Are you sad to see John Horgan leave public office?


  • CF86 - 1 year ago

    He was just as useless as the rest of them but still better than Eby auditing a ministry that up until recently he was in charge of and trying to pass the blame for his failure to do his job in the first place and then he gets a promotion, what a joke...

  • Hmmm - 1 year ago

    Meh ,,, a politician...... would have been an extraordinary one if he actually stopped site c as promised but a politician doing what’s right would have been out of the ordinary

  • AJ - 1 year ago

    He was good at what he did. He was one of us, a true Victorian. He will be missed, Enjoy your retirement!!

  • Ron - 1 year ago

    Seems like a nice guy , I have some issues with his politics, the museum fiasco , for one , but wish him well and a healthy future

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