What advice would you give the president-elect?
No sign of safety in the darkness coming on, no direction but hickory and oak, the unsliced bread, and all the zones of terror and love.
Cigarettes are the only way to make bleakness nutritional, or at least useful, something to do while feeling terrified.
It's late but everything comes next.
If you're gonna bet on cards, you might as well play harmonica.
The only response to a child's grave is to lie down before it and play dead.
Acknowledge that you are mute without expecting the reward of speech for your honesty.
America needs a beating.
Great are the Hittites.
There is nothing one man will not do to another.
Water drips till it sculpts a cup into a slab of stone.
we must learn to suckle life not bombs and rhetoric rising up in redwhiteandblue patriotism
There is a population that likes mistakes and indecision, guarding atavisms and anatomical sports, the hips of snakes, the wings of the horse.
come celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.
Salmon lie at rest in the riffles, their sea-silver changing, as they ascend to the cold, still water of stars.
Does love move mountains? No, but something does, and never as we wish.
If you laid out all the limbs from the Civil War hospital in Washington they would encircle the White House seven times.
Trapped in one idea, you can't have your feelings, feelings are always about more than one thing.
The thing you have to remember about hot water cornbread is to wait for the burning so you know when to flip it, and then again so you know when it's crusty and done.
When the wind is right you can hear, even at this distance, the crying of those who have fallen and are unable to rise.
Take your time. Take mine too. Get into some trouble I'll have to account for.
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