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Who should replace Colmes?

Total Votes: 5,763

  • Jim Blockey - 16 years ago

    I think Sean should do it on his own with very few liberal guests. Liberals are wrong, period. By giving them a voice on this show we give their cause credibility. I know we have to appear fair and balanced, but sometimes being right means not being fair. I think that is why God said do not be unequally yoked... and He was not just talking about marriage, He was talking about business partners, close friends etc. No matter what I will always watch and be a Hannity fan.

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    Colmes was awful. He chose terrible positions to defend and did THAT poorly. Especially after getting walloped in TWO consecutive cycles, the Right could use a good debate. Juan Williams can make a good argument for many ideas on the Left. Better yet, he shows that there often is a middle ground outside of the rhetorical. BTW, will ANYBODY have the gonads to have Hannity shut the h*ll up when he disagrees (both radio and TV)???

  • Matt - 16 years ago

    Bill Ayers! He'd be too smart for Hannity though.

  • Mark J. Goluskin - 16 years ago

    Kirsten Powers is smart, although usually wrong, and a great looker. And after 12 years of Alan, we all can use a little smart, attractive gal rather than the dour, humorless lefty Colmes!

  • Jimmer - 16 years ago

    let's really duke it out with maddow.
    but I bet she doesn't have the gonads.

  • Nick D. - 16 years ago

    Powers, after a decade of Colmes, will be awful easy on my eyes.......

  • Zen - 16 years ago

    Naomi Wolf!!!!

  • CatMoy - 16 years ago

    Try Naomi Wolf

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