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Are you running one or more glider kits exempt from ELD regs under the current pre-2000 engine exemption?

Total Votes: 3,490

  • Dave - 2 years ago

    ELD hours limit keep drivers stressd even they are waiting in traffic or shipper and recivers needing more flaxibilty for there life most times they have to drivers late night hours when they likes to get good sleep and there sleep schedule keep getting chnaged by there elog. Also 70 hours limit needs to be removed. most time drivers spent 34 or more hours on truck stop there nothing they can do for there self in there time off.

  • Richard Davis - 2 years ago

    The 70-hour limit needs to be eliminated, period. Then ELDs could be used for what they were supposedly intended for, an electronic and accurate time clock. No more racing the clock trying to gain or save minutes.

  • Ruben Gonzales - 2 years ago

    The hours of service on the ELD devices is unsafe.. everyone out here a driving without a care in the world because they have a time they have to beat… it needs to be more relaxed some people can get to where they need to be safely. Now with nowhere to park and we can’t just park anywhere to park.. we as trucker’s need to be respected again by the government

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