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Grade the 'grown-ish' Season 4 Finale:

1 Comment

  • Noelani - 2 years ago

    Zoey should’ve ended up with Luca. She said it herself that they were creative soulmates; which they were, but they were also more then that. They broke up when things got stressful and were envious of each other. Something they’re could’ve solved and moved past if they tried. That’s what character development is supposed to do. They clicked with each other from the start of the series and Luca put in more effort then Aaron (even if he didn’t show it at times) They were so good for each other. They helped each other improve and brought out the best in one another. They also had the most in common. They could just sit there and talk for hours no problem and helped each other to be more creative. I feel like the whole break up situation was also kinda rushed. As soon as Luca made her that prom dress everyone knew she should’ve ended up with Luca. While Aaron and Zoey do have a lot of chemistry and even though opposites can attract. Sometimes, opposites are just opposites and nothing more. Aaron is better as a best friend. While Aaron and Zoey also bring out the best in each other Luca and Zoey keep each other grounded. They were literally made to to be. They basically need each other in their lives whether it’s as a romantic partner or a platonic relationship; they need each other. Aaron and Zoey are good together but they don’t need each other or even really want each other like Luca and Zoey did.

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