"Yah, ve have zome days of ve week here. . . " - 3 years ago
Do I feel welcome? Yes, the person reads the appropriate script to say the correct words.
Do I feel that the person on the phone is an effective goalie keeping me from actually talking to someone who can answer my question(s)? Also yes.
I find this poll question a bit interesting. My initial response was, why should I be the one to feel appreciated for the ability to contact my preferred hospital by telephone, email, or in person? I'm the person that is sick - the question should be, do they appreciate me?
ServiceWithaSnarl - 3 years ago
I’m pleased to report that the academic medical center where I’m on the faculty believes in equitable treatment for all.
I get the same horrible service whether I just call and state my name or whether I mention that I’m a physician and/or a faculty member.
Midwest Patient - 3 years ago
I have called my provider's nurse-on-call line multiple times to make sure I wasn't making the wrong decision about whether to have an emergent issue looked at immediately. These nurses have been kind, patient, helpful, and thoughtful every single time I've called. It feels like a trusim that nurses are often the backbone of a healthcare organization but man does this particular group do a great job representing their organization, and making patients feel cared for.
Do I feel welcome? Yes, the person reads the appropriate script to say the correct words.
Do I feel that the person on the phone is an effective goalie keeping me from actually talking to someone who can answer my question(s)? Also yes.
I find this poll question a bit interesting. My initial response was, why should I be the one to feel appreciated for the ability to contact my preferred hospital by telephone, email, or in person? I'm the person that is sick - the question should be, do they appreciate me?
I’m pleased to report that the academic medical center where I’m on the faculty believes in equitable treatment for all.
I get the same horrible service whether I just call and state my name or whether I mention that I’m a physician and/or a faculty member.
I have called my provider's nurse-on-call line multiple times to make sure I wasn't making the wrong decision about whether to have an emergent issue looked at immediately. These nurses have been kind, patient, helpful, and thoughtful every single time I've called. It feels like a trusim that nurses are often the backbone of a healthcare organization but man does this particular group do a great job representing their organization, and making patients feel cared for.
It's like they are doing me a favor