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How did HIMSS21 change your perception of HIMSS? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 257

  • Get out the way - 4 years ago

    The people that wanted to be there, were there. Personally, HIMSS21 was more successful than previous. Record number of meetings with quality folks. Was nice to reconnect in person. COVID is not going away and we must learn to adapt.

  • Wayne - 4 years ago

    Very disappointed in HIMSS for having a large in person event in the middle of a pandemic in a city with high transmission, surging cases, making it a very high risk environment. Not a great message for an organization with "healthcare" in its name. CDC has determined that even vaccinated individuals can transmit this disease to others. The digital content was limited and disappointing, but the only way to roll over last year's credit if not willing to attend in person due to legitimate COVID-19 concerns.

  • Rebecca - 4 years ago

    I was very disappointed in the digital version of HIMSS21. The sessions were few and far between and most of them not at all what I was interested in viewing. Considering that I wasn't willing to travel to Las Vegas in August and in the middle of a pandemic, it was my only option for rolling my HIMSS20 credits - but it was absolutely not worth it. HIMSS should have made the recordings of the in-person sessions available to us, as well.

  • Not singing HIMSS - 4 years ago

    I’ve never been to HIMSS
    I thought I’d want to do so
    I thought it was adventurous
    (Like Robinson C’rusoe)

    But now my mind is changed
    And HIMSS is off my list
    Exposing folks to COVID
    Just makes me really pissed.

    I know they got a bad rap
    For canceling before
    But convening in Las Vegas
    Spreads CoVID (probably more…)

    No one needs to see more techie ads
    Or get a tacky “gift”
    Designed to sell a product
    Without a heavy lift.

    Smart customers can do research
    It’s what the web is for.
    They don’t care about our safety,
    So let’s show HIMSS the door.

  • Vincent McGee - 4 years ago

    Member of HIMSS for over 15 years...

    Plenty of good talks! Presentations, Education Classes, Round Tables and Key Notes. Quality content was there if you looked for it. Just a tad unorganized.

    The location of the Interoperability Showcase was very strange (Caesars Forum Conference Center, Booth C200), however I loved the brand new area it was situated in.

    I really enjoyed Hal Wolf once he got past his hard sell of the new "collaboration software" Accelerate. He had a lot of great topics "Be the Change". I am an early adopter of Accelerate and so far, it is OK, overall not impressive, similar to MS SharePoint when it first came out.

    Soul Pancake was outstanding!

    Thank goodness HISTalk was giving us a transparent view of what the attendance was HIMSS was not giving real numbers and continued to always mixed virtual and actual attendance (not the same)

    The numerous cancelations were very disappointing and many of my contemporaries were missing.

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