Grade the Season 4 finale of 'A Million Little Things':


  • Angie Stahl - 2 years ago

    I can truthfully say that I didn't see that ending coming. I really appreciate the breadcrumbs that were given that I can look back upon and go "Oh yeah, I should have picked up on that!". The shows that I tend to go for are the ones that everything doesn't happen the way you think it is and still keep you wanting more. A+ on the finale, I can't wait for next season.

  • I. Wolfe - 2 years ago

    Why can’t you run the good shows like this one like CBS’ Young and Restless instead of all of us who get involved being disappointed when you jerk a very good show off -to come back sometime in the future?! There is so much of that with very good shows being yanked and some never to be heard from again. That’s not fair. Please keep this running on a decent schedule so we can look foreword and enjoy it. Thank you

  • Melissa Beaston - 2 years ago

    Everything was great and I am glad that Anna return herself in

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