Should 'Young Sheldon' acknowledge <i>that</i> 'Big Bang Theory' moment?


  • Tresa - 2 years ago

    Please keep George and Mary intact, and don’t kill anybody off! This family has endeared itself to us, even with all the weird personalities! It is entertaining and educational to watch the parenting efforts, the sibling interactions, and the unexpected issues the family must face with ALL the children! Don’t spoil all that rich humor and delightful family drama with the death of one of the most important characters!

  • Susan mills - 2 years ago

    I think if you’re going to continue to tell the truth in their lifetimes, then it should be there more important as the way they handle it married from a religious standpoint, and George from an ethical standpoint, and how they see their lives, intertwining and evolving as the years go on. What I am more concerned with is Sheldon’s development as a young man I think in the writing you’re using the same persona that he had when he was six and seven. I thought young age. He was very forthright and spoke all his troops. But as a teenager, he comes off, almost rude, and doesn’t temper any of his responses with understanding or maturity. I am more concerned about children’s development. That is his persona. Missy is OK and is seeing a natural involvement memo of course is constant.

  • Anna Gonzalez - 2 years ago

    I have seen George be faithful since the beginning of the series even if Mary always complaining about her husband. I agree that Sheldon does not always get it right
    Now is the time to make it right for George. Maybe give the show a longer life. I love this family life. I grew up in this time period. Do Right by George.

  • William - 2 years ago

    Yes, 20-something BBT Sheldon may have misremembered the incident he saw at age 13. It's important for YS to address it, and possibly create a "truth" that the older Sheldon can clarify.

  • Janea seligman - 2 years ago

    It's important to keep the show honest. Yes, Gearge is a good man. Just by cheating don't make him less. People are human and make mistakes. Since it was written already about the affair, it would become very insulting to the viewers to change it now. I've read people's comments that they won't watch it if the truth is known but the show will end anyway by season 8. Keeping the honesty, will leave the show with big bang theory dignity.

  • Cindy - 2 years ago

    I think Sheldon should walk in on George and Mary in bed not George and Brenda. George is a good guy and it’s bad enough you’re killing in off. I have heard lots of things on Big Bang that don’t add up to what’s happening on young Sheldon. And we all know Sheldon don’t always get things right he don’t listen or understand normal life things do this could just be one of those. Please don’t make George out to be a cheater

  • Beth - 2 years ago

    Acknowledge with a twist if you must. Take George out of the equation and you remove an integral person responsible for the shows success. Once main characters get removed, the shelf life of the show starts to quickly shorten.

  • Tammy - 2 years ago

    Sheldon always says that he doesn't pick up on a lot of things. So bring up the moment but show that he just misunderstood the moment. That what he thought he saw was not what was going on. Keep the dad on the show! He adds so much to it!

  • Lainey - 2 years ago

    It wasn’t wag at Sheldon thinks he saw. It could a dream Sheldon had or just George and Mary making out while Mary’s writing her romance novel

  • D.M. - 2 years ago

    Love Big Bang and Young Sheldon. Definitely go with "it was not what Sheldon thought he saw". George and Mary belong together.

  • D.M. - 2 years ago

    Love Big Bang and Young Sheldon. Definitely go with "it was not what Sheldon thought he saw". George and Mary belong together.

  • Lucy - 2 years ago

    It’s a comedy, let’s keep it a comedy. Extra affairs and death are not funny.

  • Ellen Pennell - 2 years ago

    If you kill off George, i will never watch the show again.

  • DW - 2 years ago

    George is the best character on the show after MeeMaw. Keep him alive! Who cares what happened on TBBT! It’s a different audience for this show. Wave some cash at Jim Parsons (an exec producer) and all will be well.

  • Jtd - 2 years ago

    It’s just a tv show. If you liked the BBT you know how it plays out. if you were not BBT fan who cares what you think.

  • Sam Shannon - 2 years ago

    One of rhe things people love about Young Sheldon is the family dynamic. People can relate. An emotional affair is not the same as a physical affair. George is a hard working family man who tries hard. For George to become unload to Mary for Brenda? Someone whose husband has already left her? Not only is it unbelievable but it's unnecessary. What a child thinks they see and what is really happening may be two different things. As the kids continue to grow, time is ticking away for the show. Why destroy a character that people love when it can be explained away in a much more tactful way?

  • Annette Bishop - 2 years ago

    Even if you leave in that George had an affair that doesn’t mean they need to kill him off. Mary is basically doing the same thing! BIG QUESTION is how was Mary working at the church when the Church turned their back on their family because Georgie is having a child out of wedlock. So YOUNG SHELDON HAS ALREADY CHANGED THE STORY OF TBBT! Straighten out the family that they actually talk and become human again. Why does a good series always have to have SEX, LIES, DRAMA a when it is suppose to be a comedy. Sheldon Isn’t cute and funny anymore. Missy said it the best that Georgie had George, Meemaw and Mary pampers Sheldon and is on his side and poor Missy is out in left field. Keep George alive and let him connect more with Missy since she is a Daddy’s girl. As far as Brenda goes, set her up with the Principal or give her the young Minister. Also if he is the minister why is he going after Mary when he knows it is wrong going after a married woman.

  • Lori Lathrom - 2 years ago

    I love George. Him and Meemaw are the best part of the show. But here’s the problem, there’s alot of us, me included, who experienced awful things as kids, some violent. And we were not believed. Honor the child that was Sheldon. It was part of who he was, as an adult. It shaped his character, for better or worse. He saw, what he saw. If he had been molested, would you gloss that over? You don’t have to show George getting jiggy with it. Just show Sheldon bursting in, register the look of abject horror on his face, and have him run away. Then have everyone search for him. Have George find him, and ask his forgiveness. Have Sheldon ask questions like, “Do you love her? Is she going to be my new Mommy? IS BILLY GOING TO BE MY BROTHER??”

    As for George dying, everybody dies. It’s part of life. It’s part of growing up, unfortunately. Life is a crocheted, multi colored, granny-square afghan. Remove one color yarn you don’t like, and the whole thing falls apart.

  • Carol Pennington - 2 years ago

    If you kill off George I'm out. Sheldon is the worst character on this show with Mary being a close 2nd.

  • Dianne - 2 years ago

    I think this show should have it's own story .Big bang wasnt all about Sheldon's life that's why so many people watched big bang it wasn't just about one character .let this show Sheldon show have its own story. I like George keep him around .

  • Debbie - 2 years ago

    The cheating could easily be misinterpreted. If George has to die. Drag it out as long as possible. Don't show it
    Just bring the show in the next season that he has passed and call it The Coopers.

  • Robert king - 2 years ago

    This program was a clean family program great to watch. now they want to change the morals to be just like every other damn program that we don't like, or watch. It's really sad to think that the only way for a tv station company to continue is to make the program cheaper content of lesser morals.

  • Cally - 2 years ago

    Please don't kill off George..he makes the show fun to watch, with all his expressions.

  • Judy - 2 years ago

    Please don’t kill George…. I like him…he made a mistake but don’t have him die.. when he dies so does the show… and I will not watch when he dies.. too much sadness in the world already.. it’s always been a fun show. To me, death is not comedy????

  • Ross Wood - 2 years ago

    The problem with letting this go and just saying that Sheldon was naive and didn't understand what he was saying is that we all know that Sheldon has an eidetic memory.. ergo that would be contradictive to the idea that he was naive what he saw. Stay with the original story play it out and let it be known and understand that people make mistakes. Especially a middle class family in East Texas

  • Sara y - 2 years ago

    I like George and I would like to see the show just skip that part. Also, if George dies on the show, I will never watch it again.

  • Peter Parker - 2 years ago

    That could easily make it obvious it wasn't what he thought. Being a naive kid and that's why they never spoke of it again because there was not actually anything to speak of.

  • Peter Parker - 2 years ago

    That could easily make it obvious it wasn't what he thought. Being a naive kid and that's why they never spoke of it again because there was not actually anything to speak of.

  • Krickut - 2 years ago

    Just leave it alone and don't bring it up. Who cares what happened or what Sheldon remembered on TBBT. Sheldon never mentioned on TBBT about his mom being a cheater, and yet she emotionally has cheated on George, too, with the Sunday school teacher in Young Sheldon. I mean she was made to be all holy in TBBT and she's not completely that in Young Sheldon. Just let it go and don't ruin this show.

  • Jean clayde poulin - 2 years ago

    Please just follow the story and be true to the original. Life happens and it's not always a bowl of cherries. This will create a teachable moment.

  • John B - 2 years ago

    Since Sheldon was/is so naive about sexual activity, they could make it so that Sheldon misinterpreted what he saw.
    I like George and i don't want to see him as a cheater.

  • Betty Francis - 2 years ago

    I think they should be lying together but not having sex - Sheldon can then admit that he was very naive about the act - but that it still wasn’t right what his father did.

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