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Grade the 'Colin In Black and White' Series:


  • John Lawrence - 2 years ago

    I sincerely enjoyed the documentary - It was a refreshing change of pace story of reality. How Colin experienced middle class living - with loving ???? white adoptive parents - that sincerely tried to make a difference. The story showed a side of what the parents had to Struggle Through - In doing their part - In trying to make a difference. People are people - prejudice is prejudice - The family as a whole suffered through the unfairness of reality. — But in the end - We all have to deal with the reality of just “Doing The Right Thing” - “Keeping The Faith” - and - Remembering - “The Golden Rule of Doing Unto Others as You Would Have Them - Do Unto You.

  • risma - 2 years ago

    Whoever said F, that was racially motivated

  • AJ - 2 years ago

    The timing of Colin’s documentary is excellent because of Critical Race Theory (CRT). I hope white people can watch it with an open mind and try to understand what people of color experience in their day to day lives. It’s not only the scars of slavery, but a systematic building block that has engraved racism as a way of life. Until white people are willing to acknowledge the truth and begin chipping away those building blocks, racism will always remain the core.

  • Cynthia Pearcy - 2 years ago

    I truly enjoyed the documentary as I watched it with my 19 year old twin boys (African American Indian), who are athletes. They played soccer, basketball, and football. They experienced the same thing Coilin went through because they were good in all sports and had their eye on the prize of playing basketball. Their role model to play basketball, was their cousin Dominic Wilkens (Atlanta Hawks).
    Going through the pressure of the coaches and fixed rosters, they went on to attract to the general audience by putting together an organization called "UEL" , UnderEstimated Lifestyle". Their outreach was to persons that experienced what Colin and themselves went through.....
    My sons goals are to bring attention to the prejudice that America has towards people that are deemed different due to race, sports affiliation. physical handicap, political affiliation, etc...
    Due to the "Pandemic" we had to stop UEL in 2020. Now that things appear to be improving UEL would like to get involved in Public Outreach.
    UEL would like feedback on how we can get involved!!!! or 301 346 3375

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