the Culture of Epic is way too wide and deep, that there will not be any change in Epic. Judy has built a core group of leaders that are ready to step in. I feel Epic is more akin to Amazon, do you notice a change in Amazon with Andy now stepping in?
IIRC - 2 years ago
Using history as a guide most companies with a larger than life leader end up falling on hard times after they step away. MEDITECH, Cerner, GE (Jack Welsh), Microsoft, Chrysler (Lee Iacocca). I voted negative but would be great to be surprised.
Jane - 2 years ago
For many years Carl has run the show at Epic along with Judy. The transition would be smoother.
AnotherDave - 2 years ago
I have no idea, but I have to believe that there has been significant succession planning in at least 30 of the last 40+ years. Buffet and Munger have been at their jobs job for a very long time. Statically speaking Judy will have a role at Epic "forever". I don't expect any leaks on this subject.
bob - 2 years ago
it started out as "do good, have fun". "make money" got a added later. Draw your own conclusions.
No Dog in the Fight - 2 years ago
Positive or negative depends on your perspective. Pro-customer view, and Pro-Epic view, could easily be at odds. The "why" of each vote would be very interesting to understand. I'm going with negative from the perspective that Mr. H alluded to, a strong and dominant leader more often than not leaves an unfilled vacuum.
Ellemennopee87 - 2 years ago
Judy is so much a part of the DNA it is bound to change but let’s be real, it is anyone’s guess as to positive or negative.
Heidi - 2 years ago
When Meditech’s CEO and founder, A.Neil Popalardo faded away from the front lines the company fell hard and fast. If they don’t find and groom a great replacement things will change at Epic too!
the Culture of Epic is way too wide and deep, that there will not be any change in Epic. Judy has built a core group of leaders that are ready to step in. I feel Epic is more akin to Amazon, do you notice a change in Amazon with Andy now stepping in?
Using history as a guide most companies with a larger than life leader end up falling on hard times after they step away. MEDITECH, Cerner, GE (Jack Welsh), Microsoft, Chrysler (Lee Iacocca). I voted negative but would be great to be surprised.
For many years Carl has run the show at Epic along with Judy. The transition would be smoother.
I have no idea, but I have to believe that there has been significant succession planning in at least 30 of the last 40+ years. Buffet and Munger have been at their jobs job for a very long time. Statically speaking Judy will have a role at Epic "forever". I don't expect any leaks on this subject.
it started out as "do good, have fun". "make money" got a added later. Draw your own conclusions.
Positive or negative depends on your perspective. Pro-customer view, and Pro-Epic view, could easily be at odds. The "why" of each vote would be very interesting to understand. I'm going with negative from the perspective that Mr. H alluded to, a strong and dominant leader more often than not leaves an unfilled vacuum.
Judy is so much a part of the DNA it is bound to change but let’s be real, it is anyone’s guess as to positive or negative.
When Meditech’s CEO and founder, A.Neil Popalardo faded away from the front lines the company fell hard and fast. If they don’t find and groom a great replacement things will change at Epic too!