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Would you take a vaccine booster for the Delta variant right now?

Total Votes: 84

  • Amber B - 4 years ago

    Yes, hell yes. I’ve survived covid and I’m fully vaccinated and I would love a booster to make me even safer. I play no games when it comes to my health.

  • Mwangangi - 4 years ago

    I want a booster now. And I want a separate traffic lane too.

  • Bridgette - 4 years ago

    However, I’m tired of being the one who wishes to protect others but these other niggas won’t even get the first damn shot.

  • EvieE - 4 years ago

    Not only will I get a booster, I will get a forth and fifth as needed. I Want To Live!!!!

  • Briana - 4 years ago

    I'm going through chemo and have young kids that I unfortunately have to send to school. I plan to ask my doc about the booster at my next visit.

  • GreenEyedBandit - 4 years ago

    I'm on that JnJ so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before I need a booster for that Delta.

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