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Does your business card or email signature list a certification or fellowship credential? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 327

  • Art_Vandelay - 3 years ago

    This phenomenon exists organization to organization, and more rarely in some geographies in my experience. As the world continues to flatten, I like to think of this as an eyes-wide-open "both-AND." Like Linda Romano, I prefer to not have to resort to a laundry list of acronyms after my name, but in some circles it is required. When I enter those, my Spidey senses are "up" and I am more aware of perceptions. It may not be "right" but it is how some have to survive day-in-day-out.

  • Linda Romano - 3 years ago

    I am a Registered Nurse, with a master's degree and certification as a PMP. I don’t list ant of these on my email signature. I would prefer to have my competency show through my work.

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