Should the Detroit Three get a bailout?


  • Richard - 16 years ago

    I feel for the people that may and are loosing their jobs but if every small family owned business said that they needed money from the Taxpayers pockets, or they would close, that would equal out to millions of lost jobs also. Should we give them all a Bailout or should they be responsible for getting themselves into this position?
    Tell the BIG THREE to give back all of their BIG BONUSES!!!! Maybe that would Bail them out, just a thought!

  • Ice - 16 years ago

    Yes. The percentage of loonies spend for a bail out is a small fraction of what
    will otherwise be lost due to a total economic collapse. The medicine tastes bad,but the decease has to be cured.

  • Dale - 16 years ago

    'building" in the previous comment should be "build". Where is my proofreader when needed?

  • Dale Mullen - 16 years ago

    If (when) we waste huge amounts of tax payers' money bailing out the American/Canadian auto industry, what do you think will happen in 6 months to a year's time? Of course, they'll be right back at the trough demanding more money...
    If they could not building a desirable vehicle or make enough money to function in the good times, what makes us think they will be able to do better in these difficult times?

  • Sheila T - 16 years ago

    No bailout - no way! This is a free market society, not a communist country. Who's going to be next in line looking for handouts? The vast majority of employees work for small and medium-sized businesses, not for large corporations like the auto manufacturers. Why should these huge, poorly managed corporations get welfare?

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    this is a free enterprize country-- U can own a business--or --not---if U go broke-no one bails U out--it's your own problem---so why should we bail out the big corps-- they have enough m0ney 2 declare bankruptsy--& start over again-- just like anyone else. No wonder they go broke-- paying workers 73 bucks an hour!!!! Thats' obscene-- when the rest of theworld is suffering- they should be happy to work --to put bread & butter on the table. they knew it was coming-- why did they keep on building these monsters--- just because a kid wants it's lollypop-- doesn't mean they should get it!!!! The public has to smarten up-- start living within their income-------- & down size everything.

  • ken - 16 years ago

    Auto workers protesting!!!

    They all drove to the protest in Toyatas and Hondas

  • ken - 16 years ago

    Auto workers protesting!!!

    They all drove to the protest in Toyatas and Hondas

  • G Kaval - 16 years ago

    What will the bailout solve? The americans aren't buying cars be it GM or Toyota.

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