Should FMCSA be pursuing a mandate for motor carriers to use speed-limiting technology?


  • William Clayburn - 3 years ago

    I’ve been driving trucks for 25 years. I’ve personally have witnessed/ seen accidents happen with trucks governed down to 65 and 70 mph. West Texas I10 example 80mph speed limit and 75mph in most other places in Texas. I literally watched a car drive past me and rear end another truck ahead of that was traveling most likely 65mph because I was doing 70mph and catching up to the truck when this happened. Not to mention the road rage that it causes when trucks are impeading traffic due to them being governed down. I’ve seen accidents happen just from the road rage. It’s going to be a big mistake if the government follows through with this. I pull tankers loaded with Hazardous materials and I do believe I will be done trucking if this gets approved to be law speed limiting the trucks. It will be just to dangerous for me to feel safe being on the roads anymore with my truck. I don’t want to be the next statistic on the road.

  • jeffery Grindstaff - 3 years ago

    And they scratch there heads wondering why they cant hire truck drivers to drive truck anymore. They run all the truck drivers out of the trucking industry allready but a couple handfuls,thats why the industry is full of steering wheel holders. Back in the day when everyone was screeming truckdrivers are a dying breed everywhere we went. They finally reached there goal fella's. It's sad what the goverment has done to us. WOW guess that should run off the last hold out's. There wont be anything else they can do to us really other than put a d.o.t. man in the cab with us.

  • Rake Rake - 3 years ago

    Some random questions I'm asking.
    1. Who is going to pay to for all this? The dealerships aren't limiting speeds for free.
    2. Is this going to cause even more congestion of trucks struggling uphill?
    3. How will DOT or FMCSA know if your truck has or hasn't been limited? Will they now be allowed to hook up to the trucks computer and check?
    4. Is this just an excuse for the ability to hook up to the trucks computer, cause they can then check for other things... Deletes anyone?

  • Collette Gott - 3 years ago

    Speed limits are state business and state specific. Are these FMCSA people bored? Send them home.

  • Marshall Blasingame - 3 years ago

    No on the speed limiters we have speed limits on the road. You think you have congestion now it'll be 10 times worse. I've been driving 45 plus years own my own truck and have a very clean record I have no speed limiter on my truck I suggest if you want to make safer in the road require everybody speak and read English, but it's not about safety only about control!!!

  • Richard Davis - 3 years ago

    If " safety " was the reason for this kind of thinking, paying all truck drivers by the hour would be the safest route to take. But, everyone knows safety has very little to do with it, it's all about the idiotic thinking of a few people and control. Paying someone by the hour makes them slower, just look at how long it takes places to load and unload a trailer. Why would a driver want to rush, hurry, or speed when they are being paid by the hour?

  • Richard Davis - 3 years ago

    Stupid is as Stupid does. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. That is what people in Washington, the so-called brain trust, the non-experts do. This has been tried numerous times in numerous states and found to not work. In fact, it is dangerous and makes safety worse. Safety has nothing to do with it though, it's all about control. If it were truly about safety, they would be pushing hourly wages for all truck drivers. What better way to slow trucks down than pay them by the hour. They then could be like the people that load and unload their trailers, and get in no hurry.

  • STEVEN E HOBBS - 3 years ago

    There are already speed limits and law enforcement.

  • Jim Anderson - 3 years ago

    If a driver can not comply with the speed limit sat by the state that they are driving in Thay will be getting a ticket, after 3 tickets pull there CDL and let them find a job where someone can babysit them and make sure they do what has to be done for the job! Part of the job of truck driving is being responsible and doing the right thing in the first place! As far as that goes after two tickets restrict the driver to a one or two state area that they can drive in and if they are cough outside of that area in the 6 month time pull the CDL for life!! I don't feel like all should be punished for the few that can't go by the rules!
    Thank you for the chance to say my peace, if they do this l will be done trucking after 50+ years!
    Jim Anderson????

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