I've been a steelers fan all my life and I've grown up near Pittsburgh and been all around the stadium and I'm tired of all these new name changes (Washington redskins Cleveland Indians) because it's apparently racism all though it been like that for quite a long time but I'm gonna call it heinz feild and that's all I'm gonna ever call it anything else just odont roll off the tongue like heinz feild
Paul Bator - 3 years ago
I will always call it Heinz field.The new name is just wrong and would be STUPID!!
Skip - 3 years ago
For all of you young kids Heinz Field may be all you've known it by but us more mature Steelers fans still refer to it as Three Rivers, the thought of calling it after a condiment just didn't cut it.
I do think the ketchup bottles dumping when we get in the red zone is clever however.
But name it whatever you want and it will still be Three Rivers forever.
Bus Bettus - 3 years ago
Anything after 2000 and around the time of the NFL bought knee pads to service corporate America Heinz Firld was named. Funny how daffy Squealer fans Squeal displeasure about the stadium being renamed, changing the name from a Ketchup brand and ur mad? Bunch of dimwits especially since their poverty franchise never pays their stars it made sense the Rooney’s were among the first NFL Franchises to sell out.
So I’m hoping Vagisil is a late entry and Rooney again screws Acrisure this time bc it’d be pertinent that the Pittsburgh Steelers played at Vagisil Stadium bc they’re a bunch of cheap dirty P&$@!? Lol.
T. A. - 3 years ago
Theresa Sral - 3 years ago
Romney Field
Skaz1953 - 3 years ago
Hate that big money has such control over stadium names. Let each stadium have a real name then sponsored by the big money.
Jojobesp - 3 years ago
Rooney Field
at Acricure Stadium
Randy Townsend - 3 years ago
Art Rooney Stadium
Paul Thomas - 3 years ago
Art Rooney Acrisure stadium
Therese Melodia - 3 years ago
It'll be Heinz Field. I'll be there in October and I'm bringing a a sign that says that to hold up for pictures.
Joe Flowers - 3 years ago
I was born & raised in my always ho.e pittsburgh,saw them build,tear down 3 rivers didnt really like the name heinz fields but it grew on me.please rename it rooney field just what we need i love my steelers i bleed black & gold win or lose my team.
j moglia - 3 years ago
At this point, the best we can hope for is a compromise. Unfortunately, Acrisure has to be part of the name, so maybe it becomes Something like Acrisure at Three Rivers Stadium.
The Genius - 3 years ago
Call it, The Forge. You heard it here first.
Cindy - 3 years ago
Money ,money money , Call it Rooney Field sponsored by Acrisure .Acrisure sounds like a disease
Geraldine McGill - 3 years ago
I'm disappointed that they didn't ask for any input or feedback from their loyal fanbase regarding the name change. I understand that Acrisure is putting out a lot of money, but so do the fans! And without the fans....who needs a stadium? Maybe rename it Rooney Field sponsored by Acrisure?
Ted Rony jr - 3 years ago
I was born in Pittsburgh but moved to Michigan when I was ten. Lost my Yinzer accent but still bleed black and gold. There is a pride in being a Steeler fan that is universal. I constantly find people complimenting my Steeler cap, whether they are fans or not.
I agree with Rocky Blier; call it Rooney Field after the first family of football. Without them it wouldn't have happened. God bless the Steeler Nation!
Grant Street Jim - 3 years ago
Lots of anger over changing from three Rivers Stadium to Heinz Field…. Times change grow up. Thank you Acrisure for investing in Steelers and Pittsburgh.
Frank - 3 years ago
Permanently call it the Blast Furnance or the Mill, and let Acrisure advert as much as they want, below the name or inside. Keep it Pittsburgh!
Bert Cole - 3 years ago
GET OVER IT! If you go there to stare at the name on the building your an idiot! The more money someone is willing to cough up to have their name plastered all around HOPEFULLY reduces the amount of increases passed on to ticket prices.
Dave heller - 3 years ago
Don't know why everyone so upset about new name.Heinz packed up and left this city took good paying jobs to Ohio plant they did nothing for this city they have zero footprint in pittsburgh. I'm happy art made a good deal only helps the steelers build a better team
Benjamin - 3 years ago
You people complaining are total idiots. They are making 10 million dollars a year for the deal. That 10 million will go towards paying good players like TJ Watt to stick around and make the team better. Businesses do business to make money. Get off your stupid high horses and come back down to reality. You're all telling me that you only watch the games because of some stupid ketchup bottles? Like seriously? If a change in name really pisses you off that badly, then you're not a true fan. Pay attention to the game, not the stadium name. The stadium name doesn't win Super Bowls geniuses ????
Although we all would like to call it Heinz Field forever,Acrisure paid big money ???? to call it that:not RooneyField..He’s got plenty of money ????,let him pay for. Rooney Field. Thank you in advance MikeK
Sean Wiley - 3 years ago
I will always think of it as Heinz Field. I understand that they have bought the rites but tradition is a big part of the game. As a die hard Steeler fan I am offend that they do not take us fan’s into account. It makes me question why should I continue supporting this team.
Len F - 3 years ago
Heinz Field was better, but a deal is a deal.
Call it Acrisure 3 Rivers Stadium. A good compromise.
dave - 3 years ago
put a roof on it and call it YinzerDome
Marge C. - 3 years ago
When it went from 3 Rivers Stadium to Heinz Field that was a smooth transition, because they both are Pittsburgh. Now I agree with Rocky they should call it Rooney Field If it weren't for the Rooney family where would we be.
Jerry C - 3 years ago
MY team plays at Heinz Field.
Maybe Rooney can buy the rights to use the name?
Philip Esper - 3 years ago
Iron City Stadium
Harvey Barfarkle - 3 years ago
I would call it, "The What?"
Christian Millazzo - 3 years ago
The sure on the North shore.
terry l court - 3 years ago
a stadium does not make a team! a team good owners and fans make a good team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frankie - 3 years ago
Call it Joe Greene Stadium or Chuck Noll Stadium or Lambert field but NOT Acrisure Stadium
Robert Kleinhans - 3 years ago
Call it Rooney Field
Jason - 3 years ago
Acrisure spent a TON of money just for it to be called Heinz Field forever.
D. Roy - 3 years ago
To change the name feels like the ultimate betrayal. Tradition is one of the things that makes me black & gold forever. And to add insult to injury Acrisure sounds like some rype of toe fungus medication. So sure that “Acrisure” will never be the name of Steeler Nations stadium.
Rooney Stadium would be my choice.
I've been a steelers fan all my life and I've grown up near Pittsburgh and been all around the stadium and I'm tired of all these new name changes (Washington redskins Cleveland Indians) because it's apparently racism all though it been like that for quite a long time but I'm gonna call it heinz feild and that's all I'm gonna ever call it anything else just odont roll off the tongue like heinz feild
I will always call it Heinz field.The new name is just wrong and would be STUPID!!
For all of you young kids Heinz Field may be all you've known it by but us more mature Steelers fans still refer to it as Three Rivers, the thought of calling it after a condiment just didn't cut it.
I do think the ketchup bottles dumping when we get in the red zone is clever however.
But name it whatever you want and it will still be Three Rivers forever.
Anything after 2000 and around the time of the NFL bought knee pads to service corporate America Heinz Firld was named. Funny how daffy Squealer fans Squeal displeasure about the stadium being renamed, changing the name from a Ketchup brand and ur mad? Bunch of dimwits especially since their poverty franchise never pays their stars it made sense the Rooney’s were among the first NFL Franchises to sell out.
So I’m hoping Vagisil is a late entry and Rooney again screws Acrisure this time bc it’d be pertinent that the Pittsburgh Steelers played at Vagisil Stadium bc they’re a bunch of cheap dirty P&$@!? Lol.
Romney Field
Hate that big money has such control over stadium names. Let each stadium have a real name then sponsored by the big money.
Rooney Field
at Acricure Stadium
Art Rooney Stadium
Art Rooney Acrisure stadium
It'll be Heinz Field. I'll be there in October and I'm bringing a a sign that says that to hold up for pictures.
I was born & raised in my always ho.e pittsburgh,saw them build,tear down 3 rivers didnt really like the name heinz fields but it grew on me.please rename it rooney field just what we need i love my steelers i bleed black & gold win or lose my team.
At this point, the best we can hope for is a compromise. Unfortunately, Acrisure has to be part of the name, so maybe it becomes Something like Acrisure at Three Rivers Stadium.
Call it, The Forge. You heard it here first.
Money ,money money , Call it Rooney Field sponsored by Acrisure .Acrisure sounds like a disease
I'm disappointed that they didn't ask for any input or feedback from their loyal fanbase regarding the name change. I understand that Acrisure is putting out a lot of money, but so do the fans! And without the fans....who needs a stadium? Maybe rename it Rooney Field sponsored by Acrisure?
I was born in Pittsburgh but moved to Michigan when I was ten. Lost my Yinzer accent but still bleed black and gold. There is a pride in being a Steeler fan that is universal. I constantly find people complimenting my Steeler cap, whether they are fans or not.
I agree with Rocky Blier; call it Rooney Field after the first family of football. Without them it wouldn't have happened. God bless the Steeler Nation!
Lots of anger over changing from three Rivers Stadium to Heinz Field…. Times change grow up. Thank you Acrisure for investing in Steelers and Pittsburgh.
Permanently call it the Blast Furnance or the Mill, and let Acrisure advert as much as they want, below the name or inside. Keep it Pittsburgh!
GET OVER IT! If you go there to stare at the name on the building your an idiot! The more money someone is willing to cough up to have their name plastered all around HOPEFULLY reduces the amount of increases passed on to ticket prices.
Don't know why everyone so upset about new name.Heinz packed up and left this city took good paying jobs to Ohio plant they did nothing for this city they have zero footprint in pittsburgh. I'm happy art made a good deal only helps the steelers build a better team
You people complaining are total idiots. They are making 10 million dollars a year for the deal. That 10 million will go towards paying good players like TJ Watt to stick around and make the team better. Businesses do business to make money. Get off your stupid high horses and come back down to reality. You're all telling me that you only watch the games because of some stupid ketchup bottles? Like seriously? If a change in name really pisses you off that badly, then you're not a true fan. Pay attention to the game, not the stadium name. The stadium name doesn't win Super Bowls geniuses ????
Although we all would like to call it Heinz Field forever,Acrisure paid big money ???? to call it that:not RooneyField..He’s got plenty of money ????,let him pay for. Rooney Field. Thank you in advance MikeK
I will always think of it as Heinz Field. I understand that they have bought the rites but tradition is a big part of the game. As a die hard Steeler fan I am offend that they do not take us fan’s into account. It makes me question why should I continue supporting this team.
Heinz Field was better, but a deal is a deal.
Call it Acrisure 3 Rivers Stadium. A good compromise.
put a roof on it and call it YinzerDome
When it went from 3 Rivers Stadium to Heinz Field that was a smooth transition, because they both are Pittsburgh. Now I agree with Rocky they should call it Rooney Field If it weren't for the Rooney family where would we be.
MY team plays at Heinz Field.
Maybe Rooney can buy the rights to use the name?
Iron City Stadium
I would call it, "The What?"
The sure on the North shore.
a stadium does not make a team! a team good owners and fans make a good team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call it Joe Greene Stadium or Chuck Noll Stadium or Lambert field but NOT Acrisure Stadium
Call it Rooney Field
Acrisure spent a TON of money just for it to be called Heinz Field forever.
To change the name feels like the ultimate betrayal. Tradition is one of the things that makes me black & gold forever. And to add insult to injury Acrisure sounds like some rype of toe fungus medication. So sure that “Acrisure” will never be the name of Steeler Nations stadium.