who are unvaxxed. I know I am super lucky to be in this situation. I am just sitting here getting upset with strangers' family and friends who refuse to get vaccinated. I feel lucky that I have access to information and common sense and that I am not in a cult or susceptible to believing that the shot is the mark of the beast (which I would still happily take).

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