By how much have trimmed your Christmas shopping budget this year?


  • jt - 16 years ago

    Enjoying the unbelievable sales to be had. Plan to keep spending post holidays. Seen three recessions before. Nothing new, just don't spend all your dough in between. People still eat, heat their homes, still travel, buy stuff for their kids, go to work if they still have jobs. Last thing we need is the "Mommy State" nitter-nattering about tough times - it's self fulfilling if you listen to them. Think "common sense" and you'll get by. Plan to pick up some real bargains in the stock market in january.

  • k w - 16 years ago

    will be spending the same which is nothing

  • Ron Blank - 16 years ago

    I find it amazing that fellow retirees are considering decreasing their spending because of this potential recession. Damit! We have a steady income, with no sign of layoff; spend, spend, spend. Our actions will help the situation. So, get on with it, fellow retirees!

  • DavidL - 16 years ago

    I think all the doom and gloom being espoused by the Liberals and the "loyal" (Ha!) opposition is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sure, my investments have gone down, but that's not the first time. Markets bear and bull and I have no control; I have not lost a cent as long as I don't sell them. They'll be back up later.

    Meanwhile, I am enjoying the terrific sales (stock market sales too!).

    If this really WAS serious, don't you think the opposition would have gotten together with the elected government and worked out a SERIOUS solution instead of just playing a stupid high-schoolyard bullying game? No, they just saw it as a chance to either unethically take power or get an extended holiday.

    How we manage to keep electing these self-serving ego maniacs I will never understand.

    Hey, everybody, enjoy the sales and enjoy the Christmas Season and thank the powers that be that we live in a Canada that is far ahead of any other country when it comes to this recession.

    It will pass.

  • David Bakody - 16 years ago

    From what I have heard and seen, people are buying things that they will need rather than things they want..... also many feel this may be the last good Christmas shopping for a few years. Also look out after Christmas no more spending or travel plans.... time to save for pending doom that more and more people know is coming and are angry at Harper and Flaherty for not telling the truth and called that darn Fixed Election Date Election and then went on an extended Christmas Vacation.

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