It’s interesting that the cheerleaders of S2 keep mentioning Sidlotte and Sidlotte fans, instead of focusing on their new show
Lauren - 3 years ago
I too struggle to see any signs of promise with the new season and am wrestling with the idea in continuing to watch the show. S2 E1 was so disappointing. People who say we need to get over Sidney Parker ignore the fact that for the whole of S1 he was a central figure to Charlotte's story as well as Sanditon itself, as without him the town wouldn't be what it was. Tom relied on Sidney for everything, even down to the last episode of S1 where he alone could save Tom and the family's fate. Tom's poor business decisions and over-eagerness made him unsuited to develop the town, but Sidney was the one he relied on to help make his visions come to life and Sidney was the one who patched up Tom's mistakes.
In poor taste he's been ripped out of the show. I understand actors leaving and these things happen, a show has to adapt, but when one season is set up with the story so wrapped around the main characters, and then to water that all down as if they weren't that important and their passing isn't as impactful to the town or the other characters, is disappointing. I agree, this doesn't feel like an Austen anymore and an un-Austen ending. It's more than just being fans of Theo James and "getting over Sidney Parker", it no longer feels like an authentic Austen. Would she have killed off a character in THAT way? I don't think so. We watch and read Austen books and adaptations, for the promise of hope they give to the characters in the middle of their struggles. That hope has been dashed to pieces. No red-coat new character can remedy that.
Charlotte loves Sidney as much as any other Austen heroine loved her hero. Give her the hope that she will have that love again - either with the Sidney character somehow returning from a faked death or with the likes of a character like Mr Stringer. Otherwise, what was even the point of Charlotte in the first season of the story - seen through her eyes - if it was always just about the town?
Justine B - 3 years ago
There seems to be some sort of feud going on here with the voting and some of the comments! Bizarre...
I come to this as a (hopefully) impartial viewer and Austen fan who fell in love with Season 1, despite some misgivings about some of the plot directions and, of course, the totally un-Austen ending.
Having seen some of Season 2, I'm not convinced that reviving this story was the best idea. There are some big holes where characters from the first series should be, which aren't adequately filled by the new ones, unfortunately. Perhaps the writers should have gone off in a totally new direction, or created their own show from scratch.
Killing off the hero right at the start - in a needlessly cruel death, shamelessly poached from Austen's life - totally jars with all the expectations built up in Season 1. The scenes are rushed and the grief and heartbreak is not adequately expressed, certainly not by the Parker couple, who do not seem to have any realisation of how they destroyed Sidney and by extension Charlotte. There is way too much information to take in in the first episode, and the devastation felt by Charlotte is at odds with the bright colours and silly sister who comes tagging along to Sanditon with her (and why would she even want to return, only to be reminded of her loss and have the knife twisted even further by Tom Parker?)
The first 2 episodes are an odd mix of dour and juvenile - ridiculous scenes with the girls walking through an army camp, bumping into shirtless men - no subtlety at all. The new guys are charming enough but none exude the screen presence of Sidney Parker or James Stringer, and so the charm and magic that made the first series so compelling has simply gone.
Some of the lines are well written and Georgiana's story looks promising, and it's good to see the return of the Denhams, who are all fine actors.
But the Jane Eyre / Sound of Music governess trope? Bad idea. Firstly, the Brontes didn't even like Jane Austen's books, so it's an insult both to them and Austen. Secondly, being a governess was a totally subservient occupation (and should be a live-in post), a last resort for a gentlewoman (which is what Charlotte is, not a mere farmer's daughter). It may make for a hyper-sentimental rags to riches story with the brooding widower, but a) it's been done before b) it's a bit miserable.
I think I'll just go back and watch Season 1 again and imagine a different ending.
IB - 3 years ago
I love the new season! New characters are great. Ignore the haters- they are just pissed off Theo James left. They all swore not to watch S2 yet here they are, voting non-stop.
J. Davenport - 3 years ago
Wow. Reading these reviews it is obvious those that watched solely for Theo James! Instead of ripping apart a season that just started, how about take your anger and disgust out on the actor who said he was "HAPPY with the way Sidney's story ended"? Theo is the rrason there isn't a Sidney Parker on season 2!
I will admit to being skeptical as to how well season 2 would go. Episode one did have quite a bit of jumping around, but it was easily followed and filled in the "plot holes" as someone else called them. There was a time jump from the finale to Sidney's death and then another one before Charolotte returned. Tom is an idiot focused only on the town so he never noticed what was happening betwewn his brother and Charlotte. Tom only cared about the money to make his dream reality. That hasn't changed, unfortunately.
Episode two was much more intriguing and I loved the ending cliffhanger. I have a suspicion that Colonel Lenox will be a Wickham type in the end. There's something about him and his reactions that give a warning vibe. Anyone that thinks this is soap opera and poorly written has obviously not watched the show I used to for eight years! This is my "replacement" show and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season!
CIci - 3 years ago
Sanditon Season 2 is excellent. Thank you for giving us two new seasons! I think JA would love it.
It’s amusing to read the complainer’s comments. Get over yourselves and Sidney. He’s dead. Move on. No one wants to read your incessant boorish drivel. You’re being rather churlish.
Cheri - 3 years ago
I watched two episodes last night. I watched again today to see if I was missing something because I’ve seen so many good reviews. I cannot express my disappointment enough in this season 2. I was a die hard fan of season 1 watching the season multiple times. There is so much to unpack here. First, the way Sidney’s death was handled was cruel. There were so many ways for him to die and I get that you had to kill him off but seriously? Alone in a foreign country and one of the most painful deaths imaginable?
Then we find out it’s only been three months since his death and the only person mourning is Charlotte. Georgiana acts like Sidney is the devil at times and Tom still doesn’t realize what Sidney did for him? Everyone in his life knows Sidney was in love with Charlotte. How about letting Tom in on the big secret since Sidney is dead and gone so he doesn’t keep bragging about how wonderful his marriage was?
Then Charlotte, a landed gentry’s daughter is a governess and treated like the lowliest of servants? Not even allowed to come in through the front door?
You want me to buy into Colbourne having feelings for her when he talks down to her like she’s trash? He’s a snob and acts like it. Don’t try to repeat the tension like Sidney and Charlotte had. News flash, it’s not working!
I do like colonel Lennox as he has respect for Charlotte and he’s handsome enough. But give the man some lines other than the cliche ones you already have him saying.
Alison is annoying and maybe you want her to sound like Lydia. If so you’ve succeeded. The younger suitor looks like he’s 15 and the older one I like well enough. But these girls during regency times going into a military encampment not once but twice? My goodness, women were barely able to walk on the open streets without a chaperone. What would this do to a young lady’s reputation during that time?
Charlotte saving the little girl was like a Hallmark movie. It was ridiculous and comical. I laughed out loud at how ridiculous it was. She would have run all that way and known the girl was going to jump out just on instinct?
I do like lady Denham, Esther and edwards roles so far. They are what I expect them to be. The thing that bothers me most is the set of our beloved sanditon is gone. It’s not even the same show! Nothing is the same. Not even the homes. All these changes happened in nine months?
Charlotte is the only reason I like this show at all is because I want to see her have a happy ending. If colonel Lennox turns out to be a Wickham, I will turn so hard on this show. Colbourne is not even close to acceptable in looks, kindness, personality and he has a ton of baggage. Please give Charlotte a fresh start with a wonderful man that is somewhere in the ballpark of Sidney Parker. Please.
Tina Good - 3 years ago
I was delighted with ep. 1! Especially Rose Williams’ performance as Charlotte, making us feel both her loss and determination deeply. It felt like coming home to see the rest of the returning cast and both their humorous and their serious moments. While I noticed some of the changes to sets and props, I’m willing to suspend disbelief; this is, after all, fiction. I hope that anyone who hadn’t already watched the show will give it a chance and keep an open mind.
Sandra - 3 years ago
I like the new season of Sanditon. I hope the will bring back Mr Stringer as a love interest or one of the suitors for Charlotte. Bring someone decent for Ms. Lamb, black nobleman, give her an opportunity to meet someone worthwhile. Bring back Lord Babington and give the couple a child. I like that the town has been built up and Bring back the friend of Charlotte, Lady Susan. Stir up the town. I wish they could have some flash backs of Sidney and Charlotte
Dedeboo - 3 years ago
Can not believe how much they have ruined this show. I have seen snippets on twitter and am so glad I didn't spend good money to watch the rest!
Suzanne - 3 years ago
Sanditon S1 was not without issues, that being the reason it was not initially renewed. Davies took many liberties with the Austen fragment, changed Sidney's character from the witty, jesting one Austen presented to a brooding Bronte type. He added numerous characters, created an unrealisic love interest in Young Stringer, a man far beneath Charlotte in social class, and further mislabeled her as "a farmer's daughter," when in fact she was a gentleman's daughter and part of the landed gentry. The Heywoods were not poor in Austen's fragment, and as landed gentry were not dependent on crops in the sense of "farmers" today. The tenants did the farming by and large, and paid the Heywoods rent. Austen clearly states that due to their large family (14 kids in her version), the Heywoods decided to live modestly.
Despite all this, S1 had its allure, by and large due to the chemistry between Rose Williams' Charlotte and Theo James' Sidney. But it was also quirky and engaging, with tongue in cheek humor, smart dialogue, beautiful visuals, a lush score. For me, much of that is gone.
I fully understand the reasoning for Sidney's demise, but but it felt almost spiteful in the way it unfolded. And that set the tone for what followed. The next error was creating such a radically different, opulent, enpanded town setting and expecting the audience to accept this all happened in less than a year. There was no attempt to recreate the old set. Instead it's oddly rearranged, even the stairs in Trafalgar House are on the opposite side. Sidney's portrait looks smaller and is paired with another in a completely different place. Gone are Lady Denham's imposing gilded black marble drawing and dining rooms and entry hall. Where's the old Crown Hotel? It simply isn't believable all this happened in 9 months, after a devasting fire no less.
The characters, too, have changed remarkably in such a short time. Arthur in particular is radically different from the fellow riding home with Diana 9 months earlier and discussing glandular stimulation. I'm not inplying he couldn't change, or that the changes are not good, they simply seem unrealistic in such a short time. Two years or so would have been far more logical, but I suspect we'll find out the "9 months" was deliberate when Clara arrives on the scene.
And the writing itself left me underwhelmed, even bored at times. I have PBS passport, and found Ep 2 as wanting as Ep 1. Haven't botheted yet with Ep 3. So many storylines, but all feeling somehow tropy and trite. And the Alison character... just call her Lydia Marianne. The Alison glimpsed in S1 was nothing like this one, and she's now as annoying as she is predictable, a charicature. And the writers have double downed on the "farmer" theme, and out of nowhere we learn the Heywoods are "poor" due to 3 years of bad harvests... what? Alison refers to Ralph Starling as a farmer, when he's obviously another country gentleman. These writers are British. Don't they know how the 19th century social classes were structured?
So many other points to address, but I'll stop here. If this were simply an original work of period drama, I'd give it a "C." But as a continuation of the original series, it falls flat for me. The new characters feel recycled. Even Miss Hankins is played by the same actress who played a near identical character in Larkrise to Candleford. It isn't the actors' fault, it's the writing, the cobbling together of multiple plotlines and character types from numerous literary works. It's not a fail, but so far it's barely passing. My grade: D.
AnnMyers - 3 years ago
Well, I see all of the Sidlotters have banded together to badmouth the new season. They will do anything to make it fail. I would have expected nothing less. It’s obvious they voted more than once. It amazes me that these supposed fans constantly attack the show and all associated with it. They are Theo James fans who will never get over his leaving. The problem is they never complain to the person who created this problem- Theo James himself. He is the one who refused to come back. However, they can’t complain to him because he’s not on social media. The Sidlotters would be all sweetness and light if Theo were still in the show. They will never give a break to the new seasons. Realize that’s what you’re dealing with in this poll- big time sour grapes because they didn’t get their way.
candice - 3 years ago
I'm astonished that all the people who have been upset since Season 2 announcement and the fact that Sidney will not be returning are the ones leading the votes. Interesting. Also, that's fine, let them have it, they already hate it and will continue to do so and would want to see it fail because they couldn't get their story. But I love it.. I cant wait for more, and I love the new characters, and I love the fact that we get to see Charlotte moving on instead of closing the chapter on her love life. I love to get to see the other characters stories as well. I signed up for the continuation of Sanditon, (that means all the stories, not just 1) !! Thank you to everyone who has returned and the workers and writers.
Marguerite - 3 years ago
Reading all the #Sidlotte militants whine over hating Sanditon season 2 has become one of my greatest sources of entertainment. Now they’re all voting F (Fail) multiple times. This is hilarious.
ELAINE HAYNES - 3 years ago
Give it a rest, we've heard it all!
Amanda E Peluso - 3 years ago
This isn't the show we campaigned for. We wanted an Austen ending for Sidney and Charlotte. There is no Austen hero Sidney Parker since they killed him off.. they could have recasted instead the 2 new suitors are bland and aren't Austen creations. It's not Austen nor is it Austen inspired. It's a soap opera. Quite disappointing. Charlotte has been demoted to a governess. She can do anything speak French, rescue a child, perfect at archery and is a horse whisper.. It's laughable. I told everyone not to watch this. I hope someday a film producer gives a true Austen adaptation of Sanditon.
Lydia Carter - 3 years ago
PBS made available 3 of the 6 Sandition episodes. Left to ask: What have they done to this show.? What have they done to Charlotte?
Series 1 was fresh and interesting. . The plots in this new series feel like poorly executed hodgepodge,of carbon copies.
Sidney Parker character , an Austen creation and hero deserved better treatment than what was done here. Killing him off was a poorly made decision. To the writer that felt exhilarated to do so, do that to your own characters not to Jane's.
The so called "hotties" billed as the "draw" for this new series, again, misfire. They are just not in that category, which should have never been the focus -but this is how the advisor and writers to the show chose to promote them. They are also victims of weak scripts, plot holes the size of craters, it does not allow for their best to shine through.
Why it's important to thoroughly read source literary works.: Jane Austen would not use a family tragedy as a storyline for her main characters. If the writer had bothered to read more than the cliff notes version of her stories he would know this. When he said his favorite adaptation was Clueless, well pretty much says it all, as this adaptation felt the same.
Charlotte in the role of governess. for a daughter of landed gentry, just wrong for Regency period, The impact such a unilateral decision would have on her family would be long- lasting and devastating for her siblings socially. Again, reading, preferably beyond a series companion book is fundamental to understanding this.
Lydia Carter - 3 years ago
PBS made available 3 of the 6 Sandition episodes. Left to ask: What have they done to this show.? What have they done to Charlotte?
Series 1 was fresh and interesting. . The plots in this new series feel like poorly executed hodgepodge, carbon copies.
Sidney Parker character , an Austen creation and hero deserved better treatment than what was done here. Killing him off was a poorly made decision. To the writer that felt exhilarated to do so, do that to your own characters not to Jane's.
The so called "hotties" billed as the "draw" for this new series, again, misfire. They are just not in that category, which should have never been the focus -but this is how the advisor and writers to the show chose to promote them. They are also victims of weak scripts, plot holes the size of craters, it does not allow for their best to shine through.
Why it's important to thoroughly read source literary works.: Jane Austen would not use a family tragedy as a storyline for her main characters. If the writer had bothered to read more than the cliff notes version of her stories he would know this. When he said his favorite adaptation was Clueless, well pretty much says it all, as this adaptation felt the same.
Charlotte in the role of governess. for a daughter of lander gentry, just wrong for regency period, The impact of such a unilateral decision would have on her family would be long lasting and devastating for siblings socially. Again, reading, preferably beyond a series companion book is fundamental to understanding this.
Jennifer Van Delft - 3 years ago
I cannot for the life of me believe people think this new season is anything but garbage. The plot holes are incredibly obvious. SO OBVIOUS. The new "hotties" touted by Paula Byrne are anything but. The writing is worse than any soap opera I have ever seen. The acting is so incredibly flat. There isn't a likable character in the entire show including the few actors that returned, except maybe the dog. I knew it would be bad with the loss of Theo James as Sidney Parker and I was still willing to give it a try, however, the cruelty of killing off a beloved character seems so incredibly vindictive by head writer Justin Young, like he had a vendetta against the actor. The plot is full of borrowed (predictable) material. I am in shock. This was a great show and I fought to bring it back and I am so sorry I wasted so much time and effort to do so. Why does it look like a Bridgerton wannabe? Masterpiece should be utterly embarrassed by this farce of a show. Glad Jane Austen isn't around to see what was done to her last bit of work.
It’s interesting that the cheerleaders of S2 keep mentioning Sidlotte and Sidlotte fans, instead of focusing on their new show
I too struggle to see any signs of promise with the new season and am wrestling with the idea in continuing to watch the show. S2 E1 was so disappointing. People who say we need to get over Sidney Parker ignore the fact that for the whole of S1 he was a central figure to Charlotte's story as well as Sanditon itself, as without him the town wouldn't be what it was. Tom relied on Sidney for everything, even down to the last episode of S1 where he alone could save Tom and the family's fate. Tom's poor business decisions and over-eagerness made him unsuited to develop the town, but Sidney was the one he relied on to help make his visions come to life and Sidney was the one who patched up Tom's mistakes.
In poor taste he's been ripped out of the show. I understand actors leaving and these things happen, a show has to adapt, but when one season is set up with the story so wrapped around the main characters, and then to water that all down as if they weren't that important and their passing isn't as impactful to the town or the other characters, is disappointing. I agree, this doesn't feel like an Austen anymore and an un-Austen ending. It's more than just being fans of Theo James and "getting over Sidney Parker", it no longer feels like an authentic Austen. Would she have killed off a character in THAT way? I don't think so. We watch and read Austen books and adaptations, for the promise of hope they give to the characters in the middle of their struggles. That hope has been dashed to pieces. No red-coat new character can remedy that.
Charlotte loves Sidney as much as any other Austen heroine loved her hero. Give her the hope that she will have that love again - either with the Sidney character somehow returning from a faked death or with the likes of a character like Mr Stringer. Otherwise, what was even the point of Charlotte in the first season of the story - seen through her eyes - if it was always just about the town?
There seems to be some sort of feud going on here with the voting and some of the comments! Bizarre...
I come to this as a (hopefully) impartial viewer and Austen fan who fell in love with Season 1, despite some misgivings about some of the plot directions and, of course, the totally un-Austen ending.
Having seen some of Season 2, I'm not convinced that reviving this story was the best idea. There are some big holes where characters from the first series should be, which aren't adequately filled by the new ones, unfortunately. Perhaps the writers should have gone off in a totally new direction, or created their own show from scratch.
Killing off the hero right at the start - in a needlessly cruel death, shamelessly poached from Austen's life - totally jars with all the expectations built up in Season 1. The scenes are rushed and the grief and heartbreak is not adequately expressed, certainly not by the Parker couple, who do not seem to have any realisation of how they destroyed Sidney and by extension Charlotte. There is way too much information to take in in the first episode, and the devastation felt by Charlotte is at odds with the bright colours and silly sister who comes tagging along to Sanditon with her (and why would she even want to return, only to be reminded of her loss and have the knife twisted even further by Tom Parker?)
The first 2 episodes are an odd mix of dour and juvenile - ridiculous scenes with the girls walking through an army camp, bumping into shirtless men - no subtlety at all. The new guys are charming enough but none exude the screen presence of Sidney Parker or James Stringer, and so the charm and magic that made the first series so compelling has simply gone.
Some of the lines are well written and Georgiana's story looks promising, and it's good to see the return of the Denhams, who are all fine actors.
But the Jane Eyre / Sound of Music governess trope? Bad idea. Firstly, the Brontes didn't even like Jane Austen's books, so it's an insult both to them and Austen. Secondly, being a governess was a totally subservient occupation (and should be a live-in post), a last resort for a gentlewoman (which is what Charlotte is, not a mere farmer's daughter). It may make for a hyper-sentimental rags to riches story with the brooding widower, but a) it's been done before b) it's a bit miserable.
I think I'll just go back and watch Season 1 again and imagine a different ending.
I love the new season! New characters are great. Ignore the haters- they are just pissed off Theo James left. They all swore not to watch S2 yet here they are, voting non-stop.
Wow. Reading these reviews it is obvious those that watched solely for Theo James! Instead of ripping apart a season that just started, how about take your anger and disgust out on the actor who said he was "HAPPY with the way Sidney's story ended"? Theo is the rrason there isn't a Sidney Parker on season 2!
I will admit to being skeptical as to how well season 2 would go. Episode one did have quite a bit of jumping around, but it was easily followed and filled in the "plot holes" as someone else called them. There was a time jump from the finale to Sidney's death and then another one before Charolotte returned. Tom is an idiot focused only on the town so he never noticed what was happening betwewn his brother and Charlotte. Tom only cared about the money to make his dream reality. That hasn't changed, unfortunately.
Episode two was much more intriguing and I loved the ending cliffhanger. I have a suspicion that Colonel Lenox will be a Wickham type in the end. There's something about him and his reactions that give a warning vibe. Anyone that thinks this is soap opera and poorly written has obviously not watched the show I used to for eight years! This is my "replacement" show and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season!
Sanditon Season 2 is excellent. Thank you for giving us two new seasons! I think JA would love it.
It’s amusing to read the complainer’s comments. Get over yourselves and Sidney. He’s dead. Move on. No one wants to read your incessant boorish drivel. You’re being rather churlish.
I watched two episodes last night. I watched again today to see if I was missing something because I’ve seen so many good reviews. I cannot express my disappointment enough in this season 2. I was a die hard fan of season 1 watching the season multiple times. There is so much to unpack here. First, the way Sidney’s death was handled was cruel. There were so many ways for him to die and I get that you had to kill him off but seriously? Alone in a foreign country and one of the most painful deaths imaginable?
Then we find out it’s only been three months since his death and the only person mourning is Charlotte. Georgiana acts like Sidney is the devil at times and Tom still doesn’t realize what Sidney did for him? Everyone in his life knows Sidney was in love with Charlotte. How about letting Tom in on the big secret since Sidney is dead and gone so he doesn’t keep bragging about how wonderful his marriage was?
Then Charlotte, a landed gentry’s daughter is a governess and treated like the lowliest of servants? Not even allowed to come in through the front door?
You want me to buy into Colbourne having feelings for her when he talks down to her like she’s trash? He’s a snob and acts like it. Don’t try to repeat the tension like Sidney and Charlotte had. News flash, it’s not working!
I do like colonel Lennox as he has respect for Charlotte and he’s handsome enough. But give the man some lines other than the cliche ones you already have him saying.
Alison is annoying and maybe you want her to sound like Lydia. If so you’ve succeeded. The younger suitor looks like he’s 15 and the older one I like well enough. But these girls during regency times going into a military encampment not once but twice? My goodness, women were barely able to walk on the open streets without a chaperone. What would this do to a young lady’s reputation during that time?
Charlotte saving the little girl was like a Hallmark movie. It was ridiculous and comical. I laughed out loud at how ridiculous it was. She would have run all that way and known the girl was going to jump out just on instinct?
I do like lady Denham, Esther and edwards roles so far. They are what I expect them to be. The thing that bothers me most is the set of our beloved sanditon is gone. It’s not even the same show! Nothing is the same. Not even the homes. All these changes happened in nine months?
Charlotte is the only reason I like this show at all is because I want to see her have a happy ending. If colonel Lennox turns out to be a Wickham, I will turn so hard on this show. Colbourne is not even close to acceptable in looks, kindness, personality and he has a ton of baggage. Please give Charlotte a fresh start with a wonderful man that is somewhere in the ballpark of Sidney Parker. Please.
I was delighted with ep. 1! Especially Rose Williams’ performance as Charlotte, making us feel both her loss and determination deeply. It felt like coming home to see the rest of the returning cast and both their humorous and their serious moments. While I noticed some of the changes to sets and props, I’m willing to suspend disbelief; this is, after all, fiction. I hope that anyone who hadn’t already watched the show will give it a chance and keep an open mind.
I like the new season of Sanditon. I hope the will bring back Mr Stringer as a love interest or one of the suitors for Charlotte. Bring someone decent for Ms. Lamb, black nobleman, give her an opportunity to meet someone worthwhile. Bring back Lord Babington and give the couple a child. I like that the town has been built up and Bring back the friend of Charlotte, Lady Susan. Stir up the town. I wish they could have some flash backs of Sidney and Charlotte
Can not believe how much they have ruined this show. I have seen snippets on twitter and am so glad I didn't spend good money to watch the rest!
Sanditon S1 was not without issues, that being the reason it was not initially renewed. Davies took many liberties with the Austen fragment, changed Sidney's character from the witty, jesting one Austen presented to a brooding Bronte type. He added numerous characters, created an unrealisic love interest in Young Stringer, a man far beneath Charlotte in social class, and further mislabeled her as "a farmer's daughter," when in fact she was a gentleman's daughter and part of the landed gentry. The Heywoods were not poor in Austen's fragment, and as landed gentry were not dependent on crops in the sense of "farmers" today. The tenants did the farming by and large, and paid the Heywoods rent. Austen clearly states that due to their large family (14 kids in her version), the Heywoods decided to live modestly.
Despite all this, S1 had its allure, by and large due to the chemistry between Rose Williams' Charlotte and Theo James' Sidney. But it was also quirky and engaging, with tongue in cheek humor, smart dialogue, beautiful visuals, a lush score. For me, much of that is gone.
I fully understand the reasoning for Sidney's demise, but but it felt almost spiteful in the way it unfolded. And that set the tone for what followed. The next error was creating such a radically different, opulent, enpanded town setting and expecting the audience to accept this all happened in less than a year. There was no attempt to recreate the old set. Instead it's oddly rearranged, even the stairs in Trafalgar House are on the opposite side. Sidney's portrait looks smaller and is paired with another in a completely different place. Gone are Lady Denham's imposing gilded black marble drawing and dining rooms and entry hall. Where's the old Crown Hotel? It simply isn't believable all this happened in 9 months, after a devasting fire no less.
The characters, too, have changed remarkably in such a short time. Arthur in particular is radically different from the fellow riding home with Diana 9 months earlier and discussing glandular stimulation. I'm not inplying he couldn't change, or that the changes are not good, they simply seem unrealistic in such a short time. Two years or so would have been far more logical, but I suspect we'll find out the "9 months" was deliberate when Clara arrives on the scene.
And the writing itself left me underwhelmed, even bored at times. I have PBS passport, and found Ep 2 as wanting as Ep 1. Haven't botheted yet with Ep 3. So many storylines, but all feeling somehow tropy and trite. And the Alison character... just call her Lydia Marianne. The Alison glimpsed in S1 was nothing like this one, and she's now as annoying as she is predictable, a charicature. And the writers have double downed on the "farmer" theme, and out of nowhere we learn the Heywoods are "poor" due to 3 years of bad harvests... what? Alison refers to Ralph Starling as a farmer, when he's obviously another country gentleman. These writers are British. Don't they know how the 19th century social classes were structured?
So many other points to address, but I'll stop here. If this were simply an original work of period drama, I'd give it a "C." But as a continuation of the original series, it falls flat for me. The new characters feel recycled. Even Miss Hankins is played by the same actress who played a near identical character in Larkrise to Candleford. It isn't the actors' fault, it's the writing, the cobbling together of multiple plotlines and character types from numerous literary works. It's not a fail, but so far it's barely passing. My grade: D.
Well, I see all of the Sidlotters have banded together to badmouth the new season. They will do anything to make it fail. I would have expected nothing less. It’s obvious they voted more than once. It amazes me that these supposed fans constantly attack the show and all associated with it. They are Theo James fans who will never get over his leaving. The problem is they never complain to the person who created this problem- Theo James himself. He is the one who refused to come back. However, they can’t complain to him because he’s not on social media. The Sidlotters would be all sweetness and light if Theo were still in the show. They will never give a break to the new seasons. Realize that’s what you’re dealing with in this poll- big time sour grapes because they didn’t get their way.
I'm astonished that all the people who have been upset since Season 2 announcement and the fact that Sidney will not be returning are the ones leading the votes. Interesting. Also, that's fine, let them have it, they already hate it and will continue to do so and would want to see it fail because they couldn't get their story. But I love it.. I cant wait for more, and I love the new characters, and I love the fact that we get to see Charlotte moving on instead of closing the chapter on her love life. I love to get to see the other characters stories as well. I signed up for the continuation of Sanditon, (that means all the stories, not just 1) !! Thank you to everyone who has returned and the workers and writers.
Reading all the #Sidlotte militants whine over hating Sanditon season 2 has become one of my greatest sources of entertainment. Now they’re all voting F (Fail) multiple times. This is hilarious.
Give it a rest, we've heard it all!
This isn't the show we campaigned for. We wanted an Austen ending for Sidney and Charlotte. There is no Austen hero Sidney Parker since they killed him off.. they could have recasted instead the 2 new suitors are bland and aren't Austen creations. It's not Austen nor is it Austen inspired. It's a soap opera. Quite disappointing. Charlotte has been demoted to a governess. She can do anything speak French, rescue a child, perfect at archery and is a horse whisper.. It's laughable. I told everyone not to watch this. I hope someday a film producer gives a true Austen adaptation of Sanditon.
PBS made available 3 of the 6 Sandition episodes. Left to ask: What have they done to this show.? What have they done to Charlotte?
Series 1 was fresh and interesting. . The plots in this new series feel like poorly executed hodgepodge,of carbon copies.
Sidney Parker character , an Austen creation and hero deserved better treatment than what was done here. Killing him off was a poorly made decision. To the writer that felt exhilarated to do so, do that to your own characters not to Jane's.
The so called "hotties" billed as the "draw" for this new series, again, misfire. They are just not in that category, which should have never been the focus -but this is how the advisor and writers to the show chose to promote them. They are also victims of weak scripts, plot holes the size of craters, it does not allow for their best to shine through.
Why it's important to thoroughly read source literary works.: Jane Austen would not use a family tragedy as a storyline for her main characters. If the writer had bothered to read more than the cliff notes version of her stories he would know this. When he said his favorite adaptation was Clueless, well pretty much says it all, as this adaptation felt the same.
Charlotte in the role of governess. for a daughter of landed gentry, just wrong for Regency period, The impact such a unilateral decision would have on her family would be long- lasting and devastating for her siblings socially. Again, reading, preferably beyond a series companion book is fundamental to understanding this.
PBS made available 3 of the 6 Sandition episodes. Left to ask: What have they done to this show.? What have they done to Charlotte?
Series 1 was fresh and interesting. . The plots in this new series feel like poorly executed hodgepodge, carbon copies.
Sidney Parker character , an Austen creation and hero deserved better treatment than what was done here. Killing him off was a poorly made decision. To the writer that felt exhilarated to do so, do that to your own characters not to Jane's.
The so called "hotties" billed as the "draw" for this new series, again, misfire. They are just not in that category, which should have never been the focus -but this is how the advisor and writers to the show chose to promote them. They are also victims of weak scripts, plot holes the size of craters, it does not allow for their best to shine through.
Why it's important to thoroughly read source literary works.: Jane Austen would not use a family tragedy as a storyline for her main characters. If the writer had bothered to read more than the cliff notes version of her stories he would know this. When he said his favorite adaptation was Clueless, well pretty much says it all, as this adaptation felt the same.
Charlotte in the role of governess. for a daughter of lander gentry, just wrong for regency period, The impact of such a unilateral decision would have on her family would be long lasting and devastating for siblings socially. Again, reading, preferably beyond a series companion book is fundamental to understanding this.
I cannot for the life of me believe people think this new season is anything but garbage. The plot holes are incredibly obvious. SO OBVIOUS. The new "hotties" touted by Paula Byrne are anything but. The writing is worse than any soap opera I have ever seen. The acting is so incredibly flat. There isn't a likable character in the entire show including the few actors that returned, except maybe the dog. I knew it would be bad with the loss of Theo James as Sidney Parker and I was still willing to give it a try, however, the cruelty of killing off a beloved character seems so incredibly vindictive by head writer Justin Young, like he had a vendetta against the actor. The plot is full of borrowed (predictable) material. I am in shock. This was a great show and I fought to bring it back and I am so sorry I wasted so much time and effort to do so. Why does it look like a Bridgerton wannabe? Masterpiece should be utterly embarrassed by this farce of a show. Glad Jane Austen isn't around to see what was done to her last bit of work.