Does your truck fall under the end-of-2022 upgrade requirement deadline for 2007-2009-emissions-spec equipment in California?


  • CarlosP - 2 years ago

    ⭐???????? California Chineese ESG compliance Government with the intent to hobble the United States. So far it's working great !! ⭐????????⭐

  • Bob Hope - 2 years ago

    EVERYONE had a 10 year notice, get over yourself and make the proper adjustments. The other 2 comments are from winey little small dick girls. Don't like it than leave. And CARE actually likes being a gay Democrat, we support you and your ways.

  • Mark Coffey - 2 years ago

    I detest California. It is a shame that this is happening to 10s of thousands of honest hard working people and businesses. If we are going to shut down, shut down California! But we won't, we just won't do it.

    In a short afternoon the Indians wiped out Custers army once the Indians came together. Years of abuse was over in an hour! Of course we will just keep eating dirt from California and bitching about it as they basically rape our freedom and livelihoods.

    Mark Coffey

  • Care - 2 years ago

    Why should we care about Cali? State already burns. In debt. It can sink overnight and most people wouldn’t care for it. If it’ll take gays and democrats with it, it’ll make more people happy.

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