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Should the U.S. stop buying oil from Russia?


  • David - 2 years ago

    Trump opened up oil production which was smart if you are also working towards renewable energy.

    Biden cutting production is probably more about profiting the oil industry that fund all our politicians campaign's.

    The truth sadly is both parties Democrat and Republican play us like good cop bad cop, when in reality they both know angering us to fight with each other leaves them to both do the Corporate bidding.

    Lets face it, our Government is bought and paid for, the rich get richer and the middle class disappears.

    Dems played Santa Clause giving us stimulus payments that due to Biden's policy with cutting oil is now going from our pockets to the Oil companies and every other commodity that is Trucked because the price of moving it has gone up. And since there is no law to control price gouging, all Corporations are jumping on the inflation band wagon to further their profits.

    American voters WISE UP, Lets get rid of Politicians who support Citizen's United, Campaign finance reform, and unreasonable Voter restrictions, along with Jerrymandering.

    Tyson Chicken recently bragged that they now could raising the price of chicken to whatever that wanted, there is a monopoly that owns the meat processing industry, they are just another taking advantage of the after pandemic inflation excuse to make more profit.

  • Kristy - 2 years ago

    Where is the F YES choice???

  • JSW - 2 years ago

    We are no where "Near" able to go green. Hardly anyone has plugs to charge cars, no charging stations anywhere hardly, on highways across country, Nothing is ready for electric vehicles not to mention Who can afford them??? Stop this Bullcrap democrats and open back up our XL PIPELINE NOW or get OUT!!!!!!

  • Denise - 2 years ago

    I agree with Dj above. I would pay more even though we have record high inflation if we could stop buying oil from Russia and start producing our own and become energy dependent. But it's not going to happen because Dems want their new green deal with electric cars etc.

  • Dj - 2 years ago

    I’d be willing to pay the inflation price of gas to stop buying our oil from Russia. I’ll start walking more to the store, work or wherever and ask the Biden administration to start Fracking and turn on the keystone pipeline again

  • Jason Smith - 2 years ago

    I would love to hear the explanation from people who vote no to this.

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