Grade the premiere of CBS' 'NCIS: Hawai'i':


  • Lynette Frederick - 2 years ago

    I enjoyed the show until you introduced the lesbian scenes. Has nothing to do with the show, guess the writers thought they’d just throw in in there. Lost us we don’t want or need to watch two women kissing. You can keep your show, we’re out!!

  • Jane Allen - 3 years ago

    You lost me when you threw in the Lesbian scene! I won’t watch this show again! CBS needs to do better and stop pandering to a very small audience.

  • Susie - 3 years ago

    Not interest in watching women kissing. Show need more experience
    With police work and it just doesn’t work well

  • Rachel Northweather - 3 years ago

    NCIS Hawaii is Boring. First episode watched 15 min then turned off..
    Then decided to finish it hoping it would improve.. It did not.. watched 2nd week decided I did not want to waste any more time on it and won't watch it again.. TOTAL FLOP.. At least NCIS New Orleans was watchable.

  • Barry - 3 years ago

    Disappointing, poor cinematography had more of a video look. The scenes looked like they had green filters and forgot to open up the lens to let some more light in. Focus puller should pay more attention. I think the reason the interiors are dark because they're using the old Hawaii5-O sets and haven't redressed them. Police procedures are poor. The one agent at the food truck had his duty weapon outside and exposed ,big no no in HI big antigun state. Had to listen with closed caption just to catch some of the dialogue . If your goi g to have a lesbian love scene make it worthwhile or leave it out, just don't put it in for missing plot. I have no idea who any of the actors are. I'll be sticking with NCIS and NCIS LA

  • Brenda Herring - 3 years ago

    You lost us at the lesbian scene. We canceled all upcoming episodes.

  • Duane A Bauer - 3 years ago

    Disappointed that they went with the lesbo angle from the get go before they even proved their ability.
    The process smells to high heaven and I now get to write one of NCIS series of as a loser.

  • Gilbert Baber - 3 years ago

    Why didn't you just renew Hawaii Five O for an 11th season?

  • Paulette Hackett - 3 years ago

    Soap husband said after 5 min.
    I agreed after 15 min..also the gay clinch was a real turn off..won't tune in again

  • K D Smith - 3 years ago

    First and last time to watch. Turned it off at the LGBTQ scene. Not impressed at all. How can a LGBTQ couple be in every show that comes along?

  • philip chun - 3 years ago

    Why does almost every show have a LGBT character ? I'm getting sick and tired of this. This segment of the
    population is only about 10% and yet is in almost every show. I turn off the show now when a character like this appears.

  • Pam - 3 years ago

    Very disappointing. I could not connect at all with the tech guy, just seemed like he was trying too hard to be quirky. Liked the “new guy” and the team leader and they have possibilities. However, did not like the other characters from the get go and then they had the obligatory LGBTQ scene. That was when I turned it off. Keep catering to the minority and you will lose the majority. I may give it one more chance but I doubt it will change anything

  • Pk - 3 years ago

    No way will I be watching again.

  • David Dowell - 3 years ago

    I won't put my life on hold to watch NCIS Hawaii or set the PVR. Not impressed especially with the LGBTQ scenes, quite uncomfortable with this. What happens in the bedroom is their business. Bring back NCIS New Orleans.

  • Peggy Cook - 3 years ago

    Too jumpy. Could not keep up. All jumbled characters all thrown together. LACHEY not a leader. I started with the original NCIS and never missed a show. My favorite on TV. LOVE NCIS LA and Loved NCIS New Orleans. Very disappointed when it cancelled. Was really excited to see Hawaii. Extremely disappointed. Fell asleep before it was over. Recorded it but don't intend to watch it to see the ending. It has already ended for me. Sad for the actors.

  • Randy Smooth - 3 years ago

    Pure Garbage plz bring back NCIS New Orleans

  • Linda C Johnson - 3 years ago

    They took ncis n a off the air for this!!!! Horrible show

  • Claudia Chatham - 3 years ago

    I hated it! This is NOT an NCIS show. Disjointed, hard to follow, lousy acting. And I agree with so many others ~ I don't want to watch all the gay in my face crap. A total bomb. Cancel it now.

  • Freddie W Stewmon - 3 years ago

    We have watched every episode of all NCIS shows. We eagerly anticipated NCIS Hawaii but were extremely disappointed. From bad acting, too fast, slurred dialog, crazed caricatures and poor lighting to inappropriate homosexual lesbian kisses, we will not be watching.

  • Frank - 3 years ago

    I'm a NCIS fan but like everyone else I think that the same sex scenes on the very first episode was just to soon it could have been work in as the episodes continued but I guess to each his own and for the show introduction music I think was very lame I think they could have found another sound or song representing Hawaii for the action show of NCIS Hawaii.

  • john j gerding - 3 years ago

    I can deal with the Lesbian thing. What I didn't like was that it seemed everyone was talking just too darn fast. I know this sounds weird, but I had a bit of a time understanding what was being said. I will probably watch the second episode, because everyone deserves more than one look, but if it continues like this, it's back to Netflix or Prime or whatever.

  • Des Wertheimer - 3 years ago

    My wife and I have never missed an episode of NCIS. We are huge fans following it after JAG went bye bye. We were so excited for another series and my wife especially was giddy over Hawaii being the new destination.
    But that all said, this show was a disaster. The actors were horrible. Vanessa who, got the gig and thinks she is Gibbs. She is a terrible actor. And the guy who is the new Abby is a slap in the face to the techno wizard role.
    Typically the leads on this series have been strong lead actors, yes I know they were all men, but to pick a lead actor with no acting chops to speak of is pathetic. The only reason she got this gig is because of her skin color and that she is a woman.
    I understand the woke conscious today of Hollywood in general, but isn’t picking someone for their skin color kinda reverse racism. I’m all for paying actors the same and I also get that Hollywood has been too white for too long, but picking someone of no significance or previous experience makes it worse. Now we have a massive franchise, with tremendous following and you pick relative no buddies to fill the roles.
    Not even this being Hawaii can save this show. It was a total bomb, disaster, horrible mess that we will be skipping.
    Such a shame too, we were looking forward to watching.
    I think Vanessa could have been a great team member edition as a relative unknown and after a season or so been pushed into the lead role. But to add her in this way will destroy this series and eventually bring down the whole franchise.

  • Diane - 3 years ago

    Terrible first impression; so much so, I will not watch again. First of all, I love NCIS but, apparently, you should take advice from Mark Harmon on how to make it successful. We certainly like knowing a little personal information about the agents but I don’t want any serious love scenes, especially LGBTQ, mixed in with the real purpose of the show. I can watch the bachelor or love island if that’s the trash I want to see, which it’s not! Our news covers enough of the lgbtq movement;leave it out of NCIS.

  • Barbara - 3 years ago

    Nothing good to say. We didn’t even finish it and won’t watch again. A waste of time. Plot samo nothing exciting,personalities poor. No excitement. Zeva heading an all female team would have been worth watching. If u can’t write a suspense story without adding inappropriate relationship then ur nt much of a writer.... quit

  • Art Hanley - 3 years ago

    Horrible! After the first 15 minutes I was ready to delete it from my DVR but continued to the end because I thought my wife wanted to watch it. When it was over she asked what I thought of it and I responded that it was horrible. She said it wasn't even good enough to be considered horrible. It will not be on our screen again.

  • CT - 3 years ago

    Saddened that the photography was so bad. The island is beautiful— but I felt like your pans and pictures were too dark, poor quality, pathetic.

    Too much pidgin for the average listener. Need closed captioning?

    Cliff scene ?? Where’s Tim Selleck for some common sense?

  • had one - 3 years ago

    Another show caving to the idea shows can't be successful unless you have gay characters. When will networks understand people don't NOT watch shows because they DON'T HAVE swearing. open gay relationships, but they don't watch them because hey HAVE swearing or open gay relationships but they do.

    I will not watch shows that promote gay relationships and thus the their advertisers will miss marketing to me.

    I will not watch shows having f-bomb, GD or other religious exclamations

  • Heath - 3 years ago

    No part of the lgbtq. You have it on again I will not watch it again.

  • Constance Binkley - 3 years ago

    I am not impressed. Immediately there was friction between male female position. This does not support unity and respect of men women within the ranks, instead it displays dysfunction. Why is it necessary to include lesbian scenes? This is more of playing the political crap. Disappointed. Will not continue watching. Bring back NCIS New Orleans.

  • Marcus VanBuskirk - 3 years ago

    Love the other NCIS shows but was very disappointed with this one. Felt thrown into too many back stories trying to develop all the characters at once, leaving me confused and uninterested. Probably won't watch it again.

  • Clyde L Clark - 3 years ago

    Nope count me out...this 77 year old ain't into this LGPDQ XYZ stuff.. Get local actors instead of tourists looked out of place.. I'll watch NCIS reruns!

  • Brenda - 3 years ago

    Everything about it is fake. No plot. I take offense on how they tried to speak our lingo. All fake. Hire the people from the islands, we are real.

  • GG - 3 years ago

    Nope I’m not watching this. I couldn’t get through the entire premiere. I do not and will never enjoy a woman acting like she’s tougher than a man. Ain’t gonna watch while she tries to put his manhood down. I’m naive.......didn’t know ANYTHING about lgbtq or whatever it’s called until I searched where I cd make a comment. Then I could see why.
    NCIS Hawaii? Nope. NCIS New Orleans was boring so glad it’s off. Can’t do better than the original.

  • M Brigham - 3 years ago

    I’m an NCIS faithful and was disappointed with the pilot. The episode lacked cohesiveness and was too focused on quick flashes of action. NCIS has always had story lines that were created to intertwine through the plot. I think they were trying to do too much and introduce too many. Hopefully, they develop the team more and establish the lead better. We shall see.

  • J - 3 years ago

    Disgusting. It well acted and storyline boring. Gay stuff really downgrades ncis series. And you took out NCIS New Orleans for this? First and last time to watch.

  • Craig - 3 years ago

    Seriously? Totally unimpressed. This gay stuff needs to go. “Not that’s there anything wrong with it “. But as several posters have said, I will give it a few episodes and see what happens.

  • Ruth Anne Dale - 3 years ago

    Disgusted!!! The gay NCIS. Not watching again.

  • Myers Curtis - 3 years ago

    Disappointing to say the least. Try as I may to have something good to say about it…. Never-mind.

  • A Jay Mahan - 3 years ago

    And to think this is a replacement for NCIS New Orleans! Saw it twice my 1st and last in one viewing!

  • Anchors - 3 years ago

    Horrible! Actors are terrible. Please keep the LBGQT out of shows. Will not watch again. Epic fail!

  • Gary H - 3 years ago

    I’m tired of having the LGBTQ thing shoved down my throat. It seems that just about every show thinks they need to have a gay or lesbian scene in it. It added nothing to the storyline, if there was a storyline. Seemed like a lot of screens just thrown together. Couldn’t understand the team lead half of the time. Her words were kind of jumbled together.

  • Timothy Preece - 3 years ago

    I did not like the first show. The lead agent talked way too fast and acted like a "hard-ass". Didn't need the lesbian scene at all. The storyline is inconsistent with all the other NCIS programs and hard to follow. Last, I am not happy with the change of time for NCIS and the time NCIS Hawaii came on. Lots of people have early morning activities and lose sleep over this. I probably will not be watching anymore.

  • Betty Hix - 3 years ago

    The lesbians scene made sick. I enjoy all of ncis shows, I wish they had not canceled new Orleans.

  • Lulu - 3 years ago

    Not impressed at all! I found it quite boring. No one will ever be able to compete with Hawaii 5-0 that was one of the best shows on television. The cast was great except for the last season, Katrina Law from the Arrow not impressed with her acting and now she is on NCIS so sad. I will give this show one more chance because usually the premiere of any new show isn’t that great. If it doesn’t get better I will not watch it again. Let me just add I do like Vanessa but I don’t think it is going to make it long term.

  • Linda Sperling - 3 years ago

    Most annoying is that Lachey seems to speak her lines way too fast. If you aren't watching her face, it's hard to understand. In the attempt to make this an "action-paclkd" show, they went way over the top. I can't imagine any one agent jumping over the cliff for a fugitive, let alone two.

  • Tony - 3 years ago

    Very disappointed, especially being a NCIS story line. Was not a consistent story line, jumped around too much, over acting by both the female and male leads, except the character who played the newbie. Lachey will never be a Gibbs, she doesn't have that presentation of authority or leadership. The LBGT thing was a complete dislike and unnecessary, hey this is NCIS, not some day time soap opera. All together bad writting and casting. Have to admit, didn't continue watching complete episode, switched to ION channel to watch NCIS LA rerun, even though I had seen it before, still enjoyed it better. Sorry to say NCIS Hawaii will not be on my must watch TV night list.

  • Vincent Chan - 3 years ago

    Too much Hawaii 5-0, nothing original! It will canceled soon(hopefully)! It's like Baywatch Hawaii(boring)!!!

  • Bill Campbell - 3 years ago

    The gay part totally ruined the series…………….. !

  • John shipwash - 3 years ago

    Too much running and flipping NOT the past NCIS shows pattern in DC LA NO.

  • Cecilia - 3 years ago

    I didn't like the story kinda scattered. Should have stronger story this was boring. Still love NCIS.

  • Belle Gy - 3 years ago

    The reason I watch the show is Vanessa Lachey. I’m a big fan ever since she has a TV show. It’s great I will watch it again.????

  • Donna Ambrusko - 3 years ago

    It was all about “power to the woman”. It lack a good story line and character building. The lesbian scene was in poor taste for the first episode. Suspense should have been the first punch for a new show. I may give it a second chance but it really last luster.

  • Mark Alan Zegan - 3 years ago

    Hey guess what, LGBTQ characters don't offend me. Boring TV does, tho. Bad writing, average acting and could the tech guy bug out his eyes any more? Lachey can't carry a show, and no other character is at all compelling. NCIS NOLA was canceled for this?

  • Betty - 3 years ago

    What plot? A bunch of stuff thrown at the wall to see what sticks was about it. Terrible acting and direction! It was more like a first walk through of an amateur production and believe me, I’ve seen much better amateur productions than this mess. Why the heck was Vanessa Lashay chosen to lead this mess? A bunch of Bible thumpers were outraged over the lesbian scene - I don’t object to that, it was just one more element thrown into a big pot and thrown up against that wall with no relation to a story or plot - a lot of cliches. Really disappointed. Even the Hawaii location was not used adequately. This was just a mess start to finish!

  • Virginia Nimmons - 3 years ago

    I was not impressed, could not follow the story line after 45 minutes I turned it off and watched reruns of NCISLA on ION instead. LA and the original NCIS are much better programs.

  • Bb - 3 years ago

    I'm tired of the gay lifestyle being in everything we see these days!! Won't be watching any more of any show that thinks this is right behavior.

  • Dee Ross - 3 years ago

    I did not like the show at all really resented the females kissing tired of having all that shove down our throats keep the sex in the bedrooms private.

  • Barbara Kennard - 3 years ago

    Was struggling to follow story line, then the females kissing and I turned it off. I agree with other comments that I’m tired of the LGBQ being pushed on us. Seemed more like a female Hawaii 5-O.

  • Mark - 3 years ago

    Just fair. No really great character. Hawaii five o was much better. On NCIS. Have been a fan forever. Without Mark Harmon I’m gone. Hope they don’t screw up NCIS LA

  • Rocking Randall - 3 years ago

    Started flaky, seemed to jump around then, to military, gay(bs) NOT what I had hoped for. However if cbs reads the feedback they should see fans not to happy with the gay stuff keep it clean and police work!

  • She - 3 years ago

    Didy keep me interested don't know if I would watch again

  • Debbie - 3 years ago

    Turned the channel at gay kiss. Sorry. Sick and tired of anything LGBT rammed down our throats at every turn. You can keep your “new” woke show. And I used to be a die hard NCIS fan.

  • James Jines - 3 years ago

    Should have renewed NCIS NOLA. This new one is pure crap!

  • David Whitmer - 3 years ago

    I was so looking forward to this. It started off discombobulated and never recovered. Then came the "hey we're woke" scene. We had to turn it off about half way through the show. Of the four NCIS shows this one ranks # 5 and that is being nice. Whoever wrote this should be fired. Give me Gibbs anyday.

  • Adam - 3 years ago

    Very disappointed. Cast was not what you would expect to represent such an agency. Maybe should have picked one of the strong women from the other NCIS series. Too bad. Love Hawai'i.

  • Rcb - 3 years ago

    Didn't care for the show, quit watching when female kissed, seems rushed. Want be watching again waste of time.

  • Mike Barberena - 3 years ago

    Terrible, the plot sucked and the gay stuff a big no no. I won't be watching CBS any longer. It looks like they're trying to force gay crap on us. Homosexuality scenes has no place in commercial TV. Never again watching CBS, you can push that crap on a few viewers and lose millions of viewers. I'm boycotting your sponsors also. enough with it. I'm not against gays but that crap is enough.

  • Dd - 3 years ago

    Lost me at lesbian scenes

  • Helen Mac Donald - 3 years ago

    Lost me at the LESBIAN need for it…if you want to imply it ok but we do not need to see that stuff!!! Ugg..

  • Charlie Dickerson - 3 years ago

    There was a Military plane crash and then, what? Guess there was a story line about that. Hard to follow. Agents jumping OFF a CLIFF, in the DARK, to SAVE a suspect, that was probably already DEAD?? And maybe the idea of THIS series is just to push the idea of a "Gay, Lesbian Hawaii 5.0" onto the audience? "Well if we just name it NCIS-anything, America will love it." Jethro Gibbs TWO words, at the end last night, were better than any of the "Gay Hawaii 5.0". "McGee: So are you in? Gibbs: Well yeah". NCIS and NCIS-LA, that is the STANDARD.

  • Sandra Hagen - 3 years ago

    The female kiss was a big turnoff. Lead cast is too female heavy. It’s unrealistic. Enjoyed the beautiful scenic cinematography. There needs to be a more structured setting for NCIS, and strong masculine leadership. Reality is daily life in Hawaii is American rather than emphasis on “local” color.

  • jessie pauline lindsey - 3 years ago

    canceled NOLA for this ? wrong move wont be watching

  • Walter Daniel Turner - 3 years ago

    Love all the NCIS franchise, not o much for NCIS Hawaii, can do without the gay stuff. Will not be back.

  • DJ Fitzgerald - 3 years ago

    The two females’ kiss ruined it for me! Disgusting!!! Had nothing to do with the story, and was just stuck in by perverse writers. Too bad, would have loved it, without that! Will not be watching it, because of this!

  • Joe Jensen - 3 years ago

    It's not so good when you fall asleep during the first episode

  • Bernard Poelman. - 3 years ago

    Why the sex thing between 2 females didn't have anything to do with the story line
    Otherwise it was a fair start for the series
    Jumping off a cliff on the dark, come on!

  • S. Barnes - 3 years ago

    I disliked it. Wrong show canceled! I won’t be watching it.

  • Dale - 3 years ago

    Not hooked yet did not like the open lesbian scene

  • Denis Schwanke - 3 years ago

    Iffy. Might have cancelled wrong NCIS show.

  • Kellie Vesper - 3 years ago

    Hoping to like it more once we watch it more. Like the strong women characters. The men are also smart and add some humor. Love that element. Not invested yet! The story plot was great. Will watch again. Certainly not Gibbs. Hopefully, she will get her own style!

  • Jim - 3 years ago

    The first episode was “ok”. Did not knock my socks off. I hope it gets better. BUT, leave the openly gay crap out. I don’t judge people’s chosen lifestyle, I just don’t want to be exposed to it on TV.

  • Sarge - 3 years ago

    The show is great lots of action. A new NCIS in beautiful Hawaii. I imagine there will be crossovers with Magnum. We watch these shows because they take us away from our normal lives. I expect it will be clone popular with the CBS crowd.

  • Bob Callanan - 3 years ago

    I like the show it’s has a little of everything like H 5-0 and the NCIS LA , it’s had a mixed of everything and it great that a woman is in charge

  • Rich F - 3 years ago

    Action scenes way over the top and the excessive dark lighting makes half of the program not visible.

  • Tim - 3 years ago

    Going to give it some time. Let the characters develop as well as the story line. I there has to be a lot of work bringing characters together. Has possibilities. Not giving up yet.

  • Dude Daddy - 3 years ago

    Love the multi-ethnic cast and showing a more realistic representation of our world and not just breeders as love comes in all forms.

  • lulu jones - 3 years ago

    show sucks hated lesbian scene yuck!!!

  • Ken Krasowski - 3 years ago

    Team leader comes off as a fake or phony, not believable.

  • Russell Sulham - 3 years ago

    Team leader talks too fast. the story jumps around too much. te mood music is too loud.

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