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VOTE: How do you feel about the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Total Votes: 657

  • Robin F - 2 years ago

    I'm sort of conflicted on this issue. One the one hand, I'm a Christian woman who is grateful that unnecessary deaths will be prevented in many places where abortion has been used as birth control, instead of the last resort it should be; On the other hand, I'm aware that there are quite a few court-affirmed rights that are based on the Roe v Wade decision of 50 years ago, and we will need to be hyper vigilant to ensure that the new ruling doesn't create a new rush to overturn those rights as well. The original ruling was apparently the basis for the belief that bodily autonomy and privacy are a human right, and by overturning it, we may now become slaves to the state rulings/mandates where the individual states don't pass laws to protect us from that fate... THAT terrifies me in the same manner that I presume those pro-abortion protesters were afraid of this decision. (And I'm curious why I never heard a word about this aspect of the issue until after the decision was released and I was treated to both sides of the issue on social media for the first time?)
    I think we should spend more time trying to listen to the other side's points before demonizing them as an automatic response. I wish I'd realized this sooner, even if I wouldn't have changed my position. I can understand a bit more now, and that can only help me to try to find a common ground going forward .

  • Susan Sasso - 2 years ago

    Stop treating women as if they don't have a brain. If men could get pregnant this would have never been a discussion.

  • Quinn R - 2 years ago

    Both sides are wrong.

  • Donita M Cilch - 2 years ago

    Being old enough to know what went on before Roe, thousands of women & girls died from illegal abortions. They
    would go to a dark to someone with a coat hanger or across the border & die from a blood infection. This puts
    the women & girls in the dark ages & is totally non-American. I lived in San Diego for those period & those facts can be checked.

    We need to fight this and elect people who will do the right thing.

  • Dan G - 2 years ago

    I feel One win for Women. Got the Supreme Court out of their body business. Now if they can get their local representatives out of office. They don’t belong in office if they mingle in Womens right.

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