Which singers would you have eliminated?


  • Verna Hooks - 2 years ago

    Kique should have been in the semi finals! He is a soulful singer! All of Blake’s team should have been eliminates as THEY CANNOT sing except for Bodie! Megan Morgan also should have been elininated.

  • Elise - 2 years ago

    Kique is so talented in every way that he should be in the semi finals.

  • TC - 2 years ago

    My final 4 prediction is Bodie Parjita Omar and Justin. Kim may be in over Omar or Justin but I think Bodie and Parjita are rock solid.

  • Sherry - 2 years ago

    Rowan Grace should never have gone this far - Gwen liked her and consequently so did Blake ., she is not ready for this stage and I know that Blake knows this .. it’s depressing that those performers who stay do so because they have “fans” with multiple Voice accounts submitting multiple votes - seems the passion is gone - that’s why Blake is leaving - no way that Kique should have been eliminated - just ridiculous-
    Go back season after season - looks like certain performers are eliminated based on their looks - ????- ie.. Wendy last season

  • Marlene - 2 years ago

    I somehow feel that the final votes during elimination rounds are padded. Kique should have made it hands down. In fact he probably should have won. His voice is the best or at least in competition with Omar and Brodie.

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