Grade the new 'B Positive':


  • Shirley Brodeur - 2 years ago

    Please do not take the show off.It is a fabulous show.We need more show like this . I love the characters that play in it
    Just bring it back.I love the show.

  • Diana - 2 years ago

    Great show!!! Great cast!!! I will miss it if you do not bring it back… writers keep it interesting for sure…

  • Shirley Delbert - 2 years ago

    I originally loved this show, but after this night with nothing but sex and other not nice subjects, l don't think l will watch it again. I used to encourage in others to watch. No more. Why did you go this route when you had a winner. The female star is adorable. But l still won't watch it after tonight

  • Wayne Bailey - 2 years ago

    Enjoyed the first season, but could not be more pleased with season two. Love Gina and the way the show transitioned with new and season one cast. Glad Drew is back in the picture after his road show. The new characters are endearing and I love the new opening. I did not like the season one opening at all.

  • Susan Walsh - 2 years ago

    Annaleigh Ashford is an amazing broadway actress. Why not use her talent in the opening song. The actor that plays Drew had some “ legal “ issues so taking the focus off him this season was probably the prudent thing to do. Face it, Gina makes the show, and the all star senior cast is bonus.

  • Linda Mitchell - 3 years ago

    Drew is not even included in the opener, if I remember right. He is the reason to be positive and meet Gina in the first place. Why is he given such low priority now? He should be brought back to co-star status with Gina, not a minor role.

  • Rosemary Grove - 3 years ago

    Love the characters, however where is Drew? He was main character, now Gina. Preferred both of them interacting . Was warm and funny.

  • Marie - 3 years ago

    I liked last year. I like Gina. I do not like the comedy now being centered around old people's sex-capades. Really?! Vomit worthy.

  • Marion Muscare - 3 years ago

    I was interested in this show because I am a kidney patient and my doctor is mentioning transplant now too. I had mixed feelings about the season 1 opener, but it grew on me. It was corny but cute. I actually love the new longer opener! It seems fitting that it had to change since the kidney emergency has been resolved. But the show needs to remain equally about Drew! It's good that Gina is being more mature, but not at the diminishment of Drew. He's the principle reason for the show if you ask me.

  • Beverly - 3 years ago

    Obviously the show had to change following the successful transplant. I love Gina inheriting the nursing home and I LOVE the characters and actors portraying them—great cast!! But Gina without Drew—B Positive without Drew—just no. The show needs to get back on point and the point has to include Drew. Thank heaven for Cannoli!!! He’s the best!!!

  • Sue - 3 years ago

    I liked the interplay of the characters in Season 1, and the depth is much lessened in Season 2. It may turn around, but it is just so different, and not as original and creative. I don’t care for the opener, which I feel is a gratuitous attempt at showcasing the new focus of the show.

  • Sue - 3 years ago

    I liked the interplay of the characters in Season 1, and the depth is much lessened in Season 2. It may turn around, but it is just so different, and not as original and creative. I don’t care for the opener, which I feel is a gratuitous attempt at showcasing the new focus of the show.

  • Gee - 3 years ago

    GET RID IF OPENING OF SHOW-it’s silly stupid
    Gina is nothing without Drew and the dog

  • S. Conaway - 3 years ago

    I loved the old opening because it was so original and creative. This new song and dance opening seems incongruent with the story. I think the new direction and the new characters will work, but please keep Drew and Gina’s relationship central. Everything about the first season was a breath of fresh air.

  • Todd Graham - 3 years ago

    Love the new format, love the new setting, love the focus revolving around Annaleigh. Great supporting characters and the talent to bring them to the table. I tuned in to a few episodes last season but the premise and that dreadful opening made me uncomfortable. The NEW opening is stellar. I honestly HUM it now. Drew can Vincent Van Go Away.

  • Richard - 3 years ago

    I liked the first season, especially Gina. I found Drew a little neurotic and annoying. Season 2 is promising. Lots of potential storylines to explore. The additional cast of older actors is great although Seymour’s character is too cartoonish. Drew isn’t front and center and can live with that. But if he’s leaving do it gradually. I hate when characters just disappear with no explanation. Are you listening Black-ish? The whole last season and no mention of the youngest boy.

  • Donna - 3 years ago

    I have to be honest, I'm not that crazy about the new format. I mean, it's ok, but it is missing something. Does anyone else feel that way? I think they should have kept Drew and Gina as the center, not mostly Gina. I don't like the opening at all! They could have left the song from season 1 opening and changed it a bit, but to put in a dance number? How does that even fit with the show? Not at all! I think they do have a good cast though. I like all of those people, and I thought it was a great idea to bring, D.B. Sweeney in. He is pretty funny and a great actor. I hope it gets better and I would like Drew and Gina to get together. Of course, Cannoli is a keeper!

  • Wendy - 3 years ago

    I liked Season 1 except I hated the opening number. It was creepy and turned me off to the show at first. I really like the pivot to Season 2 and I think the older actors, including Linda Lavin, Hector Elizando, Ben Vereen, and Jayne Seymour, are fantastic.Linda Lavin was one of my favorite parts of Season 1, too. I love the even bigger focus on Gina, but I agree with the others that I don’t think you should completely write off Drew. I think he should be a supporting actor and I think his friendship with Gina is compelling. I do not think they are believable as a couple, however. I just don’t see romantic chemistry between them. Also, I just love Cannoli! More Cannoli!

  • Kris - 3 years ago

    Love the addition of the quality, mature actors. Keep Drew in the mix -- it'd feel like a betrayal to save him only to write him out!
    I only sporadically watched season one because, while it presented a real-life struggle, I didn't think it should have been sitcom fodder.

    This change is a good call; while continuing to deal with serious things (memory loss, chemotherapy) it shows folks bonding in a senior facility. Lavin, Vereen, the GREAT Hector Elizondo, and a real coup to get Jim Beaver signed on...all great choices. Seymour's character is a work in progress...too much of a caricature so far. Give her some depth.

    Like The United States of Al, which improved hugely in its second season by adding seriousness, dramedies are better with the comedy sprinkled on the daily business of life.
    I watch Young Sheldon for pure comedy and wit; Al and B Postive for deeper entertainment.

  • Ginger - 3 years ago

    I like the old B positive better. I am not interested in watching people in a retirement home. The new characters have not grown on me, especially Bette. I lived the old beginning too, this one is too flashy.

  • Tex Diggery - 3 years ago

    Loved season one. Don't care for the new opening montage of this new season. The heart and soul of the show was Drew and Gina and their supporting people. Now the entire premise of the show is changed. It's ok, but without the great chemistry of Drew and Gina and their issues, I probably won't be as loyal a viewer this season. Please bring back the good story line between Drew and Gina. If you're going to keep the story line of the older folks, there's got to be more depth, more human interest, more draw, more real comedy. The first season was dynamite. This season not so much.

  • Gary Alford - 3 years ago

    I agree with Val v, Drew is a liberal creep !!

  • Jo Ann - 3 years ago

    Love the new story line. Did not watch it from the beginning. Drawn to the show because of the new cast members—very entertaining. Character Drew is most annoying. It would be a good idea to phase him out. His character is an insult to mental health workers. He is a real flake. His private life and harassment charges do not help his image as well. Not very likeable.

  • Eve Hall - 3 years ago

    I do miss the title/intro from the first season. It was really great! New one is too busy!! I think the new story line in the senior living facility is funny and can produce lots of fresh ideas . Keep Drew in the show as a major character. Linda Lavin is also great. I gradually recognized Jane Seymour and Others! So glad to see older actors being given good parts. Just keep trying out ideas until you get it right!!

  • Mindy - 3 years ago

    I love the show!! I hope it just keeps getting funnier and funnier.
    But please DON'T lose Drew, He needs to stay front and center with Gina, Like how he is finding himself and trying to become Gina's love interest.

    Congrats on the show keep up the great stoy lines

  • Peter - 3 years ago

    The season 1 animated picture was the best part of the show. I can’t watch the second season. Sorry.

  • Angela - 3 years ago

    Love the switch to the ALF setting because you really nailed it. My job used to take me in and out of a lot of these places and you really capture the atmosphere.

  • J. Murray - 3 years ago

    Drew and Gina's characters had to grow on me, but they eventually did and I am loving the show now. I really hope they develop a more romantic relationship in the future, of course.
    After seeing the episode "Novocaine, Bond and Bocce," I must say that I think a dialogue opportunity between Spencer (Jim Beaver) and Bette (Jane Seymour) was missed when the retirement community gang was watching a James Bond film. Spencer could have commented that he enjoyed the Bond movie "Live and Let Die" because he was hot for the Bond girl Solitaire (which was played by Seymour). Oh, well.

  • Fran - 3 years ago

    Loved it from the beginning and still loving it. I wish I had Gina's spunkiness. Love all the new characters coming into play. The new beginning is a dramatic difference but it's the show itself that one should focus on. Can't wait to see how all this plays out.

  • Deborah - 3 years ago

    Not sure about the new beginning.After all, Gina is the New owner and Director of a very affluent convalescent home. Which makes the new beginning somewhat too flashy. Not relatable.
    I love the idea of Gina and Drew growing closer as they work together and face the challenges of running that type of business.
    Noo mention

  • Deborah - 3 years ago

    Not sure about the new beginning.After all, Gina is the New owner and Director of a very affluent convalescent home. Which makes the new beginning somewhat too flashy. Not relatable.
    I love the idea of Gina and Drew growing closer as they work together and face the challenges of running that type of business.
    Noo mention

  • Michael Johnson - 3 years ago

    I think the show has always been more “gina-centric”. But i loved it. I hate the new intro…music, etc. geez back to the original!!!

  • Shannan - 3 years ago

    I loved the old version, I don’t mind it being about her but if I wanted to watch the golden girls I would watch the golden girls.

  • Melissa Keenan - 3 years ago

    Why did you get rid of Eli? I loved him and Gina together. Ruined the show by letting him go, and Drew's girlfriend.

  • Laurie - 3 years ago

    I loved the first season and the retirement home 2nd season could be great too, but Jane Semore is degrading herself. She's awful and not the least bit funny. Seniors are sweet people in need of love, just don't make them appear stupid. Focus on Gina's love for her residents. She's adorable and is much needed for their retirement home. And Drew should get as much attention and a little less dorky so they can become a cute couple and he could help her at the home. Love the show. Refreshing and sweet. Please don't mess it up with worldly issues.

  • Deanna Thompson - 3 years ago

    Please don’t get rid of Drew. He is a great balance to the show.

  • Cheryl - 3 years ago

    You had an adorable show with season one so why would you change it? The original opening was better. I do like the additional focus on retirement home residents but only if you don't trash it out with moronic characters like Jane Seymour's.

  • Elisa Windstein - 3 years ago

    I like this shows humor. You do need o guidance with your medical technology. A lot of mistakes with the dialysis center.

  • Shanna - 3 years ago

    I loved the first season and namely due to Gina and Drew and their dynamic. However, disappointed how little there is of the Drew character. He was half of the main reason why my family loved season one. I just don't like it as much without him playing a larger role.

  • Val - 3 years ago

    They should let creepy Drew go off to Switzerland with his last girlfriend and follow up with the hint that maybe his ex wife, Julia would become a kidney donor.

  • Chris Trobaugh - 3 years ago

    This show was good from the beginning, and only got better as it progressed. Annaleigh portrays her character flawlessly. She is freaking hilarious. Thomas is perfect, not only because his role is so well executed and performed, but, in the sense that he is painfully average. For once they did not cast some hunky underwear model as the lead. He could be any one of us, and you can’t help but love him and ache for the situation he was in, aka dying. And dying alone, to boot!
    As for the new direction that the show has taken, there was no option but to change it. He received her kidney, and everything went well. Happy ending! However, that was the premise of the show, and if it had not changed, that would’ve been the end of the show. I mean, You can’t drag the guys kidney problem out for years. That would have just been depressing.
    I absolutely loved the old opening, but because the theme of the show has changed (as it had to), it no longer fits. I think the new beginning is stunningly well done and in keeping with the new premise of the series. A flawless and masterful transition. There was really no other path the show could take, and it was superbly executed from the new opening to the direction their lives are taking. They didn’t even have to try to make the storyline believable. It all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. After all, the whole point of the show was the selflessness of a woman giving of herself, literally, because of the caring soul that she was. Therefore, it only made sense to go forward with her selflessness and caring for the elderly residents of the assisted living facility that she was so devoted to.
    The seemless transition of key character Gideon is completely believable given his profession, and it is obvious that in this new chapter of their lives, Drew will become the in-house psychologist or therapist for all of these senior residents. Linda Lavin is still as funny as ever, and perfectly cast for her role. It was such a nice surprise to see her again in the beginning of this series. Her comedic talent was as good as it has always been, and with the addition of such legendary talents as Héctor Elizondo, Jane Seymour, and Ben Vereen, I think they have struck gold. I’m so very pleased with the direction this show has taken, and will look eagerly forward to each new episode.

  • E. Sanchez - 3 years ago

    I really like Gina. She a very bright personality. She is willing to grow, learn and take on new challenges. She lights up every scene she is in and makes such a contrast to the Drew character.
    I also like the Linda Lavin character. She and Gina have such a good connection. I was not too fond of the show at first but I like it now. I just wish it was on after Al
    I look forward to watching it.

  • Jimmy - 3 years ago

    I’m surprised so many of you liked season 1. It was probably one of the worst first seasons of a sitcom since MOM. Luckily MOM found it’s voice and what worked well in series & thus became a terrific ensemble about female friendship & trying to do better. I think Thomas should be let go, this role was never suited for him. I applaud Chuck & CBS for brining older actors to the forefront instead of in the background like ABC does. Clearly ABC fears old people on their shows and is obsessed with youth & diversity now. Seeing these terrific older performers was refreshing and I’m looking very much forward to the new concept. Someone said if it ain’t broke why did it? But seriously dear fans, last season was broke because it was awful and was missing the key components of a great sitcom, characters you care about and having a show about something, it’s relatable and I think this is the reboot the show needs!

  • Glo - 3 years ago

    Two of my favorite shows - Grace Under Fire, and Mom. I had hoped that BPositive would be as good as these shows were. I enjoyed the previous seasons and the opening. After watching the new opening and new direction of the show I will have to wait and see if it holds my interest. This episode set the ground work now let's see where the writers go from here. I hope the storyline is somewhat believable and not to far off the rails. That's what made Grace Under Fire and Mom so good. That and the comedy. I would laugh out loud when I watched those shows. Fingers crossed this will be a sitcom to remember ????

  • Judy - 3 years ago

    I loved season 1 and the old opening couldn't wait for new season but I must say I am Not happy at all with new opening it dosent fit w the show. and new direction is off a bit but will give it a few more shots.
    ...if it ain't broke don't fix it. There's a reason this saying is so true.

  • Li'l Man 1961 - 3 years ago

    Love the new opening...Lorre will not let Drew go by the wayside...Eli and Gina should expand their relationship (cue Drew)...Norma is wonderful...Gideon...Fab-u-lous! The addition of the nursing home residents has great potential! Can't wait for more!

  • Debra Dito - 3 years ago

    Discovered B Positive halfway through the season last year so I started " binge watching " on Demand .. I really liked the originality, and the characters were likable and relatable.. I think this reboot will definitely work as long as the writers don't drift too far from the original premise of focusing on the relationship of the 2 main characters Drew & Gina .. B Positive has helped me get over the loss of the sitcom " MOM " which was one of my all time favorites..

  • James Rush - 3 years ago

    Really like the new opening. Hopefully they keep Drew as Gina's close friend and possible love interest.

  • Cari L LeClaire - 3 years ago

    I love the show!! I really wish the executives would leave the opening song the way it was last season. I hope to see the people from the dialysis center in the 2nd season. Again thank you for bringing some comedy into my life as I am really going through renal failure.

  • Stevie - 3 years ago

    I loved the first season, so I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I'm willing to give it a chance.

  • Carolyn M Lean - 3 years ago

    This show us pretty stupid to start with. At least Drew brings some smiles to the show. Gina is just annoying

  • Carolyn - 3 years ago

    Don't get rid of Drew and show more of the big ol sheepdog love him

  • Sean - 3 years ago

    Honestly, I'm disappointed. Yet another show fixing the unbroken. Why was a soft reboot even necessary, you just "booted" up the show last year. No show needs a reboot after their 1st season unless it was just an outright bad show...B Positive was not. I've already lost faith in the TV networks and their executives who are continually changing and/or getting rid of good shows. Now I'm losing faith in Lorre.

  • Lowell Johnson - 3 years ago

    Really like this new direction. I thought from day one the show should be about Gina. The new characters are a fine addition too.

  • Yashica Bono - 3 years ago

    I like the new opening

  • Martha Macy - 3 years ago

    I love it! Great writing and lots of wonderful new characters. It all works perfectly! ????????????????????

  • Kay - 3 years ago

    Love the “new” cast members aka veteran, accomplished actors.
    Love the new opening.
    This is so promising!
    (First time responder)

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