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Do you want to have ongoing engagement with a primary care physician who knows your health story? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 340

  • Moving Millenial - 3 years ago

    I'd love this type of relationship with my provider, but between my intra- and inter-city moves, I haven't had the opportunity. I thought I'd made progress with my latest PCP, but they recently moved out of state. Back to the drawing board!

  • David Foster - 3 years ago

    I had the same primary care doctor for many years and he never remembered much about me even though I would see him annually. We would talk about my LDL, the Mediterranean diet, exercise, my cardiac risk scores, the possibility of taking a statin. I changed a few lifestyle behaviors but was unconvinced about the statin. I moved and have a new primary doctor who I have seen twice in the last year. Once to establish care, get a referral for sleep, and then a follow up on the cholesterol issue. This guy remembered enough details about my goals and concerns to help me make a shared decision to start the medicine. True, I am a little older and that is a factor, and also this new doctor had a way of "getting" me that my old doctor did not. So while I prefer an ongoing engagement, I do not prefer an ongoing disengagement.

  • Kathy Ericson - 3 years ago

    Too many cooks....... I personally have seen too many times where a treatment plan was altered because a different physician was the only available. Not always with good results.

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