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Grade 'The Great's Season 3 finale:


  • JESR - 2 years ago

    I was saddened that Peter was killed off. I enjoyed his hilarious banter and actions. He was a loving father so who will be left to teach and give him love? He certainly didn’t get love or attention from his mother. Catherine is a failure as a leader and a failure as a mother and wife and even a failure to her great love Leo! At least Peter was a likable character; where Catherine is not. She is spoiled and emotional and vengeful and hateful. Not a likablee person. She even holds contempt’s for the idea that her own child could inherit her position showing her hunger for power. She shows little or no care for men in general.

  • Pharv - 2 years ago

    Hated that they killed Peter. He was so absurd which was hilarious.Very disappointing that he didn’t come back.No interest in watching another season.

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