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What behavior of fellow conference education session attendees do you find most annoying? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 267

  • Emmelle - 1 year ago

    Wish this were a multi-select poll as a couple options are more irritating than others for me. Pontificating is selfish and prevents persons from asking great questions as time runs out. Moderators need to be better at reining in the pontificators.
    Another annoying behavior: Profuse typing note-takers who pound hard on their keyboards.

  • JT - 1 year ago

    All those behaviors can be annoying, but one you didn't mention was when the presenter states at the beginning of the session "We're going to wait a few more minutes so others can join us". To me that shows great disrespect for those who show up on time and essentially gives the latecomers permission to continue their tardy behavior.

  • Furydelabongo - 1 year ago

    I put most of these in the distracting category. Pontificating is insulting to everyone in attendance. Maybe the conference sponsors could allow us to act like the British Parliament and shout these pompous attendees down. .

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