I am so sick of the demonicRATS, one crisis after another, and they caused them all!!!!
Cynthia Whalen - 3 years ago
Do you mean the same way he said to President Trump “they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you”,
Ron McDavid - 3 years ago
In my opinion, the far Left hold themselves above the laws of the land and our Constitution when both conflict with their goals. I will not target Democrats as a whole but they are allowing the far Left to high jack their party and over shadow any hopes of working together to build a stronger nation.
Rich Salustro - 3 years ago
Abso-FKN-Lutely FJB!
Phoebe - 3 years ago
Not only do I believe they Demoncrats are inciting this violence against the SCOTUS, I think they indirectly hired the guy to go to Kavanaugh’s house to have him removed. I know this sounds very conspiracy theory-like, but these monsters in the WH and Congress are that desperate.
Peggy - 3 years ago
I agree, Glenda
Glenda - 3 years ago
Not only thru their words, but thru their inaction to hold anyone accountable .
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I am so sick of the demonicRATS, one crisis after another, and they caused them all!!!!
Do you mean the same way he said to President Trump “they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you”,
In my opinion, the far Left hold themselves above the laws of the land and our Constitution when both conflict with their goals. I will not target Democrats as a whole but they are allowing the far Left to high jack their party and over shadow any hopes of working together to build a stronger nation.
Abso-FKN-Lutely FJB!
Not only do I believe they Demoncrats are inciting this violence against the SCOTUS, I think they indirectly hired the guy to go to Kavanaugh’s house to have him removed. I know this sounds very conspiracy theory-like, but these monsters in the WH and Congress are that desperate.
I agree, Glenda
Not only thru their words, but thru their inaction to hold anyone accountable .