Grade 'Flowers in the Attic: The Origin' overall::


  • Marlaina - 3 years ago

    I never saw the original movie flowers in the attic so the way the season finale just abruptly ended after she locked Corrines children in the attic left me like……WHAT? How can they just end it like that? Now I gotta figure out how I’m going to stream the original flowers in the attic or find some other way to watch it because the season finale just left me hanging and wanting more. Seriously?!?! ????

  • Sharon - 3 years ago

    enjoyed the movie, but I do agree with others who said much of the storyline did NOT match with some of the others. Why was that? Like Christopher dying in a car accident when previously were lead to believe he died in the military.

  • Abdul Rahman - 3 years ago

    Olivia’s age and how her personality was changed abruptly in the last 20 minutes or so and how scenes like the rat poison which wasn’t utilized on the kids until months in the attic was present upon their arrival.

    Amos was killed yeah that’s strange even stranger it made Olivia more bitter and more evil about sin incarnate.

    The older Corrine acting wasn’t so strong at all especially at the end it sounded kind of fake and abruptly rushed and the actress that played Olivia sounded so off trying to play evil it just didn’t fit her naturally sweet kind nature for 3 1/2 of the films.

    I love that Joel and Harry got their happy endings a gay interracial couple element was so cute I’d love to see how their chapter continues. Maybe they’ll help rescue the kids in the near future or help bring Olivia and Corrine back to their senses.

  • Ceecee - 3 years ago

    Loved it!!

  • Nita Tolman - 3 years ago

    I would for love it to continue…. Tell what happens to all the characters instead of just locking the kids up and walking away…. We need to know what happened….The ending just stopped. Please continue with the story….

  • Traci Coolbroth - 3 years ago

    I also forgot to mention that at the end of The Origins, Olivia kills John Amos and buries his body. John Amos was alive and well in the movie If There be Thorns. How is that possible? It was in this movie that John Amos tells Bart that Malcolm was a very religious man - NO MALCOLM WAS NOT. Also - where in The Origins was this supposed diary of Malcolm's that John Amos gives to Bart? That is right - it does not exist. This series was completely messed up. It does not tell things accurately. They should of written the story better.

  • Traci Coolbroth - 3 years ago

    Flowers in the Attic: Origins did not tell the story the same way that the movie of the same name did. In the movie, Malcolm had a stroke which landed him in the wheelchair whereas in the Origins, it was Olivia who staged his fall. Christopher was in the military when he died in the movie whereas in the Origins, Christopher was a doctor who had a car accident. The four children were not aged properly in the Origins - the two oldest were a bit younger than they were in the movie and the twins were older than in the movie. The movies did not reflect that Corinne knew that Christopher was her half-sibling, Corinne only admitted that he was her half-uncle. Also, in the movie Flowers in the Attic, Olivia was significantly older than at the ending of the Origins. I did not like how The Origins did not align with the movie at all.

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