I just want to say I live for y’all Walking Dead recaps. I never watched when it was on. But since listening to y’all recaps I will go back and watch a recapped show cuz y’all made it so good. Keep doing the damn thing! Lol I love it.
mizzbarnes - 4 years ago
As a fan of the Iron Chef and seeing Chef Kenichi make dishes from horse, I had to say no. If I do eat it, no one can ever tell me what the mystery meat is.
Romey - 4 years ago
I voted yes on if I'll eat horse only because I ate horse before. Around 2010 I worked for an Italian company and had to do 3 weeks of training in a small town in NE Italy. The plant where we were training was out of town away from everything so there was not any running somewhere else for lunch. Everyone ate at the cafeteria on site. I know no Italian and one day at lunch I just pointed to the meat everyone else getting. Sit down start eating and ask what kind of meat it is and they tell me horse. It wasn't too good but it wasn't bad either.
Blue Wave Rider - 4 years ago
This THOT has the NERVE to accuse Negan of being reckless with other people's lives. The Ninja Reaper Insurrectionists attack at night. So what does Maggie do, make her move in the middle of the night when the Reapers are active. Real smart, Margaret.
I really love your TWD reviews. I listen to a couple of other TWD reviews, but yours is the only review that is funny. I like the drops that you play and your references to Black Culture. Your take about Road Block BBQing horse at the cookout had me dying. Great job Ralph and Cathleen.
Nicole - 4 years ago
Hey Karen and Rod,
I love your walking dead recaps and your podcast in general. I stopped watching the show a few years ago but y'all have made me go back and start watching again, because of your animated reviews! :)
Just a thought but with the amount of times that Negan has been right this season.... I'm thinking we may need a "Negan was right" theme song like the Rod and Karen ones!
Thank you,
Blue Wave Rider - 4 years ago
I think episode 3 of TWD is a lesson in failed leadership. I'm not sure what bee Maggie has in her bonnet, but she lead a group of people to fight an unknown enemy. She didn't know the size, location, or strength of said enemy, and as a result she got a lot of people, GOOD PEOPLE, killed. Reminds me of the time Team Rick thought they could wup Neagan and the Saviors asses. They suffered heavy losses.
I'm eager to see how the writers pull Maggie's fat out of the fire.
I just want to say I live for y’all Walking Dead recaps. I never watched when it was on. But since listening to y’all recaps I will go back and watch a recapped show cuz y’all made it so good. Keep doing the damn thing! Lol I love it.
As a fan of the Iron Chef and seeing Chef Kenichi make dishes from horse, I had to say no. If I do eat it, no one can ever tell me what the mystery meat is.
I voted yes on if I'll eat horse only because I ate horse before. Around 2010 I worked for an Italian company and had to do 3 weeks of training in a small town in NE Italy. The plant where we were training was out of town away from everything so there was not any running somewhere else for lunch. Everyone ate at the cafeteria on site. I know no Italian and one day at lunch I just pointed to the meat everyone else getting. Sit down start eating and ask what kind of meat it is and they tell me horse. It wasn't too good but it wasn't bad either.
This THOT has the NERVE to accuse Negan of being reckless with other people's lives. The Ninja Reaper Insurrectionists attack at night. So what does Maggie do, make her move in the middle of the night when the Reapers are active. Real smart, Margaret.
I really love your TWD reviews. I listen to a couple of other TWD reviews, but yours is the only review that is funny. I like the drops that you play and your references to Black Culture. Your take about Road Block BBQing horse at the cookout had me dying. Great job Ralph and Cathleen.
Hey Karen and Rod,
I love your walking dead recaps and your podcast in general. I stopped watching the show a few years ago but y'all have made me go back and start watching again, because of your animated reviews! :)
Just a thought but with the amount of times that Negan has been right this season.... I'm thinking we may need a "Negan was right" theme song like the Rod and Karen ones!
Thank you,
I think episode 3 of TWD is a lesson in failed leadership. I'm not sure what bee Maggie has in her bonnet, but she lead a group of people to fight an unknown enemy. She didn't know the size, location, or strength of said enemy, and as a result she got a lot of people, GOOD PEOPLE, killed. Reminds me of the time Team Rick thought they could wup Neagan and the Saviors asses. They suffered heavy losses.
I'm eager to see how the writers pull Maggie's fat out of the fire.