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Grade the 'Fboy Island' Season 1 finale:


  • Zeus - 3 years ago

    This show started HOT then was kinda boring thru the dates and all, but what Bachelor/Bachelorette show isn't boring during that span and look how successful it is! Hostess (Nikki) rocked it all the way! They have room for improvements for this show, but what show doesn't? HBOMAX has a powerhouse on their hands and I look forward to many more seasons!!!

  • Mark - 3 years ago

    I agree with Ash 100%. If I was Garrett and Casey I'd be taking them to court. Up until the handling of that point I was mildly entertained with the show but when they pulled that stunt out it was a wrap for any future seasons.

    Sarah made her made and lied in it. She choose him knowing who he was and completely dissed and dismissed Josh. If that's how they want to play the game then what does Josh get for being a gentlemen the entire time only for Sarah to choose an obvious Frat Boy? Did Josh get a prize? Nope. But they gave the girl who wanted to live on the edge a prize? Absolute joke of a show.

  • Katie - 3 years ago

    I watched episodes back to back. Like get that season 2 going this was not a fail .this was a takeover . i literally have called out fboys in real life but to sit and watch ..mannn there better be a season 2 .. ASAP

  • ash - 3 years ago

    they literally committed fraud and lied to garret and owe him $100k. how can there be a season 2 now when people know they dont pay fboys the money they promised. garret was a dick but he deserved to be paid what was promised him. sarah had a million warning signs and red flags and still ignored them. cj is really hot, she was the only reason i watched anyways lol

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