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Which COVID activities will you practice to a greater degree in the first several months of 2022 compared to mid-2021? (multiple answers OK) (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 902

  • Marketing Guy - 3 years ago

    We upgraded our masks and have had our boosters; would have also said increase at home testing, but can't find tests anywhere right now. Not going into restaurants, but will get takeout. The company I work for already converted all 2022 kickoff meetings to virtual a few weeks ago. Very small NYE gathering with our "bubble", will see some other friends over the next few days but only outside. We are going to Costa Rica in Feb. - vaccination rates there are better than the US overall and can be outside / away from crowds.

  • Marilee Benson - 3 years ago

    Our hospital colleagues need a break! I am deeply worried about our healthcare workers - especially those who really haven't had much of a break all year. - like some inland counties in CA. Honestly - I have no idea how they are still standing at this point.

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