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Do you expect this session of parliament to be any more civil than the last?


  • Bojango - 15 years ago

    if all parties would work togeather for the the good of this great land some headway could be achieved but as long two of the three stooges jack ang the gang and the band of seperatists will contunue with minority gov.

  • Albert - 16 years ago

    "ignite the fuel of political debauchery"? What on earth is that supposed to mean?

    Having a keyboard doesn't make you a writer.

  • Elise Peer - 16 years ago

    The Liberals would be crazy to ignite the fuel of political debauchery when they are leaderless and miserably broke. If they have any sense and the desire to ever form a government again in the near future, they will need to come to the realization they need to cooperate and use their position of 'power' (sarcasm) as the official opposition to effectively influence policy in these very tough and trying economic times.

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