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Grade 'Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas':


  • Kplan - 3 years ago

    Was honestly surprised just how good the movie was -- the show had a tendency to get maudlin and melodramatic, the movie not only balanced the drama perfectly, but the comedy was MUCH sharper than even the best episodes of the series. I also liked the pairings of the songs w/the singers (also a problem on the series from to time). Not sure why they couldn't find a song for Bernadette Peters or John Clarence, but every subplot was really clever and fun. I only wish the movie ended on a nice, big number for the whole cast. I mean, how do you bring everyone together and NOT have a number for EVERYONE?! (See: Psych 3's "Previous Holiday" video for how to end your Christmas special.)

  • Barbara - 3 years ago

    I love this movie! I wish the show would come back. The characters are so likeable. I can't help but cry every time Zoey communicates with her dad, Mitch. It makes me think about my dad even more, bless his soul.

  • Christina - 3 years ago

    Omg I was so happy that Roku decided to bring us more Zoey with a Christmas movie. One it fed into my Christmas movie addiction and two gave me more after the series was wrongfully cancelled. I love the movie and would love more Zoey in anyway possible.

  • Summer - 3 years ago

    Absolutely loved this movie wish they wouldn’t have canceled this show love it so much was very happy to see the movie and all these amazing actors/actresses!!! Hopefully they come back

  • Marsha Tate - 3 years ago

    I was so disapointed when i found it was cancelled!!! The Christmas was great but i have to admit i ran out of tissues. I cried because was sad, I cried at the happy parts and i sobbed at the end!!! Please if you can't bring the show back on a weekly bases keep making movies so we know where the Clark family and the rest emd up!!!

  • Thomas A Nguyen - 3 years ago

    We need the show to continue so that at the very least all the musical theater actors have a way to prove to their parents that they actually do something.

  • Christina Swanson - 3 years ago

    I really hope the series comes back or we continue to get these condensed seasons as movies. Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas was wonderful and I shed quite a few tears, not the least of which were because we had to say good bye to these amazing characters and their engaging stories again. There are so many stories left to tell, please, keep coming back!

  • Doug Jordan - 3 years ago

    It was fantastic! Loved it all. Max and Zoe have a comfortable chemistry for the most part, and it's charming. But. I was blown away when Zoe's mother connects with Harm Raab, a major favorite from JAG for ten seasons. PLEASE being them back to develop tihis relationship, or perhaps a competition with Deborah. Great potential. Great screenwriting. PLEASE keep it coming. My compliments to you all!

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