Which queen *should* have won Season 14?


  • Tuffy - 2 years ago

    Willow's park and bark performances are a yawnfest, and how many times are we going to see the long arm Slender Man big jacket look, and the three-headed look (which so many contestants have already done including Evie Oddly). NOT ORGINAL and not dynamic. This whole competition has been about Ru's sentimentality - from the absolutely ludicrous "Miss Congeniality" prize for The Bully of the season, Kornbread, to choosing Willow over Lady Camden who consistently showed incredible improved performances throughout the show, whereas Willow just stayed the same throughout the season. Lady Camden is the true breakout star and true stage performer.

  • Just A Fan - 2 years ago

    Like Hops said: What’s the point of it being a competition if at the end of the day track record no longer determines the outcome?

    When the season started Bosco put me off but as the series progressed she grew so much and in the end she was the only one who I rooted for. Willow is great and funny but her role in this season was like a long drive in a car on a straight road, not much ups and downs or anything to remeber after. Ah well, its all politics anyway

  • Judy Ross - 2 years ago

    Honestly, Willow had me at spaghetti in the bathtub. I love her creativity and quirkiness. She stood out for me. I’m glad we got to know a little about her disability, because one could see in her dancing that she has range of motion issues.

  • BJ - 2 years ago

    This is the 1st season i've ever watched. I found it quite fun and fascinating. I loved Willow Pill from the outset. She was quirky, versatile and too cute for words. I also have a friend with Willows disability so my admiration for her perseverance has no bounds. If we had not been told about it we would never had known. So by all means Willow was absolutely the best choice to win. .

  • Shelayne - 2 years ago

    I was all for Lady Camden winning the crown, and when Willow Pill won I was shocked! But then I thought about the whole season & really… the right Queen won. It was a very talented group this season!

  • Hops - 2 years ago

    What’s the point of it being a competition if at the end of the day track record no longer determines the outcome?

  • Maria - 2 years ago

    At the start of the race, I was all Angeria. As the race went along I was all Lady Camden. At the end of the finals I had to give it to Willow Pill!

  • Larry - 2 years ago

    At first I was surprised, but in looking back, Willow was the best this time but Lady Camden was a worthy opponent. I am happy she won. A highly talented group of queens. I look forward to seeing them on an All Star cast. 14 years and I still love this show. It is not even remotely tired in my opinion.

  • Dinah Hughes - 2 years ago

    It was always between Lady and Willow , by far the most talented with Dya in third, but Willow brought her " A" game tonight , however props to Lady for putting on a good show , this was a tough one as all were good .

  • Lady Snake - 2 years ago

    As much as I loved Bosco, I was more than delighted that Willow Pill took the crown. I wasn’t a fan of Lady Camden, but I congratulate her on being runner up in a close race.

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