Are you going out for New Years Eve?


  • Joe - 3 years ago

    Nah - it's always too crowded, and people get too drunk well before midnight. Last time I went out, I almost had to fight a guy because I got pushed backward and stepped on his shoe. Why wear white sneakers to a New Year's party with a bunch of people you don't know? I apologized way sooner than he apparently was expecting; it threw him off-guard. (Also, I was drunker than I should have been, so my apology may have indicated that I REALLY did not want those hands). Also, I don't want to risk waking up with Omicron, so I'll catch up with Netflix all weekend.

  • Angela Shenk - 3 years ago

    I might go with my fam to the beach. Yes, it will be cold in CT but it will also be empty and winter beaches can be beautiful. We also might hit up the drive-through illuminated sculpture show at a Massachusetts zoo. At any rate, we will be with our own people-no mixing with the living-my-best-life masses. Happy New Year fam!

  • mizzbarnes - 3 years ago

    Yes, but outside. Every year, except last year, there is a 5K that like to do to start off my New Year and for the past three years, minus last year, I did this 5K and loved it! It's an ode to my fitness. Now, of course, after this 5K, I will need to purchase a gallon of epsom salt and soak in the tub afterwards, but the feeling of accomplishment is wonderful!

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