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Jacob Black NEW MOON? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 16,057

  • ankara koltuk yıkama - 14 years ago

    Thanks admin nice post

  • jigolo - 14 years ago

    Thanks admin nice post

  • ankara halı yıkama - 14 years ago

    YES! REPLACE TAYLOR! He's adorable, but not that great of an actor. They need to recast all of the actors! You know what, they just need to go remake the whole movie! K, thanks. Twilight was horrible.

  • emily - 14 years ago

    Yeah i f-ing love him i mean wtf would not love jacob

  • Emily - 14 years ago

    I dont agree I mean i love JACOB BLACK!!!!!!!!! he is so hot

  • Peear - 14 years ago

    Taylor Lautner ftw.

  • Amy - 15 years ago

    NO!!! they cant replace jacob!!!!!!!! if they do that they might as well recast everyone and start all over.!!!!!!!!!!!! if he gets replaced i WILL not watch the series anymore and thoes are my favorite books on earth............

  • brittany - 15 years ago

    i think it would be a horrible decision if they do not put taylor as jacob black. the reason im posting my comment is because everybody at my college is talking about it and they agree with me to that it would be horrible. plus hes really cute but salena gomez is dating him. but i do have to agree with catherine because michaels or mithceals face is much more pale than bellas

  • brittany - 15 years ago

    i will not see new moon if Taylor is not Jacob Black. i think it would be a horrible decision if taylor is not black. The reason i'm putting this here is because i think he is really cute instead of that michael or mitheal or who ever that guy is. But i do have to agree with catherine because that michael guy does look more pale than bella

  • ariane - 15 years ago

    taylor must remain jacob. it would be so sad if he owuld be removed from the cast. i hope u consider the feelings of those who have loved twilight and taylor.

  • catherine - 15 years ago

    u cant replace taylor for that michelle person i hate when ppl do that it ruins the whole movie plus that michelle guy looks paler then bella. its so stupid he is supossed to b indian. im a huge edward fan but without taylor how will the movie go on. anyone who wants to comment on me or agrees with me email me at
    i go for any comments so plz email. DONT REPLACE JACOB.

  • jean - 15 years ago

    taylor is the perfect jacob. you can never replace him........

  • brie - 15 years ago

    If they change the characters i will be pissed off to no end they will loose so many viewers!!!!!! I know my friends and i wouldn't go and for all you whores who hate taylor f*** off b****es.

  • Megan Lautner - 15 years ago


  • kelly scott - 15 years ago

    u can not take taylor lautner out of new moon. he is my favorite if u take him out of new moon. u will lose a whole lot of people for new moon. so njoy not having many people in the thater!!!!!

  • lizybeth - 15 years ago

    plz dont take out jacob he so right for that role..

    i real am a big fan of jacob..the mine

    and new moon will so suck if they replace him...i will todally hate the the movie...if he not in it

    so plz keep him i vote for taylor to stay..=)

    -Lizybeth Black

  • alexis - 15 years ago

    OMG!!!!! u can not replace taylor hes perfect for the movie!!!!if u replace him i wont watch it!!!!! besides u cant just put him in the movie and then just take him out!!!!!

  • lisab - 15 years ago

    Chill out girls...i love taylor launter as much as you do....he is staying as jacob black in new all of our wishes have come true!!!! i love you taylor

  • GABRIELLE - 15 years ago

    i agree with Alice above me but i am Alice so agree with myself so yeah

  • ALICE - 15 years ago

    pleasa keep taylor new moon will be fucking bad so keep taylor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lina - 15 years ago

    i seriously do not agree with the change of actor for the role of Jacob Black. Sorry to say this, if the directors are really looking for an actor that suits the role for the character of Jacob Black in New Moon, then they should actually find a different cast for Edward Cullen in the first place as the description stated in Twilight book was, muscular and a little better build than what we all see in the movie. But like everyone, who love this Saga, I love Pattison as he is. If they wanted to make Jacob bigger and growing, they can absolutely copy the application from the Lord of the Rings and Green Mile where they made some of the character BIG!...

  • Twilight - 15 years ago

    in the books Jacob is YOUNGER than Bella-not older!!!!!! The other Micheal idiot looks old enuf to be Bellas dad!! The New Moon casting crew must be blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Massie - 15 years ago

    I won't watch new moon if Taylor is not casted to be Jacob Black. I have the word of over 300 girls (ages 10-17) that they won't either. Taylor Lautner is an incredible actor, and it is absurd that you should even consider replacing Taylor. I am gathering even more supporters of what I am stating as I am writing this. On behalf of Taylor supporters, I say that we will not watch new moon and spend our money on your merchandise if Taylor Lautner is not given the role of Jacob Black in new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn. I sincerely hope for your sake that you listen to our protests and cast Taylor Lautner in his rightful role.
    The Jacob Black Fan Club

  • Lilly - 15 years ago

    I hate it when they repalce actors in movies!It's not fair for the director to do that! Taylor is the best actor to ever play Jacob!!The New Moon movie would be f#$%ed up if replace Taylor!It isn't fair for anyone!

  • britney - 15 years ago

    u can NOT take him out cuz then the movie will be messed up n then im not gonna watch it n the movie will lost a LOT of ppl
    so just dont take him out

  • Ganalu - 15 years ago


  • VOTE4TAYLOR - 15 years ago


  • moopsie - 15 years ago

    hope they would have a good one here!!! we cant replace taylor but the directors can!!! go steve!!!! whaha

    -peace- ^,^

  • Stephanie - 15 years ago

    lets just put it this way. the box office is not going to make any money for New Moon. and you know why? because if Taylor isn't in New Moon nobody is going to go see it. therefore, they will make no money. for instince, take a look at the votes, i honestly don't think anyone is going to go see it. well, of course, with out taylor they are not going to see it. so what if taylor is not big enough to play the role? it's called, the producers have all these neat camera tricks they can use to make Taylor look bigger.they can just use that, and now just imagine how many more fans would go to see New Moon? think about that.

  • Deeners - 15 years ago

    Umm Taylor NEEDS to be jacob otherwise Ill have to assinate micheal dun dun dun...... ;)

  • tatiana - 15 years ago

    i think it wound be the worst movie without taylor i mean come on you can even think about doing it without him micheal maybe his tall but he can not play a 16teen year old werewolf!!!

  • cyrelle - 15 years ago

    you cant replace taylor!! he will always be jacob! my jacob! our jacob! Gadddd.. i Like him more than edward. repLacing him would be so mean..

  • holly - 15 years ago

    i would never watch new moon if taylor wasnt in it! its soo stupid when the directors change the peole. and the other dude that is not muscle its fat!! and taylor is like soo hot and the other guy is disgusting why would bella hang out with him??! taylor for jacob!

  • lynsy - 15 years ago

    o wow i thought michael was pretty hot in the scorpion king 2, but really he seems way too old for New Moon. besides, Jacob's suppose to be younger lookin n/e ways!!

  • vampwitch - 15 years ago

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael Copon?!!!!?JACOB BLACK??!!!!???Total EEEWWWNNEEESSSSS!!!! It's a scandal!!!!!! y wud any1 even think about that? GROSSSSSSS!!!!! Taylor s way more gorgeous than HIM!!!! FANPIRES!!!! sharpen up your fangs for this!!!!!

  • nenz - 15 years ago

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael Copon?!!!!?JACOB BLACK??!!!!???Total EEEWWWNNEEESSSSS!!!! It's a scandal!!!!!! y wud any1 even think about that? GROSSSSSSS!!!!! Taylor s way more gorgeous than HIM!!!! FANPIRES!!!! sharpen up your fangs for this!!!!!

  • aRa - 15 years ago

    TAYLOR!!!!!! please keep him!! i got all excited when i read new moon and saw taylor had a lot of roles. sweetness! and now y'all replace him? dang!!

  • Minne - 15 years ago

    omg Taylor has to be jacob he is perfect for the role

  • jessie - 15 years ago

    Yeah, I know that Jacob black must be extremely big or something just like what the second book stated.. but I really wanna see new moon with taylor in it.. arrrggh.. can't they just do something bout it without casting out taylor??? coz, I love him!

  • Ruthie - 15 years ago

    I HATE THAT MICHEAL GUY!!!!! why would they take the hottest guy out of the twilight series, its retarded! nobody is going to go see new moon if taylor isnt in it!!! i hate whoevers idea this was and go to hell!! the movie is going to be crap without taylor as jacob black!! TEAM TAYLOR!!

  • Tonisha - 15 years ago

    PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE DONT TAKE TAYLOR OUT OF NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NOT GO AND SEE IT IF U TAKE HIM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ps its going to suck without him, he is exactly what i pictured him to look like!!!)

  • yomomma - 15 years ago

    how would that transition look in new moon??
    that michael fool looks sooooooooooooooooooo old, like flippin 40. :|

    and every twilight character is described as hot...

    twilight movie wasn't that good., or as descriptive as the book.
    so you take out taylor.
    twilight series will now suck :/
    and no one will watch it

  • kenzie preto - 15 years ago

    oh taylor i want to suck your dick

  • lauren farrish - 15 years ago

    fuck u all .
    taylor llautner is a sexy beast and should play jacob black .if i dont get to see him with his shirt off i am going to have to kill somone
    i love u taylor i want to make babbies with u !!!

  • jb4life - 15 years ago

    OMG why would they even choose taylor if they were not going to put him in the next movie?? The whole world has already fallen in love with him. He plays the character prefectly and there is absolutly no reson to change it when it is perfect! I know that if they change the character it will loose a lot of fans including me and my friends! KEEP TAYLOR LAUTNER

  • Ashley Morgan - 15 years ago

    omg u cant have one actor play jacob in one movie and then in the next have a new person playing jacob taylor has to say !!!! i am 99.9 % sure if taylor is not in the movie your ratings for new moon will go down !!!

  • Sindy - 15 years ago

    I will not watch New Moon if they replace Taylor!!! I loved every minute he came on screen!!! I'm glad that he has already gained 19 lbs of muscle and stated that he is gaining even more. I'm happy he is working so hard to keep the role because he deserves it! They better not replace him!!!!

  • Jill - 15 years ago

    Taylor is the only Jacob Black. Michael Copon! You have got to be kidding me. He's a fricking power ranger.

  • Kristin - 15 years ago

    Taylor Lautner is the perfect Jacob Black!! you can't replace him!! He's the reason i'm looking forward to see New Moon..won't go see New Moon if Taylor isn't Jacob!!!!!

  • alli - 15 years ago

    WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? they def cant replace him with that fag!!!!! taylor is wayy hotter and a way better jacob than that stupid asshole could ever DREAM of being!!! if they replace him no one is gonna watch the movie and that stupid ass director is going to get his fucking ass beat!!!!!!! not to be rude or sorry if i offend anyone but they just can't do that!!! it would ruin everything. the whole series of movies would be fucked up because we would have to adjust to a new actor and it wouldnt be the same!!! if they replacehim it will ruin taylor's career...he was in a few movies but then he dissappeared for a while. TWILIGHT WAS HIS BIG COMEBACK!!!!!! they can't just take all that away fron him!!!! michael copon if you read this...fuck you!! you will never take the part of jacob black away from taylor! he is way hotter and better than you will ever be and everyone hates you...i hearts you taylor!!!!!!!!! taylor= jacob black forever!!!!!

  • taylor lover - 15 years ago

    and i definitely agree i will NOT be seeing the second movie without taylor even though i love twilight.
    that would ruin it for me and alot of others.

  • ALana - 15 years ago

    KEEP TAYLOR!!! He is better actor than Michael and will do the best Jacob.

  • taylor lover - 15 years ago

    You cannot replace taylor lautner.
    hes cute and perfect for jacob and after doing the first movie and everyone either loves him or is glad he was jacob you cant just switch it to some fucking retard who is really ugly
    it has to be taylor i will officially think that the twilight movie failed if taylor isnt in it.

  • Lizzy Frost - 15 years ago

    That is so ridiculous they CAN NOT replace taylor. I love him so much. My friends and i will refuse to see New Moon if he isn't in it. I can't even believe this insanity

  • Sara - 15 years ago

    they CAN'T replace Taylor Lautner.
    He is sooo beautiful and the most important: HE IS THE PERFECT JACOB BLACK.
    I can't imagine Michael Copon taking the role of Jacob in Twilight.
    they can't do this to all the twilight movie's fans...
    and specially because Jacob is the main character in New Moon.
    Seriously: you will lose many fans! (including me)

  • Jamie - 15 years ago



  • lacey - 15 years ago

    ohh & i agree with beecky, casey, maria, zoee, taylor & lisaaaaa!

  • lacey - 15 years ago

    HOLY F*CK. they can't replace taytayy.
    i luff him. michael is mean & stupid. why do they have to freaking get a new guy just cause taylor is younger? is this michael REALLY that much taller than tayy?!


  • bec - 15 years ago

    DO NOT replace him... i love jacob because of taylor.. they will loose sooooooooooooooooo many veiwers if they do it .. DONTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mariapattinson - 15 years ago

    NOOO you cant replace taylor..i love him and if you replace him whit michael copon i will not see the movie .btw- I HATE michael copon hes just so ugh :S
    *taylor lautner*

  • lisaaaaa. - 15 years ago

    THANK YOU ANNA and everyone else because i will NOT be seeing new moon if taylor isn't jacob. he's perfect.

  • annnnnna. - 15 years ago



  • Zoee - 15 years ago

    agree. i refuse to see new moon if taylors not in it.

  • Brynn - 15 years ago

    yall should not replace taylor u guys can just put make up on him or something like that to make hiom look older!! please do not change him he is my favorite!!! i♥ taylor lautner!!!

  • maria - 15 years ago

    i agree. i refuse to see new moon if taylors not in it.

  • casey - 15 years ago

    omg he cant do it taylor has to be jacob you cant put him in the movie and then take him out. most of the fans dont want taylor to go hes part of the family/cast. taylor is our jacob and if he isnt in it i wont be watchin new moon and i sure there will be alot of angrey fans. why cant the directors see it or whoever is workin on summit. SOMEONE HAS TO REALIZE THAT MOST OF THE TWILIGHTERS AND BASICALLY ALL OF THEM WILL NOT BE HAPPY AND IT WOULD JUST REUIN THE WHOLE TWILIGHT SAGA OF FILMS!!!

  • Tabitha - 15 years ago

    you cant recast anyone they took over our hearts already DO THAT AND YOU LOST ME AND MY FRIENDS AND OTHERS I LOVE TAYLOR

  • Briel - 15 years ago

    YES! REPLACE TAYLOR! He's adorable, but not that great of an actor. They need to recast all of the actors! You know what, they just need to go remake the whole movie! K, thanks. Twilight was horrible.

  • Beecky - 15 years ago

    I seriously won't watch New Moon if Taylor isn't in it. I hate when directors do that. You can't without fucking up the movie. :|

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