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What will be the impact on Epic when CEO Judy Faulkner is no longer involved? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 462

  • Sam - 3 years ago

    the Culture of Epic is way too wide and deep, that there will not be any change in Epic. Judy has built a core group of leaders that are ready to step in. I feel Epic is more akin to Amazon, do you notice a change in Amazon with Andy now stepping in?

  • IIRC - 3 years ago

    Using history as a guide most companies with a larger than life leader end up falling on hard times after they step away. MEDITECH, Cerner, GE (Jack Welsh), Microsoft, Chrysler (Lee Iacocca). I voted negative but would be great to be surprised.

  • Jane - 3 years ago

    For many years Carl has run the show at Epic along with Judy. The transition would be smoother.

  • AnotherDave - 3 years ago

    I have no idea, but I have to believe that there has been significant succession planning in at least 30 of the last 40+ years. Buffet and Munger have been at their jobs job for a very long time. Statically speaking Judy will have a role at Epic "forever". I don't expect any leaks on this subject.

  • bob - 3 years ago

    it started out as "do good, have fun". "make money" got a added later. Draw your own conclusions.

  • No Dog in the Fight - 3 years ago

    Positive or negative depends on your perspective. Pro-customer view, and Pro-Epic view, could easily be at odds. The "why" of each vote would be very interesting to understand. I'm going with negative from the perspective that Mr. H alluded to, a strong and dominant leader more often than not leaves an unfilled vacuum.

  • Ellemennopee87 - 3 years ago

    Judy is so much a part of the DNA it is bound to change but let’s be real, it is anyone’s guess as to positive or negative.

  • Heidi - 3 years ago

    When Meditech’s CEO and founder, A.Neil Popalardo faded away from the front lines the company fell hard and fast. If they don’t find and groom a great replacement things will change at Epic too!

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