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Would you post a "looking for work" article on LinkedIn if you needed a job? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 269

  • DrShowoff - 3 years ago

    I wouldnt recommend it......Don't be the desperate girl at the bar at 2am.....
    Instead, gussy up your profile. Pay attention to the way it falls on the eye. Add numbers, quota, any measurements are good. Use search terms commonly used in job descriptions you like. Research. Research. Research.
    And fix that picture.....

  • Emm Li - 3 years ago

    No, I would not post that message. After all the generosity toward my colleagues in healthcare IT, volunteering in local, state & national organizations; twice in last 12 years I reached out to connections when times were tough with no assistance or no reply; I found opportunities without LI; it has not worked for me. In the last 2 1/2 years, LI posts more resemble MySpace and FB than use for business as intended. High-profile upper-level management contact requests are basic connect asks with nothing personal. I delete them all if no one takes the effort to hone it as a personable connection. It's about relationship development, not 'Hi, buy from me' or 'join my (advanced degree) program today' or 'You can use my (software) in your company,' etc.

  • Furydelabongo - 3 years ago

    Jackie speaks for me. I would post if I was a new grad or unemployed (are those synonyms?). Otherwise I'll use LinkedIn for targeted conversations.

  • Jackie - 3 years ago

    Yes, if unemployed. If employed but looking for a change, I would want a way to de-identify myself in that article. The major reason I see this as a good idea is that the resume does not serve you well, even after shelling out money for a professional resume it often goes into a black hole, many never seen by a human. If this becomes popular, the same thing will happen, no one will have time to read them all but it's another opportunity to be seen by the right person.

  • Douglas Herr - 3 years ago

    Love the idea, makes a ton of sense. Have the looking for work circle on my profile picture. It has brought in a ton of inquiries, but most have not aligned with what I'm seeking. This idea would help with that.

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