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Do you love or hate the white helmet idea for the Packers?

Total Votes: 2,042

  • jacksom - 7 months ago

    the helmets are not the worst but personally I like the idea of all black better

    bengals can pull off the all all white look, but some other teams just can't that great

    I like the idea of a Packers blackout uniform though I really do

  • Garrett - 2 years ago

    I think Green Bay embraces the traditional look to a fault.
    The unis are classic but now they have the option to design an alternative version for special games. Why not expand the color scheme to an all dark green helmet with a gold G decal with the all green color rush uniforms they will wear this upcoming seasons?
    The all white unis would be so cool with an all green helmet too. The Oregon ducks may be the most iconic team in sports to have so many different types of unis but the all white ones are pretty cool. Just saying there is always room for some improvements...
    I'm the biggest fan the classics but I think it is time try different types for no other reason than to expand the profit of the team store revenue with new items that people will buy.

  • Gary - 2 years ago

    First the color rush idea, no matter the occasion is just ugly…. Second all pants should be white, silver, gold, or Packer gold …. Third put stripes back on the socks, plain socks are just boring

  • BWant - 2 years ago

    Let’s go all black….

  • MuddyCleats - 2 years ago

    Like the idea of GB w/ a futuristic new uniform; however, the white uniform isn't my choice. Riddle's Blaze Speed metallic Green helmet or a Black Out type uniform would be my choice. Packers need something more menacing IMO. Draw inspiration from University of Oregon and Hawaii, the Seahawks and or Eagles. Oregon has a dark charcoal/black uniform that is accented w/ their traditional colors which is very cheeky IMO

  • Randall Pouwels - 2 years ago

    No! And not the pansy white uniforms, please! ????

  • James a smithers - 2 years ago

    Make it true green and gold!!!!

  • TOM - 2 years ago

    That Helmet is Perfect for Thursday Night Football. Where the worst Uniforms are on Display!

  • Norm - 2 years ago

    Color Rush should be damned to the fired of hell - with a GB white helmet leading the way.

    The Packers have a super classy uniform, why screw with it?

  • Al - 2 years ago

    I would like to see the gold a real gold like 49er's and the Green a real green like the Eagles.

  • Bob - 2 years ago

    Remember, we are the cheese heads - that means gold/yellow helmets

  • Dutes - 2 years ago


  • Jason - 2 years ago

    The Packers need an all black uniform.

  • Nick - 2 years ago

    Make it black!

  • Rick - 2 years ago

    I'd like to see an all Green jersey with gold striping and Logo May the helmut the green mirror look and we would have an upbeat and actual GREEN bay colors.

  • Michael Schemmel - 2 years ago

    No never in a million years the Packers are and will always be known as the green and gold.

  • Steven - 2 years ago

    Hopefully someday Green Bay fans will realize getting an alt version of their uniform isn't the end of the world. Get the yellow off of the logo and the helmet stripe and make the facemask white and it would look great. Even if the get off my lawn/no uniform but the stock green and gold for all eternity police don't like it

  • Markus - 2 years ago

    Agree with some, make the G and helmet stripe white with black or GB green outline, only instead of overall white helmet make it mylar gold with black or GB green helmet bar…GB green jersey with white shoulder stripe with black or green edging and black or white name/number, pants are same mylar gold color with white stripe with black or GB green edging. Make it pop!

  • Chris - 2 years ago

    YUCK Vince Lombardi would be rolling over if the Packers even think about a tradition changing like that

  • Gabe - 2 years ago

    Hate it. The packers are green and gold and having the white helmet doesn’t fit it. Also based on the picture it looks bad in my opinion.

  • Walter - 2 years ago

    I love the idea of a white helmet especially with the white rush uniforms. Teams do change design yet most packer fans are stuck in the old color design. I loved the all green uniforms that were used last year. Nothing wrong with change especially if it appeals to most fans. Been a packer fan since 1960 so I am not stuck in the past.

  • David - 2 years ago

    Hate the white helmet almost as much as I hate the Bears! Packer fans bleed GREEN and GOLD, not WHITE and traces of green and gold!

  • Gabe - 2 years ago

    If they just wanna do it that way then they just should outline the G with green and yellow and just leave the inside white and it'll look a whole lot better And 2nd of all who is on this design team they don't have no vision I can do a whole lot better!!!

  • John - 2 years ago

    Change the G white inside, then I love it

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